Supreme God King

Chapter 1711: I'll show you the reverse!

A few words, very calm!

But falling into the ears of all the strong in the field, it is comparable to thunder!

Because at this moment, Meng Fan wouldn't say anything in words, just between raising his hands, the aura was filled, and a frightening palm swept across the sky.

The warrior is speechless!

These four words have always been engraved in Meng Fan's heart. He can only do what he wants!

Even if it was facing the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters, there was only a trace of determination in Meng Fan's eyes. At the same time, he spoke with the law and the blood exploded, making his whole person reach the highest point and fall in the big hand At the moment, the Taibai in it was completely enveloped.

"Hmph, a joke, I'm going to take a look today, whatever you use to break the **** king is an irreversible, immortal body!"

Regarding this, Taibai sneered and dropped his foot. The endless black death air enveloped the surroundings. At the same time, the palms protruded and turned into the most vicious blow. The horrible handprints were directly comparable to the mountain peaks and collided with Meng Fan’s mark. !


Suddenly, two mountain-like handprints blasted together, causing a huge sonic boom to sound between the whole world, shaking the surroundings and tearing everything apart.

As far as countless people's eyes can be seen, under the power of Meng Fan and Taibai, the whole world is shaken, even if there are countless strong people on the side, they are trembling. Including many ancient beings, they all retreated one after another, unable to participate in the two of them at all, nothing at all.

Because these two people are too terrifying, their own combat power is beyond ordinary, extraordinary.

"Some watched, they both have crossed the border each!"

"Yes, Taibai controls the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters and makes them great, immortal, immortal, and lawless. In the past, Meng Fan had beaten the half-step **** king in the world, and his martial arts are definitely not trivial. Such a collision must be absolutely high. Next, I don’t know who it is!"

Countless people were amazed and talked about.

The more sharp-eyed people, the more they understand the key to the battle in the field, not only the soul battle between the two sides, but also the rare confrontation between the two powers in ancient times.

Even in the forbidden area in these hundreds of thousands of years, only a few people like Taibai can perceive the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters and integrate them into themselves. It can be said that today Taibai already possesses a god. The king is an unkillable body, if it is normal, he will be invincible, even if he is only half a step in the realm of the king, he can shake the king.

It’s a pity that in the 10,000-year period, the enchantment Meng Fan was born. The latter swept the world and rose all the way. It is very reasonable to judge. This kind of collision can be said to be rare in the entire river of vitality. The duel, the duel between two people who are not the **** king but has the power of the **** king, can be imagined, how shocking the world is!

Suddenly, including the **** monkeys, a large group of masters in the restricted area such as Taichu retreated back and gave up the empty space in the field. Now unless there is an extra **** king, no one can shake the gap between Meng Fan and Taibai. Fight.

The void burst, and the handprints blast!

Under this kind of pressure, Meng Fan didn't move, his blood exploded, but he was facing tremendous pressure.

It has to be said that this Taibai is indeed his strongest enemy since his enlightenment. The latter controls the aura of black death with an indestructible body, which is by no means ordinary power.

Between these handprints, Meng Fan felt that his body was about to tear. After a short while, his upper body shirt burst to pieces, revealing his sturdy body.

Over the years, his body has long been invincible, and he has been refined.


At the next moment, Meng Fan roared. Even though he was facing infinite power, no one in the world didn't know for many years. The man called Shura was best at defeating the strong with the weak and fighting back in despair!

With a roar, almost overturned the earth, Meng Fan stood between the sky, like a great **** and demon who was about to tear everything apart, oppressing all living beings, the more confrontation, the more cruel, but the more violent.

After a short while, between the ray of his body and everyone’s eyes, the angular muscles above Meng Fan’s body continued to bulge, and the diffused light seemed to form a rune, dazzling and dazzling, and the three words were also Spit out from Meng Fan's mouth,

"Emperor Immortal Change!"

The verbal method is a kind of supreme method that was immediately implemented on Meng Fan. It came from the Bai family of the emperor and was just a shocking means to dominate the world.

The techniques of the former supreme ancestor of the Bai family are now fully displayed in the hands of Meng Fan. Between this kind of change, it was originally a breath that had reached its peak. . . . Climb again!

Just for a moment, Meng Fan grabbed his hand with his five fingers together, and a power that distorts the universe surging crazily in his palm, which turned out to have a posture of complete control over the mark of Taibai.

