Supreme God King

Chapter 1712: Breaking!

The same can be broken!

The scene before him was shocking and horrifying. Even if there were so many old monster powerhouses gathered in the field, one by one was petrified on the spot, looking at the scene in shock.

This is by no means unusual, and it is not just as simple as the meaning of a big battle. It represents too much, even if it is a god-king powerhouse, it will be shocked.

Obviously, under Meng Fan's handprint, Taibai's body was smashed with one blow, and it was also when the opponent was seriously injured, drawing the opponent's little strength.

Although this method does not seem to be very effective, it means that Meng Fan's is indeed qualified to kill Taibai and crack the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters.


Above the sky, Taibai roared, his complexion became extremely ferocious, and his teeth almost broke.

This scene hit him the most, and I don't know how many years it took for this immortal body to become too white. I don't know how many years of Nirvana rebirth, just to reach this moment. However, the cultivation technique originally believed in the invincibility of the world turned out to be broken by a junior of Meng Fan. One can imagine how big the gap is between them.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sentence!

The same is true for many people in the restricted area. Breaking the army, seven killings, greedy wolves, etc. are already unspeakable, unable to describe the expression at this moment.

"Nothing is impossible. The predecessors are just human beings, and the thirteen hall masters are just beings born in ten thousand realms. Perhaps they control the supreme prophecy between the heavens, but my generation of cultivators has always gone against the sky. It is to penetrate all the obstacles in front of oneself. The sky cannot be restrained, the earth cannot be trapped, even if it is the supreme being, if you surrender and do not exceed his confidence, then you have to practice what to do!"

Above the sky, Meng Fan was alone in the sky, slowly saying, every word falling, for all the monks, it was like a thunder sound, which blew in his mind.

The sky cannot be restrained, and the earth cannot be trapped!

This is the spirit of Meng Fan's life. Standing between the world, there is no fear, no respect, even in the face of anyone, any legend, you are confident that you can come and go a little bit through your own hands. To realize the dream, this is Meng Fan.

In his eyes in the past, Tianhan Mountain was extremely terrifying, in his eyes in the past, the restricted area was extremely terrifying, and in his eyes in the past, Shenyuan was unparalleled terrifying!

But now, under Meng Fan’s little effort, everything is broken. It is precisely because of this belief that Meng Fan’s heart is the same, so facing the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters, the same is the same. Not afraid, and confident that you can break open!

Countless people were silent, including too many strong old monsters, unable to say a word.

In the long training time, too many people are discouraged because of failure, too many people shrink from fear, and too many people feel humble because of the other side's myth.

Everyone has an idea, even in the beginning, the existence of God Monkey and others is no exception. For a long time, they may have awe of a certain kind of person and lose their own confidence.

However, only Meng Fan can do it. He has the same heart, no matter how strong the other party is, his beliefs remain the same, he is persistent, and walks through the sky.

"Vital energy monk, the road against the sky, the sky can't stop me, let alone people in the world, kill!"

After a while, Meng Fan spoke again, punched out, and continued to fight.


At the same time, at the moment when his voice fell, it also made all the people of Ten Thousand Regions who had been lost and confused before, all of them flashed in their eyes and roared up to the sky.

A moment later, under the leadership of Meng Fan, it can be said that all the people of the Ten Thousand Domains burst out of the landslide. While this sound swept the mountains and rivers, all the Ten Thousand Domain cultivators also moved forward with the voice, and their methods emerged. Going forward, let alone the overwhelming vitality, the current eruption momentum alone is to make anyone tremble.


There is nothing wrong with it, it means truly invincible. I have to say that at the moment when the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters appeared, the countless people who fought this battle were desperate and fearful.

However, under Meng Fan’s words and actions, this thought completely disappeared from the mind of every cultivator. All the negative emotions of the previous kind disappeared without a trace, leaving only The fighting spirit is even more terrifying than before, and it has skyrocketed many times.

One person infected hundreds of millions of monks!

Now Meng Fan’s role in the entire field is more important than killing everyone like Taibai, because of its own spiritual coverage, so that all ten thousand domain monks at this moment, even if they are in this restricted area, are Comparable to tigers and wolves, violently murderous, fearless.

Now even if the thirteen hall masters came personally and the supreme power came out, they couldn't crush the war intent raised up by the billions of cultivators.

Death is not terrible, what else can stop this group of people!

Countless monks moved, unfolding the most powerful killer move in their life, even if it is under the hands of people who hate in the restricted area, there is a sense of no regret in their eyes.

For them, Meng Fan's blood completely awakened the blood in the bones of this group of people, willingly doing this and other things, only for the kind of attachment that belongs to him!


In the midair, on the battlefield where hundreds of millions of people were fighting together, Meng Fan took the lead and fought against Taibai again.

