Supreme God King

Chapter 1726: vitality

The void disappeared, and in the huge chaotic space, peace was finally restored!

Obviously, between his own death and Meng Fan's death, Liu Family's supreme ancestor weighed repeatedly, still considering himself, turned and left this space.

The whole world, empty Meng Fan and others, and the endless chaotic fog around.


Seeing such a scene, Meng Fan's heart loosened, and another mouthful of blood spurted out. He almost fainted and immediately fell to the ground, making Yi Que Yigui and others shocked.

"Meng Fan, the old beast is gone, don't hang up!"

Everyone held on to Meng Fan, only to find that his body was extremely disordered at this moment, his vitality was withered, his vitality was already cut off by 90%, and the whole person's injuries could be described as severe and severe.

The price paid by Meng Fan in the previous battle was very high. Whether it was ignoring himself or the final counterattack, he squeezed every bit of battle from himself. But now that the backlash was completely unbearable for him, he had a huge problem.

Even a bird and a turtle felt that the martial arts in Meng Fan's body showed signs of collapse, especially when he reached his realm, it was easy not to be injured, but once it was so severely injured, it was simply It was a devastating blow.

If it is improperly handled, the cultivation base will stop at this step forever, and if it is serious, the body will die immediately, completely disappearing between the world and the earth. Even if there is no Liu Family Supreme Ancestor to take action, Meng Fan at this moment is still at risk.

Shaking in his body, Meng Fan gritted his teeth, raised his hand, and bowed deeply in the direction of the Palace of King Ming.

"Thank you Mingwang..."

If it weren't for King Ming to take action at this moment, then Meng Fan, Yique Yigui and others have already become flying ash, and they must worship.

But at the next moment, there was a shock in the Mingwang Palace. A scroll flew out and fell into the hands of Meng Fan and others. After opening it, there was a line of small characters in it.

"I have a problem and it is inconvenient to meet each other. I will tell you later and save myself!"

It's just a few words, but a terrifying aura is on the paper, even more powerful than Liu's ancient ancestor.

Seeing this, Meng Fan nodded, and immediately spit out a few words with difficulty.

"Take me back...Dark League!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, a bird and a tortoise hurriedly nodded. Although they were seriously injured, they were not as serious as Meng Fan’s. It was just a moment later that everyone quickly moved the space, went out, and left the imperial palace. Ground.

With Meng Fan's multiple elder tokens, it is naturally not a problem for them to leave the imperial palace, and without any stay, they directly returned to the dark alliance.

The return of Meng Fan caused the entire dark alliance to be shaken and rejoiced, but when the Empress, God Monkey, Fen Tianling and others saw Meng Fan's appearance, they were shocked and the entire dark alliance shook up and down.

Nowadays, who is Meng Fan, look at the world, who can hurt him, who is qualified to hurt him so badly, but Meng Fan has returned in this way, it is impossible to imagine.

In the main hall, the many high-level officials of the dark alliance are already gathering, and they are all looking at Meng Fan in it with great worry. During the three days of returning to the dark alliance, Meng Fan sat in meditation, but his energy and blood flowed from time to time, and there was no sign of improvement. Even a few times, everyone was frightened because of the martial arts in Meng Fan’s body. Shaking, as if it might disappear at any time.

Once the martial arts collapsed, then Meng Fanke would mean complete death!


Meng Niuniu grabbed the palm of Meng Fan's hand, and her eyes were whirling tears. She had never seen Meng Fan, who was fierce and fierce in her life, look like this.

Reluctantly opening his eyes, Meng Fan glanced at Meng Niuniu and smiled.

"'s okay..."

He said it was all right, but it seemed that it took Meng Fan countless efforts to utter a few words, which was extremely painful.

A generation of great emperors who have run rampant all over the world have ever had such a time, which caused countless people in the dark alliance to clenched their fists, but unfortunately there was no way. Reaching the level of Meng Fan is no longer something Heaven and Earth God Fetish can help. His cultivation level is too high, and the injured injury can only be recovered by self-care. External intervention is just a luxury.

After a while, Meng Fan raised his hand with difficulty, stretched out one finger, took out two other flowers, and used his last strength.

"Yan'er, refine this thing into a pill, and distribute it to the brothers of the dark alliance!"

This is the undead material that Meng Fan has spent his entire life searching for. After seeing this flower, countless iron-blooded men in the dark alliance can't help but burst into tears.

Obviously, Meng Fan took the risk for them. In the end, he was seriously injured. The man had tears and did not flick, but he was not sad.

