Supreme God King

Chapter 1727: From dream to reality

From dream to reality!

The impression of these four words, Ye Ye and Gui Ye, is also extremely vague, but I have only seen it in a certain kind of ancient book, and I understand that there was a peerless power in this world in the past.

Generally, the methods used by peerless people who want to restore their strength can be described as strange. The reason is that once a strong person of this level is injured, it is really difficult to recover and must not take an ordinary path.

In ancient times, the methods that countless powers have emerged on this are all strange, each with its own merits.

For example, dream training, such as the ancient crossing of the catastrophe, such as the transformation of the realm. . . . . There are too many waits, too many methods, any method is quite powerful, and they also practice according to their own. However, a bird and a tortoise came from ancient times, but it has been heard. In the past era, there was a supreme and strong ancient method of cultivation, which can not only restore strength, but also obtain heaven from it. The big advantage is even more terrifying than epiphany.

It is called. . . . . Returning from a dream to reality is simple to say, that is, the person who stepped into it is dreaming, extremely real, and experiencing a life, but the general cultivation method is actually carried out in a dream, but those who actually fight this method are already dreaming. Bringing the things in the dream to reality, reincarnating from a drop of blood.

It seems that there is only one level missing, but it is a thousand times and ten thousand times more effective than the previous dream cultivation. In the old era, it is rumored that only a strong person has done it, and no one even remembers his name. But it is rumored that this person made a strong breakthrough and became the king of God, and then. . . . . . Has defeated the three gods of the world, and it was a repressive attack!

Such an ancient method is simply the ultimate in heaven and earth!

What is needed is not only luck, but also one's own strength, comprehension, etc., both of which are indispensable. After the person in the long river of the world, he has never appeared again, even in the former God King realm. Among them, no one has brought this kind of good fortune into operation, so this kind of good fortune has already become a kind of inexhaustible sound, and it has completely disappeared between this world!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a bird and a tortoise are astonishing to see a drop of blood coming out of Meng Fan's body, coming to an ordinary family in this reality, turning into a child, and they can't help but think of it. This kind of ancient method is astonishing as you can imagine!

"Could this kid really want to go against the sky and achieve supreme accomplishment?"

"A bit... Maybe!"

A bird and a turtle stammered and said that they had counted Meng Fan against the sky, but they had never counted Meng Fan as against the sky. Now that this kind of thing happened, it has exceeded the imagination of the two of them!

At the same time, in a corner of the ten thousand realms, in a garden, there is a shadow in the deep place. Now the eyes of the figure are open, looking in the direction of Meng Fan, in the eyes With an unimaginable look, he said in surprise,


This person has already set foot in the realm of the king of gods, and he is the ancient **** Tutian, one of the three kings of the ancient gods.

Facing the direction Meng Fan was in, he was shocked at this moment.

"In the past, only my emperor did it. How could there be such a person? How could it be possible... Someone can comprehend this ultimate law of heaven and earth by themselves and operate this secret method by themselves. This is simply not true. What might happen, this is too fake!"

Tu Tian's expression was full of horror, and his body was a little stiff when he stood. It can be imagined how shaking his emotions are at this moment.

Because only he can understand where the transition from dreams to reality comes from, and which strong man in this world has succeeded in becoming the king of the gods in the past and losing the three kings in a row, it is in the ancient times The very famous one. . . . The emperor of the ancient gods!

The ancient gods are the oldest existence between the heavens and the earth. Among them, the strong came out in large numbers. They were governed by several elders in the old era. They were in charge of their own affairs. The very big tribes even began to attack each other, not listening to each other's orders. , Until the last person who appeared, one person went rampant, suppressed all, and completely controlled several ancient **** tribes, and shocked the entire era. Only this person dared to be called the ancient emperor.

From ancient times to the present, only the ancient emperor has ever achieved this from dream to reality, and later, including the thirteen hall masters, have never achieved this, but now some people have imitated the ancient emperor and achieved this step. Can make Tu Tian not shocked.

Finally, after a few breaths, Tu Tian came back to his senses, and a strong jealousy and murderous intent appeared on his face.

"What a Meng Fan, what a Meng Fan... But your fault is that you are seriously injured now, and you are not willing to submit to my ancient gods. I must kill you, but you are strong in the dark alliance. There are too many people. If I kill you directly, I may not be able to succeed. I will also disturb the Quartet. It would not be good to transfer you, but I can't be troubled.

