Supreme God King

Chapter 1721: Murderous!

Meng Fan, who stepped into another world, naturally couldn't notice this subtle detail behind him.

Now for him, all his thoughts are placed on the other side flower behind the Ming Palace.

It took more than a hundred years to spend more than a hundred years in Huangquan, Naihe Bridge, and finally to Mingwang Palace. This is what Meng Fan did to extend his life. With this kind of thing, it can at least temporarily solve the problem of the dark alliance, so that Meng Fan is bound to win!

Passing through the Mingwang Palace, Meng Fan also stepped into a chaotic space. Only for a moment, his body was shaken, and his eyes were locked in a flower floating in the distant space. It was very strange, purple all over, spreading out. Faint light.

This should be... Higan Flower!

This thing is contaminated with the meaning of reincarnation, and it is one of the highest divine things between heaven and earth, even King Fudo Ming is quite jealous of it!

There are laws in the world, and if you want to change forcibly, you will be condemned by the heavens. Even the **** king and the strong have to be afraid of this. Who dares to say that you can truly look down on this world?

There was a shock in his heart, and Meng Fan understood that this place should be the ninth floor of the imperial palace that the senior medicine palace said, only this kind of extreme place between heaven and earth can bloom this kind of flowers. Such a chaotic space is unique. Looking at the world, only this place can give birth to the meaning of reincarnation.

"There is a problem with this space. It seems that the time I can exist here should be less than half an hour!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself that the moment he stepped into this place, his body was filled with terrifying pressure, the air from this space.

There is a kind of unpredictable aura in this air. Even if Meng Fan closes the six senses, it is of no use. It will naturally enter the body through the body's blood capillary mouth, and finally will produce a kind of abnormal change. If Meng Fan is in This is more than half an hour, then I am afraid that the whole person will have a big problem, and the soul will collapse!

The horror of this place is absolutely extraordinary!

"what is that?"

Meng Fan's gaze flashed, staring into the distance, through the layers of chaotic space, his gaze seemed to be able to see the center.

Where there is a faint gleam of light, like the entrance of a passage, with the breath of endless vicissitudes.

Could it be what the old medicine palace predecessors said... the land of reincarnation!

Meng Fan's heart trembled and he realized that if he stepped into that piece of entrance, he could reach the end of the imperial palace, and of course he had to endure the strongest meaning of reincarnation. In the past, a strong **** king almost died, and had to solve himself, let alone Meng Fan.

"I don't know if Fudo Mingwang can pass!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, but he didn't take any step. With his current strength, being able to exist here for half an hour is already the limit, let alone trying to challenge the terrifying and unparalleled land of reincarnation, for his own strength. Meng Fan is very well known.

Even though I was very eager in my heart, I don't know what it contains, but Meng Fan also understands that to forcefully do it is not seeking an answer, but...finding death!

As soon as his body moved, Meng Fan stepped out. Although he could not set foot in this place of reincarnation, he was able to collect flowers from the other side here, it was enough, and he did not come here in vain!

With a light movement of his palm, Meng Fan held one of the flowers in his hand and felt the faint breath emanating from it, which shocked his heart.

"This flower is called the Bian Flower. Could it be that the last end of this imperial palace is the Bian? Then what is the so-called Bian?"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, confused in his mind, but he removed some of these thoughts. After all, everything was just his guess, without any basis.

Divine thoughts overflowed, and Meng Fan was looking for it again. The entire chaos space was extremely huge, and it was blocked by the endless mystery aura. It was not easy to find other shore flowers here. With Meng Fan's strength, he could only collect it carefully, and finally found another one after a stick of incense, and collected it into his own hands.

What makes Meng Fan feel that this space is too terrifying, with heavy pressure, and it is impossible for him to survive here with his strength.

But the collected flowers of the other shore are not enough. If one of them is refined, it can only be given to a few people. If you count the time, it is enough for only a hundred people to use. It is extremely regrettable that it has appeared on Meng Fan’s face look.

And let Meng Fan understand that he would only be able to come here once in these thousand years, because the aura that exists in this chaotic space is too strong, half an hour is the limit that Meng Fan can bear, but it is still It takes time to refine the breath that is already inhaled in the body, otherwise problems will inevitably arise.

"I don't know how long I can stay here after I become a **** king!"

Meng Fan sighed, looking for the next flower from the other shore again, and after a few breaths, finally saw another one.

With a faint smile, Meng Fan moved forward, but at the moment his palm was about to fall on the flowers on the other side, he suddenly slammed into a cold sweat on his back, and his whole hair was upside down.


