Supreme God King

Chapter 1724: Counterattack

The figure flies, blood stains the world!

After this moment, you can see Meng Fan's body bursting apart and retreating back.

It was not that he wanted to retreat, but that he could not retreat. Under the seal of this Liu family's supreme ancestor, it was too bursting. Even though Meng Fan used his own martial arts to resist, he could not compete with him.

Absolute power collision is already not a skill, what a conspiracy can interfere is only related to realm strength!

After all, Meng Fan was just... a half-step God King!


Blood was overflowing, and his body flew horizontally. Under this power, Meng Fan was blasted back hundreds of meters. The flesh was destroyed under the impact of air waves, and the blood stained his red clothes.

Such a blow alone would have caused a devastating blow. All Meng Fan's previous efforts were in vain. I have to admit that this kind of suppression above the realm is too powerful.


The body retreated, blood spurted out, and Meng Fan barely stood firm, the fiery pain hit, but he looked calmly.

"Why, I still think you have a chance!"

Above the sky, the aura of the ancient ancestor of the Liu family burst unmatched, a man who was crushed by the current **** king.

As long as he is not in this level, there is absolutely no reason for him to survive, and his tone is full of ridicule.

"If you are in the dark alliance, maybe with so many masters, I can't help you, but you are here, the old man is the world, after all, you are not the opponent of the old man, it is better to kneel down for the old man now, maybe the old man can still consider Now, can you be a puppet of an old man!"

Meng Fan didn't respond at all to the words of the ancestors of the Liu family. He could only mobilize the power that was still able to move in his body, stepped out, and then another imprint blasted out, opening the sky with five fingers, and making another move.


Only one word, clean and neat.

Even though Meng Fan’s injury was serious at this moment, even though he shed countless blood, and even though it was possible to die, it was still the same sentence. Since the moment Meng Fan chose to go against the gods, there has never been any withdrawal, and the warriors were speechless. , There is only one battle!

The fingerprints struck across the world, even if Meng Fan was seriously injured, but his power exploded, he was still extremely domineering.

Even the ancestors of the Liu family did not dare to have any carelessness. The secret method worked, his hands clasped together, and the concentrated and rolling vitality wave broke out with a palm, colliding with Meng Fan's power, and immediately let the two handprints touch each other, breaking the surrounding ones. Void world.

Power confrontation!

The world trembled, and under such violent aura, the entire void was simply distorted.

Obviously, it can be seen that Meng Fan has already reached the point of exhaustion, even if he still has a fierce aura, but the power of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family is too terrifying, surpassing everything, crushing with absolute superiority. As a result, his palms kept shrinking, and in the void, the place where Meng Fan was forced by the handprints of the great ancestor of the Liu family became smaller and smaller.

Creak, creak!

Under this kind of pressure, the joints in Meng Fan's body were broken, blood overflowed, and even the seven orifices left blood stains at this moment, but standing on the sky, Meng Fan remained motionless, like a mountain. So standing still.

Would rather die than retreat!


The great ancestor of the Liu family sneered, countless runes running around him, increasing the impact of his vitality mudra, and at the same time said,

"I see how long you can hold on, what qualifications do you have!"


There was another burst of noise, and the blood blossoms exploded, right on Meng Fan's chest. Before, he ignored himself and took the lead. Although he had benefited from the previous Meng Fan, there are major problems now. Under this kind of powerful pressure, he cannot support himself, making his wounds more serious. Now his chest is full. It was impossible to suppress it, and directly exploded, so that Meng Fan himself could no longer persist like the previous one, only one step back.

Drops of blood fell, but Meng Fan gritted his teeth without saying a word, only moved by the strength of his body, facing the handprints of the ancient ancestor Liu.

"Jie Jie..."

Seeing such a scene, Liu Jiaguzu sneered, and a mocking and abusive look appeared on his face. Now that the winning ticket is in hand, under this kind of pressure, it seems that Meng Fan is in his pocket, and there is no possibility of surviving anymore. He can't help but be unhappy. The strongest man who has risen in the ages is about to be He suppressed and died, thinking of this, it is forgiving; the heart of the great ancient ancestor of the Liu family also couldn't help winning a trace of pride.

However, at the next moment, the look on his face had not yet been put away, the Supreme Ancient Ancestor of the Liu Family suddenly flashed his eyes, and he instinctively felt a murderous intention!


Above the sky, the sound of howling came, with a big sonic boom, and at the same time you could see a huge giant cauldron coming and falling from the sky.

Obviously, this big tripod quietly shot at him before this, but the ancient ancestor Liu Jia was attracted by Meng Fan all the attention, and did not look here.