Between this kind of five-finger closing, endless power passed and penetrated the past, even if Taibai had an immortal golden body, but after this moment, it was also suppressed by Meng Fan!


Between heaven and earth, there was a tremor.

The bodies of countless people are somewhat petrified, especially those in many restricted areas.

The thirteen hall masters are undoubtedly gods in their eyes, and the martial arts who control the thirteen hall masters and their biological sons are no longer any different. Now that Taibai comes out, it is enough to overwhelm everything.

But between this kind of confrontation, Meng Fan turned from the previous stalemate to gaining an advantage, and began to reverse this confrontation a little bit, which naturally shocked countless ancient existences in the Forbidden Zone.

Many of them were as old as Meng Fan in grades, but at this moment, they felt an unprecedented horror, coming from this seemingly ordinary, scholarly young man in front of them!

"He is about to launch an attack, life and death are at this moment!"

In the distance, Bro Jun said coldly, staring at the court.

The mood of their group of forbidden zone powerhouses can't help but be a little shaken, because in the past it was just an ant, but now the confrontation with Taibai makes them even have no interference.

"Hmph, the boss has been completely transformed, even if Meng Fan can have the upper hand, but he can't break the indestructible golden body, it is of no use!"

Qisha sneered and said with a confident look.

Between heaven and earth, ignoring the shocking meaning of other people, in Meng Fan's eyes, only Taibai was in front of him. The moment his palm fell, it was already completely suppressed by Taibai's palm print.

Moreover, Meng Fan's offensive did not stop. One hand controlled Taibai, confining the space, and the other hand suddenly fell, like a tide, slapped around Taibai's body.

"Inverse God Seal!"

It was just three words, but it contained the martial arts fusion of Meng Fan's life. I don't know how many gods and gods have been established on the basis of this mark.


After a while, all of Taibai’s defenses were completely pierced. That kind of force was torn apart, even the layers of black death surrounding Taibai’s body were crushed by Meng Fan. .

Under everyone's gaze, Taibai's body flew out directly, unable to resist Meng Fan's violent force.

However, under this kind of power to destroy everything, even though Taibai's body was torn momentarily, a mocking smile appeared on his face, allowing this kind of power to penetrate himself, and said sternly,

"Immortality, lawlessness, Meng Fan, you will never kill me, then I will always be like a ghost haunting you, how long can you maintain this state? Jie Jie..."

The sound fell, making everyone in this world feel the whole body cold, because like the previous scene, even though the too white body was bombarded by Meng Fan’s power, Zhou Tian’s discoloration changed. The shattered body unexpectedly began to recover, regrouping together.

Such a scene is not unbelievable. Looking at the world, only the Supreme Profound Truth of the 13th Palace Lord in the restricted area can reach this, so that the already collapsed Taibai can recover again, and after a few breaths, it will be exactly the same as before. It means that all Meng Fan's methods are useless.

Suddenly, a look of despair appeared on the faces of countless powerhouses among the ten thousand domains, but before everyone could react, Meng Fan stepped out and said two words.


The light fell, and the sky covered it. Only a moment later, you could see Taibai's body covered by a huge cauldron.

While Meng Fan's mind moved, the 10,000 mother and son Qi Cauldron at this moment did not launch a powerful attack, but the aura overflowed, spreading to the world, and it turned out to form a refining heaven and earth array in this void. Everything in Taibai was completely imprisoned, while standing in the air, Meng Fan was running martial arts. At this moment, his whole person was transformed into a black hole-like power and swallowed the past.

Only for a moment, it made Taibai feel the horror, because the power that was about to be restored in the body turned out to not obey his call, but went in the direction of Meng Fan. After a few breaths, It can be seen that Meng Fan, who is in this void, absorbs everything and integrates all living beings. It turns out that the living beings extracted a small part of Taibai's power, turning the martial arts in his body into himself!

"The one who destroys the **** king... destroys martial arts, but it is different!"

Seeing such a scene, Qin Mieren exclaimed, and could not help thinking of the Destruction King in his mind. Only he was able to swallow everything, even the opponent's martial arts. However, in the past, the Destruction King was Unable to devour the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters, there is more than enough energy but not enough.

But at this moment in the hands of Meng Fan, his rebellious martial arts... actually swallowed Taibai's martial arts directly, which means that the immortal body of the thirteen hall masters... Meng Fan can also be broken! !

It’s just one chapter today. It’s a bit urgent, and I will replenish it tomorrow.

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