Supreme God King

Chapter 1722: Liu Family Patriarch

Kill the game!

The breath hits, the sky pales!

Today, only Meng Fan himself is in this extreme place, but he is facing a god-king powerhouse at his peak. The latter created the Liu family of the emperor in ancient times. He is the top one standing between the world and the earth. One of the Bo people, how powerful!

At the moment of shooting, all the murderous opportunities around him will be wiped out!

And what made Meng Fan's heart tremble the most was that he hadn't noticed anything before. The latter was indeed an old fox who had lived for so long. The layout was quiet, but incomparably hot.

At the moment when Meng Fan understood the killing, the ancestor of the Liu family had already arrived!

With a palm, the breath emerged, corroding the void.

The ancestor Liu himself contained an aura that made heaven and earth decay. It should be related to his own martial arts. It was as powerful as Meng Fan in front of this aura. He also felt that he was in an extremely passive state. He was restricted by infinite shackles.

But just a moment later, Meng Fan let out a low roar, and there was only infinite fierceness in his eyes. Even though a current **** king was right in front of him, the more desperate he was, the more terrifying the power that Meng Fan himself erupted.


The fist of rebellious **** blasted out, and Meng Fan hit directly, and attacked brazenly, colliding with the ancestor of the Liu family above the sky!

The power touches, the void explodes!

Even though this is a mixed space, everything is extinguished, but under the power of the two people, it still caused great damage and quickly collapsed Zhou Tian.

After a step back, a trace of blood overflowed at the corner of Meng Fan's mouth, and the flesh and blood on his palm turned out to be directly decayed.

Obviously, after the previous collision with the power of the ancestors of the Liu family, it was only contaminated with a trace of breath on his body, which made Meng Fan's golden and undamaged flesh in a state of cracking.

The corrosive meaning of the latter is indeed terrible.

It is this kind of power that can infiltrate into the dark alliance silently, allowing the entire dark alliance's digital brothers to grow old quickly without being noticed by others!

"Jie Jie..."

In the mid-air, the ancestors of the Liu family stopped, a cold smile appeared on his face, and said calmly,

"It's Meng Fan, indeed, it is more powerful than I imagined. It's worthwhile that the old man has spent so much thought on dealing with you. I never imagined that someone like you would appear in these ten thousand years.

What a powerful martial arts, what a powerful force, if you give you more time, maybe the old man really can’t check and balance you, but it’s a pity... you are not a **** king after all, and there is a gap between the world and the old man. It's also the best time to get rid of you, today you can die! "

The tone rumbling, revealing endless murderous intent!

Such a layout can be said to be meticulously planned by the ancestors of the Liu family, in order to give Meng Fan the most powerful blow before he becomes the **** king, and to prevent him from having any chance.

The potential of the latter is already needless to say. The half-step God King's combat power can be the War God King. Such a method is too shocking. Even though the ancestors of the Liu family are the strongest group of people in the entire vitality, but for Meng Everyone can't help but be extremely jealous.

"Without further ado!"

Meng Fan sneered, his eyes were cold, today is a life and death situation, Meng Fan no longer said a word, there is only one battle!

With blood surging and martial arts fusion, at this moment Meng Fan's eyes have become extremely strange, his own aura continues to rise, and his unique knowledge of his life is fully displayed at this moment.

There is no doubt that this is definitely one of the few times when Meng Fan has been calculated by others since his debut, and he is facing one of the highest wave of people standing in this world in ancient times. He has to break out completely, and the majestic breath continues. Promote.

"Sunset, but I am undefeated!"

In just a moment, Meng Fan let his martial arts fuse vitality and blood, and unfolded the supreme secret method of the Sun Sect of the past, with his five fingers stretched out and slapped against the ancestors of the Liu family.

In his handprint, it seems that there is a world in it, and the seal has not yet fallen, but the aura is already sweeping through the wilds, and it is extremely fierce!

At the point where it is today, Meng Fan’s realm is naturally able to completely transform the sunset into this exercise. It is not only a change, but also includes the many killing methods used by the Sun Sect in the past. The origin of Meng Fan's palm is huge, known as the universe of sunset.

Between raising your hands, it is a world of universe gathered in your hands, and you are fighting towards the other side. What a power!

Faced with this, the ancestors of the Liu family also raised their brows, his complexion became solemn, and he did not dare to have any carelessness.

In the past twenty years, he has seen Meng Fan's life, and he understands that the person in front of him does not know how much the weak beats the strong, and he has come back in despair.

The more I understand, the more I let the ancestors of the Liu family understand that this son is terrifying, and there is absolutely no chance!