Unexpectedly, at this last juncture, Meng Fan did not give up in the slightest, and laid out calmly. Naturally, he made the move. After quietly approaching, he could only reach the side of the most high ancestor of the Liu family. It was just a blow to smash it brazenly, it was like a meteorite from the sky, with a kind of extreme strength!


In an instant, the ancestor of the Liu family only raised one palm, grabbed it towards the sky, and bombarded towards the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding.


The sky trembled, sparks flew everywhere, and at the moment when the ancient ancestor Liu family had just grabbed the tens of thousands of mothers and sons, two streams of light flashed out. One was a bird and the other was a bird. At the same time, the two figures were Launch the most powerful attack, towards the eyes of Liu Jia Guzu!


The supreme ancestor of the Liu family did not expect that there were still two people hiding behind this great cauldron, and there was murderous intent. His complexion changed suddenly, with a loud roar, the power of the surging soul turned into a wave of air, blocking the two attacks. Go away, forming a strong barrier.

And just in this instant, it seemed that Meng Fan, whose body was stained red with blood, seemed to be unable to support it, but suddenly... broke out!

And it was the kind of ancient emperor who resembled the resurrection of gods and demons, with infinite aura. One foot fell, and the whole earth was wiped with countless cracks. At the same time, Meng Fan moved forward, with blood rolling in his body. Burning, the endless fluctuations of vitality between the sky and the sky were concentrated in Meng Fan's body, and his body was constantly changing under the martial art of the gods!

Absorbing heaven and earth, fusing with oneself, Meng Fan finally blasted out with a punch!

This punch combines all his combat power, this punch, he has been preparing for a long time, this punch... is the last step among all the murderous intents!

Suddenly, Meng Fan's whole person was like an ordinary **** soldier out of its sheath, and moths rushed to the fire. At this moment, he drew a beautiful arc on the sky, and he was caught off guard. From below, the ancient ancestor of the Liu family had no extra power to react. The handprint was pressed and penetrated, and Meng Fan's body could be seen as fast as a shooting star, and then he punched...Boom!


It was just a punch, seemingly random, but gathered all the strength and blood of Meng Fan. At this moment, even the supreme ancestor of the Liu family's complexion suddenly changed, like pig liver, and at the same time it was impossible to defend it. That powerful force penetrated , Traverse everything, and finally punch through his chest brazenly and penetrate the past!

One blow exploded half of the body of the supreme ancient ancestor of the Liu family. Even if it was a current **** king, even if it was an ancient emperor, before this attack, Meng Fan was bombarded with retreating, blood spurting out, The vital parts suffered a great blow!

The moment of layout, Meng Fan is for this moment.

He has the same spirit of mind and spirit as the mother and son, and the brother of a bird and a turtle for many years. Without words, just a single thought, which has made everyone cooperate seamlessly. In an instant, a bird and a turtle. , Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding broke out the strongest murderous intent, slashed in the void, and three attacks fell again, slashing on the body of Liu Family Supreme Ancient Ancestor.


Finally, withstanding so many blows, under this kind of power to tear everything apart, the Liu family's highest ancient ancestor could not bear it. The body of a current **** king burst into pieces, and then... , Permeated the entire sky.

I have to say that Meng Fan combined a bird and a tortoise in a momentary layout, but it was extremely cruel. Even a current **** king was blasted by their means to completely destroy the body of the **** king. In this place!

So scary!

If this scene falls, I don’t know how many people in the world will be shocked. Meng Fan is not a god, and a bird and a tortoise are only three sacred realms, but it is conceivable that a **** king pays such a high price. How terrible this is.

Looking at the world, who dares to say that the body of a god-king-level powerhouse can be exploded, who dare to say that it can hurt this class of powerhouse's hair, but Meng Fan did it alive, and such a scene is enough to shock ancient and modern times, and it is rare forever. !

Blood and water filled the sky, but after this moment, Meng Fan fell directly to the ground, and the last trace of strength in his body was exhausted.

On the side, a bird and a tortoise, the tens of thousands of mothers and children are also very expensive. The previous blows were all supernormal, and they used the strongest state in their life.

As far as they could see, they looked towards the sky. At this moment, they had already used their best efforts, and in the end they only saw how much they could hurt the great ancestor of the Liu family.

Between the sky and the earth, a smog of gunpowder and scattered pieces of meat overflowed, and a god-king and powerful man was blasted away from his body. Such scenes are extremely rare since ancient times, so that the sky is full of patters. It began to rain blood, dripping on this earth.

Among them, it seems that there is already a dead silence, as if the souls of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family are all following the annihilation. Just when Meng Fan and others breathed a sigh of relief, there was a sudden change between the world and the earth. The extremely stern voice also resounded through the sun,

"Meng Fan's little beast...I want your life..."

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