Supreme God King

Chapter 1720: Mingwangdian

Mingwang Palace!

Meng Fan's heart moved, he first rushed through the Huangquan River and passed the Naihe Bridge, but he didn't expect to arrive at the Mingwang Palace at last.

Thinking that the Naihe Bridge was the tool for enlightenment of King Fudo Ming, now Meng Fan's heart is shocked. Could it be here? . . . . . Fudo King's bedroom!

Facing the peerless existence who could compete with the thirteen hall masters alone in the past, even Meng Fan had to be in awe.

And it seems that the latter should be not far from him, in this palace!

Breathing out a deep breath, Meng Fan no longer hesitated, pushed open the door of the Ming Palace with his palm, and stepped into the hall.


A dusty aura hits, dust is everywhere, even if the entire hall is absolutely sealed, but because no one has been here for a long time, it is full of traces of time. Stepping on the blue brick with the soles of his feet, Meng Fan looked at it, and finally his expression moved and landed on the wall of the main hall in the distance.

There is a forward comrade here, and between these two sides are portrayed a series of runes. Although the years have passed, the runes on this are extremely clear.

"I was born in the Middle Ages. My father was a woodcutter. I lost my mother since I was a child. I followed my father to fish together until one day I came across a monster core on the coast..."

Rows of text, transformed into rows of messages, moved Meng Fan’s heart. He was also quite curious about this peerless ruthless man who was able to fight the thirteen hall masters in the past. The more he walked forward, he moved on. Looked up.

However, as Meng Fan continued to step forward, the expression on his face became solemn.

The runes portrayed on both sides of this palace were only the youth experience of King Fudo Ming, but the more backward, the more complicated it is, including Fudo Ming Wang’s perception of Yuanqi Gong method in each period and his understanding of his own changes. .

The longer time went, the more Meng Fan was plunged into contemplation. Instead of the fierceness of walking forward quickly, sometimes he needed to stop for a while and understand carefully.

Because that kind of understanding of the change of vitality, King Fudo is extremely sharp, many things are beyond Meng Fan’s imagination, including many of the techniques of Fudo King’s former opponents, which are all recorded here. It was an eye-opener to Meng Fan.

Even if he saw this kind of rune today, he was touched a lot.

Step by step, Meng Fan's footsteps became slower and slower, and in the end he went straight down in front of a stone monument.

Because it depicts a secret method practiced by King Fudo Ming, which exceeds Meng Fan's imagination, it can't be understood completely by relying on flash memory alone, and only oneself can seriously understand it.

This comprehension is enough time for a stick of incense!

Meng Fan opened his eyes, his eyes seemed real and imaginary, and he walked towards the next stone tablet again, sat down again, looked at the rune on it, and realized it quietly, that is, the time for two sticks of incense has passed.

So forward and so comprehension, Meng Fan kept going backward, quietly doing it on each stone tablet, comprehending the traces of runes on it, and fusing himself.

At this moment, you can see an amazing change faintly appearing in Meng Fan's body, the skin is shining, there is a faint fusion of strange runes, and his own martial arts is a little bit perfect.

The further you go back, the longer the comprehension time is, but it makes Meng Fan's own improvement even greater, even at this moment he has a feeling of ecstasy.

For him now, it is too difficult for him to improve himself.

But this side of the stone stele in the Mingwang Palace is simply the fusion of Fudo Mingwang's lifelong exercises, without anyone teaching it, he is now able to understand too many things in his martial arts!

Such an opportunity is simply heavenly!

Every time he sits down, it means that Meng Fan has improved his martial arts, but it is definitely beyond his imagination. Before, he had never thought that this thing would be portrayed in the Mingwang Palace.

With this kind of opportunity, Meng Fan didn’t take advantage of it, so he felt a little sorry for himself, so on this journey, Meng Fan even forgot everything, that is, the spiritual power was gathered here. On the stone monument, all the way to comprehend.

Just a few seconds away is... a hundred years in a hurry!

Sitting on this last stone monument, Meng Fan has been here for 20 years, covered with dust, his eyes closed, and finally...slowly opened.

Spit out in one breath, Meng Fan dusted his body and exclaimed.

"As expected to be King Fudo Ming, he is really powerful. His martial arts is actually based on defense, but he has reached this point of battle. I am afraid that with my current cultivation base, a full blow will not be able to hurt him. This world **** king, really can't look down upon it!"

Along the way, Meng Fan continued to integrate the martial arts of King Fudo Ming until he walked to the last stone monument and saw the last stone monument written by King Fudo Ming. This was his momentary understanding in the Divine King Realm. Meng Fan's whole person was lost here, making some insights.