Meng Fan’s martial art is the means of dissolving the thirteen hall masters, but for Meng Fan, this is not enough, because his martial art has not reached its true peak. If it is to become the king of gods, then Meng Fan only needs to think about it. , Is to make Taibai become fly ash.

But now if you want to deal with Taibai, you can only severely inflict it, tear it apart, and then use martial arts to extract a little bit of its shattered body power.

Swallow everything, including the common people!

This in itself is Meng Fan's martial arts, otherwise, it would not be possible to integrate the methods of so many powerful gods without any problems.

In its practice, it is like the setting sun, destroying the essence of martial arts of the gods, the Bai family, the war emperor, Ruo Shuiyi, and so on. The methods of so many powerful people merge into one person. The only way to do this in ancient and modern times is There is Meng Fan.

At this moment, Meng Fan was going to tear Taibai and completely...kill it on the sky.

With a punch, Meng Fan was unstoppable, fighting with Taibai, suddenly causing a big sonic boom in the void. The bodies of the two collided again, like two **** soldiers born out of the sky, causing the sky to tremble, but now in Taibai's look, there is no such belief in killing, but a little panic.

Never thought that this kind of thing that Meng Fan could do could turn decay into magic!

"So what? I am going to kill you today and annihilate you. Even if you have all kinds of methods, it will be useless in the future!"

When he collided with Meng Fan's power, Taibai's eyes became blood red, and he was already mad, a loud roar stunned the void, and his handprints fluttered.

Suddenly, the black death aura surrounding Taibai became more and more intense, causing his whole person to expand continuously. On the contrary, the immortal body also changed along with it.

Obviously at this kind of moment, Taibai is operating an extremely ancient forbidden area secret method. He wants to crush Meng Fan. It seems that the shadow of the thirteen hall masters surges from his body, and his combat power is increasing. A moment later Taibai Yiyin blasted out, and the phantom surrounded by the black death air also fell from the sky, crushing Meng Fan.

"Indestructible Immortal Seal!"

The fall of a few words is a kind of the highest forbidden zone method, owned by the former thirteen hall masters, reappearing in the world.

It was just a move, and the earth broke and the sky collapsed. This was really the method of the thirteen hall masters. Although the thirteen of them did not personally move, but Taibai inherited his mantle, and the effect of the unfolding also had its powerful charm.

At the moment of emergence, it seems that all beings are so small and unbearable under this seal!

The real supreme means is crushed!

Meng Fan's whole body was shocked, and instinctively produced countless hallucinations, coming from this kind of ghost and **** means, heaven and earth supreme, vitality of the ultimate divine change.

But just a moment later, Meng Fan bit his tongue, depressing all his thoughts, only his eyes were clear.

The martial arts merged, and the soul broke out. At this moment, Meng Fan was alone in the sky, still not retreating, with a long roar, and at the same time, a handprint from the mountains to the sea struck.

"Only I am undefeated, against God's way!"

A few words fell, the sky collapsed, and the secret method worked.

It can be seen that Meng Fan and Taibai’s methods for pressing the bottom of the box are all taken out, their combat strength is reaching the peak, the aura of the two swept everything, and they suddenly fought in the center of the battlefield, and their most powerful methods collided. .


After a short while, the air wave swept across the world, a huge mushroom cloud emerged, and the sound of the sonic boom made the internal organs almost collapsed!

Among them, the two created a powerful force to destroy the mountains and rivers. I don't know how many people are still swept away, but now in this kind of fierce battle, it is already unpredictable, and both of them have already gone crazy.

After a while, fragments overflowed, and you could see the bodies of the two people flying out between the void, each being injured by the other's martial arts, unable to restrain, dripping blood, and constantly retreating!

"kill him!"

Seeing this scene, the seven kills, the greedy wolf, and the broken army are all roaring, fast forward, targeting Meng Fan.

However, in the eyes of this group of people in the restricted zone, what they have in the eyes is not the meaning of killing, but a kind of fear.

There is nothing wrong, it is true fear!

Because Meng Fan can break the martial art of the thirteen hall masters, which means that he can break the martial art of any person in the restricted area. The latter is simply a forbidden area to kill gods and a nightmare for all people in the restricted area.

However, in an instant, a large group of people in the restricted area rose up and sieged Meng Fan frantically, penetrating away at all costs, trying to take advantage of the chaos to kill Meng Fan.

However, before this group of people arrived in front of Meng Fan, the Empress, God Monkey, Burning Heaven Order, Amethyst, Taichu and others had already been killed, and the aura exploded, one by one, like a mountain, blocking Meng Fan from behind. .

The monkey is looking up to the sky and roaring, the golden body stands between the sky and the earth, with the sun and the moon in its eyes, and the sound shakes the mountains and rivers

"You are bullying Meng Fan... don't you have any brothers!"

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