In this instant, the figure of the ancestors of the Liu family turned out to be true and illusory, and the whole person looked as if it was filled with a layer of mist, extremely transparent, and at the same time, it blasted out with a palm and turned into a powerful force towards Meng. Fan came over!


The impact of the palms of the two mountain peaks caused the world to burst, but at the same time, Meng Fan and the ancestor of the Liu family did not retreat a bit. Instead, blood exploded, and all the fighting power was deployed.

At this kind of time, but between the life and death between the two sides, one of the two is the ancient emperor, the other is today's Tianjiao, and they both allow themselves to have any failure.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the interlocking forces in the field caused the layers of chaos space to shatter, and that kind of fighting atmosphere swept around, bursting unmatched.

Such a confrontation, one up and down, caused a void imprisonment!

But after a while, Meng Fan roared, and the vitality in his body was fused into his palm prints, and at the same time the martial art was running, that kind of impact handprints suddenly changed, turning into a phantom in the sky, it was a statue. ....Kunpeng!

"Turn against God!"

The three words fell, extremely indifferent. In this moment, you can see Meng Fan's whole body bursting out of an unprecedented swallowing force, the ghost lightning, as if a real Kunpeng came out.

Meng Fan had never performed this blow before, but he had created it by fusing his own martial arts, and it was like a beast Kunpeng rising into the sky.

On the other hand, Meng Fan's martial arts reached the extreme, and he wanted to swallow everything, even if the other party meant to swallow everything in his abdomen.

After a while, you can see the Kunpeng phantom that Meng Fan transforms on the sky above the sky, opening his blood basin and coercing all directions, just to completely swallow the ancestors of the Liu family.


Faced with this, the ancestors of the Liu family sneered and stomped the ground. The whole person suddenly changed. Rows of runes appeared around him, each of which was mysterious, unpredictable and faint. There was a loud singing voice in this world.

If such a scene is seen by the outside world, it is bound to cause an uproar!

The two played against each other with their fingers, but any blow was too extraordinary, possessing a power of shocking power, and an unparalleled secret method!

Even more because of their special identities, they can be called the top battles of ancient and modern powerhouses. It is a pity that this is an unmanned chaotic space. Only the two great powerhouses intersect, and no outsiders can be seen.

"Tianxiong pointed!"

After a while, the ancestor of the Liu family, who became more and more terrifying in the void, said one word, and at the same time a finger stretched out, shining light on the fingertip, and countless runes around his body moved around the fingertip, that kind of destruction. The power burst out even more, rushing towards Meng Fan.

With the force of a finger, the vitality turns into a torrent, piercing through the sky, piercing everything, and directly colliding with Meng Fan’s Kunpeng in the void!


Fingertips pierced through, tearing through the world, and you can see the Kunpeng in the void suddenly burst open. The power of this finger is really terrifying. It gathers all the breath, even if the Kunpeng gas swallows thousands of miles of Changhong. It turned out to be pierced into the void by the power of this fingertip, and penetrated above his body.

Under his gaze, this Kunpeng seemed to be pierced by a long sword, and it was precarious.

However, at the next moment, what was unexpected was that the Kunpeng in the void did not stop any movement, but continued to move forward. The entire phantom turned out to be abruptly facing this penetrating fingertip. Go, then the phantom unfolds, and a wave of air is cut down!


After a while, the finger shadow on the sky shattered, and a muffled sound fell. It was the ancestor of the Liu family. His face was pale, his teeth were clenched, and his hands were clenched. At this moment, one of his fingers was unexpectedly caught by Meng. Where to.... cut off!

Cut off an ancient emperor's finger!

The scene before him was enough to shock the world. After all, Meng Fan was only a half-step **** king, and was only a realm away from the ancestor of the Liu family, and it was a huge world.

Moreover, the supreme ancestor of the Liu family became famous in ancient times, and he was already a figure who made the supreme emperor.

But under this kind of fight, Meng Fan had the upper hand abruptly, regardless of himself, seizing the opportunity, and even cutting off one of his fingers, how terrifying!

At the same time, one could see that the Kunpeng phantom in the midair disappeared and turned into Meng Fan's body.

However, the whole person moved forward quickly, without hesitation or retreat. A blood hole appeared on his chest. It was pierced by the ancestor of the Liu family before. The blood dripped down and dyed the red shirt. One location is Meng Fan's...heart!

But at this moment, Meng Fan didn't seem to notice it, and didn't slow him down any moment. At the same time as the ancestors of the Liu family retreated, his punch... also arrived!

This kind of action is not crazy, it is simply to seize a trace of fighters, and it is to start an endless killing.

However, anyone who knows Meng Fan knows by hands that that young man started fighting like this in the past. Once a war starts, he will undoubtedly be the number one madman in the world, and he has never been cowardly!

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