The sound of the sonic boom hits, traverses the world, and goes straight to Meng Fan’s back. Just under the induction, it has already made Meng Fan realize that there is a big crisis. The whole person is not worried about this flower from the other side, suddenly turned around, and slammed !


In the midair, the force hit, Meng Fan's body was stunned and flew out, his body trembled, his palm was directly pierced, the tiger's mouth was torn, and blood lay down dripping.

Someone is behind!

Meng Fan’s pupils shrank, and his gaze saw that there was a figure standing in the distance, floating in the void, but an old man, dressed in hemp robe, gray hair, and surging in front of his body. With an uncomfortable breath, standing in place, a pair of eagle eyes are looking at Meng Fan, but it is terrifying!

God King Realm powerhouse!

With a shocking heart, Meng Fan looked at the shadow of the old man in front of him, his eyes cold and silent.

This old man turned out to exist like a fake **** king, and he stood in front of him. Meng Fan could clearly feel the majestic power in his body, even enough to distort the void. Especially the opponent's martial arts was even more terrifying, making Meng Fan feel as if he was about to decay from a distance, from the strange power of the latter.

This old man is standing in place, just like the same **** who controls life and death, he is truly a strong king of gods at the peak!

"Why, unexpected?"

Looking at Meng Fan’s eyes, the old man smiled lightly, but he was full of coldness.

"You should be very familiar with me. You killed all my disciples and grandchildren, don't you know me? You should know that one day, sooner or later, I will find you underneath.... .. Last name Liu!"

Last name Liu!

The two words fell, and Meng Fan's palm grasped, and the creaking noise was already falling. The latter's identity is now clear, and it is the supreme ancestor of the Liu family, the supreme existence that founded the Liu family in the past!

After a moment of silence, Meng Fan said slowly,

"How did you know that I was here?"


Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the ancestors of the Liu family smiled slightly, as if they were not in a hurry to make a move, but stood in the middle of the air, looking at ease, and said slowly,

"Meng Fan, I have to admit that you are very powerful. You rose from Wanyu and killed countless people in your life, but... Since you can set the game, the old man can also design you. You are here. In the millennia, do you feel that the people of the dark alliance will grow old quickly? A large number of people will begin to decay?"

With a word, an endless chill burst into Meng Fan’s eyes, saying every word,

"Do you move your hands and feet?"

"Not bad!"

The ancestor Liu nodded and smiled.

"In fact, the old man had already woken up two thousand years ago, but there was no strong wave, and you have no way of knowing. This round was also set after the old man learned that you killed all my disciples and grandchildren. It took twenty years to research your character and experience, and in the end this game was set. In fact, it was only a little movement, which caused some problems in your dark alliance.

They may say that Shouyuan may be extended. I just let them come in advance in silence through my martial arts, which caused your heartache, and finally had to make a move. I wanted to find a **** to change everything. Simple, no matter where you go, you will leave the dark alliance and come to the ultimate place. This is also a good time for me to take action. Although you little boy is only a character who has only risen ten thousand years ago, I have to admit that it is already a bit difficult to deal with you alone. I cannot kill you in the dark alliance. You have too many helpers, I Can only attract you out! "

A few words fell, but it made Meng Fan's eyes look like an abyss, and he couldn't think of the many changes in the dark alliance during these years, and his own actions were calculated by people, and everything was controlled by the ancestors of the Liu family!

Especially in the hands of the opponent, in disguise, the birthdays of several dark alliance brothers arrived early and died on the spot!

An arc was drawn above the corner of his mouth, and Meng Fan didn’t speak, because he didn’t need to speak anymore. The blood in his body burned, and his eyes were faintly red, just staring at the ancestor Liu family so closely. A kind of murder... It goes without saying.

The ancestor of the Liu family snorted coldly, disdainfully said,

"Why, want to kill me, my heart hurts? Haha.....A huge emperor from my Liu family died in your hands. You can understand how the old man feels, and I will tell you that I don’t But if you want to kill you here, you still have to keep your soul and let you see how I kill the people of your dark alliance one by one, enslaving them all into the slaves of the old man, I want you to bear more The old man is even more painful!"

The last few words were spit out, and in an instant, a giant hand fell, and the ancestors of the Liu family no longer hesitated at this moment, and made a bold move towards Meng Fan.

A god-king powerhouse at its peak!

For an instant, Meng Fan felt a great deal of pressure, his eyes were cold, and he realized that he had reached a moment of life and death. During these several years, Meng Fan was constantly calculating others, but now... It was calculated by the ancestors of the Liu family!

PS, I don’t know why I swallowed one of the two chapters that were updated yesterday. . . . .

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