Supreme God King

Chapter 1723: God of War


Meng Fan's body was approaching, and it was as fast as electric, and his whole body was like an arrow that opened a bow. Once he shot, he would never look back!

At this moment, the look of the ancestors of the Liu family couldn't help but suddenly change, only the instinctive palm raised and resisted, and at the same time a deep shock flashed in his eyes.

It was not that his blow didn't hurt Meng Fan. In the previous confrontation, the ancestor of the Liu family had already penetrated Meng Fan's Kunpeng shadow and blasted Meng Fan's heart. Such an injury is fatal, and the first reaction of an ordinary person should be to retreat!

However, what was beyond the expectations of the ancestors of the Liu family was that Meng Fan’s fighting instinct was so strong that he was actually fighting against his own injuries, even if that finger penetrated Meng Fan’s heart, even if it was at its critical point. , But once Meng Fan is in battle, there are only enemies in his eyes, not himself!

The instinct cultivated in this way, only the kind of combat lunatic who has truly killed millions of people, can finally appear, and Meng Fan is exactly this kind of person!

Seize the opportunity!

Prior to this, Meng Fan's injury was only for the suppression of this moment, which was just a blink of an eye for others, but facing the confrontation between these two top powerhouses was a matter of life and death.

With a punch down, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, and his straight fist blasted out, violently colliding with the palm of the ancestor of the Liu family!


With relative strength, the tiger’s mouth exploded. Unprepared, the ancestors of the Liu family also felt a bit of effort. Even though he was the ancient emperor, Meng Fan’s combat power was terrifying, and he had a capital comparable to the **** king. Even the latter's fighting method was equally terrifying to him, like a nightmare!

Under this situation, the ancestors of the Liu family could not help but step back slightly, but while he took a step back, Meng Fan took a step forward and punched again!

A boxer flew faster than one, one fiercely passed one, and under the situation of seizing the first opportunity of this line, if you gave up, it would not be Meng Fan!

In an instant, Meng Fan launched the most fierce attack. Standing in this mid-air, his moves were like electricity, and his fists were as strong as a storm. He greeted the great ancestor of the Liu family crazily. With the power of thunder and the powerful speed of Meng Fan, the supreme ancestor of the Liu family was also caught off guard!


Retreating while fighting, at the same time the ancestor of the Liu family screamed, but just after he was about to speak, he was caught off guard. A big fist fell, directly on his face, and all his words were beaten. Go back!

With a punch, the supreme ancestor of the Liu family shut up, and he spouted a mouthful of blood, plus two teeth!

A **** king in the world, at his peak, was hit by Meng Fan’s two front teeth. If this scene is reported, it is estimated that countless people in the entire ten thousand domain will laugh out of their teeth. This Liu family’s supreme ancestor lives The time is not a little bit longer than Meng Fan, but this moment is so embarrassed!

"Meng Fan!"

After regaining his senses, the supreme ancestor of the Liu family was ashamed and annoyed. He was about to speak, but when the bad wind struck, Meng Fan seized this gap again and punched him!


The face door of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family once again encountered the close contact of Meng Fan’s fist. After a punch, his body flew horizontally, the defense exploded, and the face door made Meng Fan’s life collapse. Nosebleeds fall!


A word was squeezed out between the teeth, but at this moment the ancestor of the Liu family hadn’t waited to speak, Meng Fan’s fist arrived again, and another fist was in close contact with his face. At the same time, countless flying feet fell into the void. , For the ancestors of the Liu family, even kick and kick!

Beat a current **** king!

This kind of behavior of Meng Fan seems to be extremely fierce. For people outside, even if the two sides are enemies of life and death, it is estimated that this scene is unimaginable.

In eternity, who dares, who has this qualification!

However, Meng Fan really did it. It not only kicked and kicked, but also a powerful boxing and front fusion of martial arts power, blasting into the body of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family, which contained Meng Fan’s powerful vitality fluctuations. Know how much vitality in the Liu family's ancestors was obliterated!


At the next moment, there was a roaring sound around the sky, like a mad and ruthless person. At the same time, several golden rays of light were sent around the ancestors of the Liu family. Each of them contained a kind of domineering power. Meng Fan flew over.

A glance flashed, Meng Fan couldn't help but give up the attack, quickly stepped back, and at the same time beckoned, the phantom of the Qi Cauldron surrounded him.

Boom, boom!

The sky exploded, and the sound of sonic boom came out. Every golden light shot from the hands of the most high ancestor of the Liu family burst beside Meng Fan, the light flashed, and the power was infinite, straight through the sky!

If you are knowledgeable, you must be able to understand that any golden light is an ancient god, but it is the ultimate magic weapon. I don’t know how many years it was conceived and how long it took to be refined, and it still needs to be scorned. Crafted by the world's master craftsmen.

But now it is blatantly exploded and directly blew itself up. How terrible the power spread is. Only this is the only way to make Meng Fan have to give up offense and choose defense!