Meng Fan, in this world, no one can interfere with the practice of turning dreams into reality, including the thirteen hall masters, but I can, because the ancient emperor left a record of this in the past, since you are from dreams Really, then I can also use the same means, let's meet in your dreams! "

The voice fell, and the tone was extremely gloomy. At the same time, the ancient **** Tu Tian sat on the spot, with a mysterious rune directly shot out of his palm. The breath was extremely vicissitudes and ancient times, and his hands were also folded.

The light flickered, and after a moment, the ancient **** Tutian also fell silent, a strange chanting faintly fell around him, and he was also plunged into endless darkness.

Wanyu is still Wanyu, developing calmly, and the entire dark alliance is also orderly, without knowing that a drop of Meng Fan's blood has left the body.

And in the family where Meng Fan was in, he didn't even know it. Only the whole family was immersed in the excitement of the beautiful son, unable to extricate itself.

This is just an ordinary family. The husband makes a living by doing odd jobs in a big family. The wife is gentle and virtuous. She often supplements the family with clothing at home, and Meng Fan, who is transformed by this drop of blood, is really there. Gradually grew up in this family.

The child is extremely clever and smart. When he was a child, he not only helped his father, but also worked hard to cultivate himself. He wanted to become a powerful monk in the future to repay his parents. The family grew up in this environment, full of laughter.

As for all of this, the bird and the tortoise are in sight, but there is no interference.

Both of them have heard of this ancient method of returning from dream to reality, and understand that if it is to interfere, it will be detrimental to Meng Fan and will change him. It is best to let the flow go, the more natural, Meng Fan The benefits will be greater.

So a bird and a tortoise is just a watch on the side, but when it is spent in this world, when a bird and a tortoise are happy, they find something faintly wrong.

Because the family that Meng Fan grew up in was suddenly ransacked by robbers after he was six years old, and Meng Fan's parents were all killed and corpses on the street. Meng Fan's reincarnation was only six years old, but he could only wander on this street until he was picked up by an old man one day and understood the valley.

However, what I didn't expect was that this old man was teaching others to kill and using the killer to make money. From then on, Meng Fan's reincarnation stepped on the path of the killer. Every day, he was trained with a group of people like a dog. There is always a life-and-death crisis, struggling constantly in this valley, either he kills others, or others kill you.

Under this kind of environment, Meng Fan's reincarnation has grown so easily that it has wiped out all the happiness of childhood, and there is only cold eyes in his eyes, a machine purely used to kill people.

Gradually, Meng Fan's reincarnation grew up, and his killing methods became the first person in the entire assassin organization. He started acting alone, killing everyone in the valley, and then leaving!

However, he still made money as a killer, and he was very famous in an empire. Later, he fell in love with a woman, so he gave up his career, and his eyes began to regain a trace of anger, wanting to be with this Women live a lifetime!

However, what I didn't expect was that this woman was using him to help him steal an empire treasure, and finally let him bear all the charges.

Meng Fan's reincarnation was captured by the imperial emperor. In order to humiliate him, he interrupted all the meridians and all the bones in his body, making him live on the streets, and he could only crawl and walk all day. Between this moment, his reincarnation fell to the lowest point in his life, life is better than death!

Seeing all this, it made a bird and a tortoise crazy. If they hadn't been afraid to interfere with Meng Fan, they had already taken action. They couldn't bear it several times, but they had to crush their own teeth in the end!

"Master Gui, none of this is right. Don't you think Meng Fan is too unlucky? Even if he is truthful in his dreams, it shouldn't be like this!"

Lord Que said coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

In the more than ten years that Meng Fan has spent, almost everything he has encountered is bad. Everyone is targeting him, and his whole life is spent in constant framed by others.

"You mean someone moved their hands and feet, leaving Meng Fan in a state of being beaten? Although I don't know Yumeng truthfully, it must be a kind of red-earth experience. There is joy and sadness, but Meng Fan This is only a tragedy, so it must be!"

Master Gui nodded too, but the two looked at each other, and there was a trace of struggle between each other.

Because if this is the case, then the people who interfere with Meng Fan must be quite terrible, and they understand the practice of truthfulness in dreams better than them, so if they interfere forcibly, they will be self-defeating, and may even affect Meng Fan. , It also made the two people fall into endless hesitation.

At the same time, in the palace where the dark alliance was, the second drop of blood was in Meng Fan's body. . . . It also moved quietly and flew into the world!

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