After a while, Lord Bird's voice even came out,

"Damn, my little ancestor, you have finally woken up...Do you know how long you have been immersed in? You dare to face this last stone tablet, and you have to comprehend it. Once you are immersed in it, If you can’t comprehend and understand, you just have to be lost in it forever!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's expression moved, and he understood that this should be a checkpoint left by King Fudo Ming.

There is no previous attack like Huangquan and Naiheqiao, but this method is even more terrifying, because any vitality monk cannot give up his understanding of his martial arts, but it takes infinite energy to understand it. , And also need great comprehension.

If it weren’t for Meng Fan’s own practice of his own rebellious martial art, which contains too much, I’m afraid that the time for him to comprehend here is not a hundred years, but will be ten thousand years or even one hundred thousand years, and he will die here. It's possible to get out.

Invisibly spent a murderous opportunity!

Meng Fan could not help but shook his head, but even if he was given another chance, he would still choose to comprehend here. The attraction to him was too great, and Wu Chi would always be like this.

After tidying up himself, Meng Fan immediately stepped out and walked forward.

It took a full hundred years before Meng Fan walked through this long corridor which was only a few hundred meters, and finally came to a hall.

This hall is the core of the entire Mingwang Palace. It is extremely huge. After Meng Fan took the first step here, his body was shocked, and he felt a boundless pressure attack. Let him take a closer look. It was discovered that a figure was sitting in the most central part of the hall.

He was an old man, his whole person was still, he was dressed in a blue shirt, his hair was gray, and his face gave people an extremely fierce feeling. With just one glance, Meng Fan's mind was trembling, even without speaking. Understand, this old man should be...the ancient Fudo King!

With a squeeze of both fists, Meng Fan moved forward and stretched out his hand to bow, extremely sincere!

Now he is not only because of the fame of King Fudo, but also because of seeing the series of stone tablets before, and he admires Fudo King very much.

The latter was born in Kusano, but he fought all the way and faced adversity. Even if he faced countless powerful enemies higher than himself in the past, he never retreated. In the ancient times, he was the strongest thirteen halls. Lord, at that time, although the thirteen hall masters had a lot of enemies, they didn't have any restrictions. They could make strong shots, but they still couldn't help the King Ming.

Based on the immovable kingly way, it forms the strongest defense, even the law of the restricted area is impossible to break. It is one of the strongest people in ancient times, and it is completely qualified to withstand Meng Fan's worship.

What's more, Meng Fan has made a lot of profits here before, so this moment can be described as extremely sincere.

However, while Meng Fan was saluting, the Fudo Ming King in front of him did not make any movements. He just sat quietly on the spot, his clothes never lifted a point, his eyes still closed tightly.

Raising his head, Meng Fan's gaze saw that there was an ancient stone monument beside him, and Meng Fan's brows could not help but twitch.

There is a line of small characters written on this stele,

"After the eighth floor of the imperial palace, there is a rare flower of the other bank in the world. This thing is contaminated with the meaning of reincarnation. It can pass through life and death. After the vitality monk is served, he can understand himself and prolong his blood. The strong king also has a powerful effect.

As one of the most cherished gods in the world, a mortal serving it can increase his lifespan by countless, without touching the reincarnation of the world, up to 100,000 years!

This thing is too against the sky, so I set up three barriers to prevent the younger generation from snatching this place, the world of cholera, but if those who are predestined come here, then it is my own opportunity. The place of growth can be taken by oneself. The deity understands life and death, and it is inconvenient to meet each other. It is only for those who are predestined not to abuse this flower. This thing is against the sky, against the sky and harmony. "

As he could see, an unimaginable excitement burst out of Meng Fan’s pupils. He came here to find a way out for the people of the dark alliance. As expected, he was in this imperial palace. It's something that is broken through life and death.

One hundred thousand years!

This is too bad for the sky, although there is no effect that Meng Fan imagined, but for him today, it is enough!

Reaching out his hand again, Meng Fan said solemnly.

"Thank you Lord Ming Wang, I dare not bother, so I leave now!"

As the voice fell, Meng Fan's footsteps moved slightly, and he walked behind the stone tablet.

Obviously this King Fudo Ming is here to retreat. The strong man who reaches his level is Mingwu's life and death, wandering around the world, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by anyone. Naturally, Meng Fan will not ask for that boring one, just Secretly shaking in my heart.

Unexpectedly, this kind of supreme existence is still alive between the heaven and the earth, here in retreat, once it is awakened... what a shock it will be!

As I thought, Meng Fan didn't stop in his footsteps, leaving the Mingwang Palace directly, turning around and stepping on the ground behind him.

However, at the moment when Meng Fan's body disappeared in this hall, the old man who had been sitting still in the same place winding the stream, his eyelids moved slightly before Meng Fan hadn't noticed, and immediately the whole person was... ...Return to silence!

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