In this void, more than a dozen ancient gods exploded. If one is not careful, even if it is as powerful as Meng Fan, it will go directly to heaven in the power of this kind of god's fragmentation.

At first glance, the sky is full of air waves spreading, blocking the space between Meng Fan and the supreme ancestor of the Liu family.

I have to say that in order to get rid of Meng Fan’s repressive style of play, the ancestors of the Liu family have lost their blood. This bombing is estimated to be able to bomb out half of the emperor’s heritage, even the richest people in the ten thousand domains saw this. One scene is to be distressed!


The sound of the explosion kept falling, and the spreading air waves almost collapsed the entire chaotic space. Even though this space was extremely strange, it was also cracked and countless space fragments overflowed.

In the distance, standing between the smoke of gunpowder, a figure looked extremely embarrassed, it was the ancestor of the Liu family.

He was covered with blood, gray hair, scattered around, especially his face collapsed, and his nosebleeds were still rushing out. If at this moment people see that this is the ancient emperor, it is estimated that they will die of laughter, the highest ancestor of the Liu family at this moment. It was so embarrassing that Meng Fan's face was completely beaten up!

And what makes Liu's supreme ancestor more heartbroken is the previous loss, which can be said to be quite large. In order to get rid of Meng Fan who is like a dog skin plaster, he has to throw away all his accumulation over the years. Pieces of fetishes blew themselves up, although they blocked Meng Fan's methods, they also made Liu's supreme ancestor bleeding!

Tens of thousands of years of accumulation have been lost in a flash. Who can understand this mood!

Staring at Meng Fan, the most high ancestor of the Liu family has the heart to kill Meng Fan at this moment. There is endless murderous in his eyes, and he spit out a few words from his teeth.

"Meng Fan, a beast, I will not kill you today, Liu Wen, I will not be a man!"

The sound fell, resounding through the entire chaotic space, and contained a terrifying murderous intent. No one could imagine that a god-king powerhouse would be so ghoulish that he has not seen anything before!

At the same time, you can see the phantom of the body of the supreme ancestor of the Liu Family standing in place spreading, like the same sun, with his hands swinging, obviously using an ancient method to make his whole person look like the sun at this moment, shining in chaos space.

To be precise, the current supreme ancestor of the Liu family is already crazy. The two words Liu Wen are his name, which has not been circulated in a hundred thousand years, but now it is once again the supreme ancestor of the Liu family. I yelled it out to show the enemy, I can imagine the anger in his heart!

The handprints are flying, the ancient vicissitudes, there is a bizarre river of martial arts running on the head of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family, including the strength of his life, under the display, it also allows his own majesty to reach the peak, like a ruling world. The emperor, in one word, he wants to live and die.

"Today is for you to take a look at the life and death of the old man who has ruled the world for many years. If you die under this man, I am afraid you are not wronged!"

The tone was cold, and at the same time, the handprints of the great ancestor of the Liu Family slapped, and the five fingers rushed towards Meng Fan, but it was only a moment that made the soles of Meng Fan's feet cold, and he sensed a kind of murderous intent like a natural punishment.

In these five fingers, it seems that the universe includes the universe, all living beings, under the mystery of the Liu Family Supreme Patriarch, the five fingers cover the sky and control everything. Before the imprint came, just the induction had already made Meng Fan All my heart couldn't help but give birth to a feeling of despair.

The strong **** king is the **** king after all, standing at the end of this vitality river.

Perhaps Meng Fan's combat power is against the sky and can be compared, but if these two words are really inferior to the **** king and strong, after all, Meng Fan has not taken that step.

If he is the King of God today, then the ending is not easy to say, but it is a pity that Meng Fan is still missing a realm, that is, a world is missing.

A seal covers the sky, and the breath swept the mountains and rivers!

This is the real trump card of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family. The life and death decision he controlled was well-known in ancient times, fought numerous masters in the world, and laid down a Hehe Emperor.

Now that the human world is reappearing, the breath alone has already made the whole world tremble, with many visions, and the emptiness of nothingness.

"Inverse God Seal!"

Meng Fan let out a long roar. Facing this, his body did not retreat but moved forward, striding forward and shooting stars. At the same time, the whole person's blood was surging. Standing between heaven and earth, facing the murderous intent of a **** king and strong man, he could not break Meng Fan's body. Proud.

The vitality in the body gathered, Meng Fan's peak combat power merged, and he blasted out with a palm. There was no way out in front of this seal, there was only one battle!


The power of the two intertwined, causing a collapse and fragmentation of layers of space. This blow can destroy the sun, the moon and the stars, and the power of the collision in an instant overflows around.

After a while, one of the figures couldn't support it, a mouthful of blood spurted out, the whole person flew out, and the body exploded. It was Meng Fan. Under the power of the **** king who had already set foot on the peak, Meng Fan could be said to have encountered... the most. Strong crush!

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