Faced with this, even though the strong God Monkey, Lonely Proud, Lin Tang, Fen Tianling, and others, they still look at the sky and prevent others from seeing their own eyes.

A brother, a big brother, the entire dark alliance is headed by Meng Fan, countless brothers put their faith in the hands of Meng Fan, and Meng Fan is really in order to protect everyone, and love is in the sword, at this moment, countless dark alliances Brothers are crying,


In the hall, there is a cry of bitterness. During these years, everyone in the dark alliance has shed blood, died, fought, and defeated, but how can they make them cry, but in the face of this situation, But this group of people couldn't help it, tears dripping down.

The empress, Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou clenched her silver teeth, saying nothing, her heart was like a knife twist.

"Don't worry, I can't die, you all retreat, don't be here, just leave me alone!"

Meng Fan exhausted all his strength again, finally said.

Listening to Meng Fan's words, everyone's hearts trembled, and they looked at each other with great hesitation, but in the end they all left slowly, allowing Meng Fan to be alone in this hall.

After all, at this moment, no one can do anything. They can only listen to Meng Fan's own words. All they can do is to completely seal the outside of the hall and prevent any fly from interfering with Meng Fan. The **** monkey, the empress Wait for someone to close it personally!

In the hall, Meng Fan was bloodied again, and the martial art was about to collapse again.

"Deserves to be a strong **** king, really amazing..."

Muttering to himself, Meng Fan gritted his teeth and tried his best to let him reach the limit at this moment, to control the blood that was already disobeying him.

Only Meng Fan himself knew how terrifying his injury was. He tried his best to maintain it. Otherwise, he might not even be able to speak at all. It was the worst he had encountered in these thousand years. A powerful crisis.

The layout of a god-king strong man, personally pitted Meng Fan into this.

"Boss Meng Fan!"

After a while, a stream of light emerged, which was the root of immortality. It emerged from the space of Xiaotian. He looked at Meng Fan with tears in his eyes, struggling, and gritted his teeth in a deep voice.

"Boss, you can eat me, you should eat me..."

The undead root itself is a **** against the heavens and the earth, and has an extraordinary effect. Now I want to exchange my life for Meng Fan's life. Once taken by Meng Fan, it will completely disappear, making people sound All could not help but tremble.

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled hard and uttered a few words.

"Go back, I still have a way..."

"But you..."

Undead's tears dripped like pearls, staring at Meng Fan.

"Don't worry, since I am alive, the sky cannot take my life away. Moreover, I have gained a lot from this battle. I have learned a lot from it. Maybe I should walk out of my path completely. If you lose, it depends on this time!"

Meng Fan said slowly, and immediately closed his eyes without saying a word. The whole person was completely immersed in his own world, making the entire hall silent.

Meng Fan refused, and the others had no choice but to wait.

Spring came and autumn went, and it was three years in a flash. During these three years, anyone could feel that there was no sign of any improvement in Meng Fan, and he was still suffering from serious internal injuries and a dead silence.

The people of the dark alliance could only watch and couldn't participate in it. However, within a certain day, Meng Fan, who had been sitting still, suddenly moved, attracting the attention of a bird and a turtle and the others. Arriving at the most core place in Meng Fan's body, a drop of effort flew out of Meng Fan's body and drifted to the outside world!

"What is he doing!"

Master Gui was taken aback. Now Meng Fan himself is seriously injured. Every drop of effort is the strength to support Meng Fan's survival, but now a drop is flying out, and they can't help but shake.

"Don't interfere, Meng Fan is very cunning. He wants to save himself. Maybe he has some tricks. We just looked at him!"

Master Que's eyes turned, and he said in a deep voice. At the same time, his body flew out, and Master Gui followed the drop of Meng Fan's heart and blood, and flew into this ten thousand realm.

Under the observation of Lord Que, he saw that this drop of Meng Fan's heart and blood was floating in this void after leaving his body.

With Meng Fan’s ability, a drop of his heart is possessing great power. Through countless spaces, the wind, rain and sun cannot interfere with him. In the end, he came to an ordinary house in Ten Thousand Territories. The body of an ordinary woman.

After a year, this woman actually saved a very cute baby, and she had a very close relationship with her husband, and she continued to rejoice with her baby in her arms. This is just an ordinary family, not even a vitality monk, her only hope Naturally, it was passed down from generation to generation. What they didn't know at all was that this baby seemed ordinary, but vaguely brows were...very much like Meng Fan.

Faced with this, both Lord Que and Lord Gui became petrified one after another, in an uproar, the two finally looked at each other and said in unison.

"Let this kid go against the sky, this is... from dream to reality!"

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