Supreme God King

Chapter 1730: Sansheng shot

The third game!

The sound fell, filled with endless coldness!

Ji Feng's complexion at this moment was extremely bad, but it was a pity that he couldn't come out at all, and the face he had obtained from the sneak attack before was lost and clean.

"As expected of Meng Fan's granddaughter!"

"Invincible World, the name of Xiao Mengfan is not covered!"

The crowd was amazed, and the people of countless forces sighed secretly. In the past, one Meng Fan was enough to fight invincible all over the world, but he didn't expect the latter's heirs to be so fierce, which prevented others from living.

"You do it!"

Looking at the Ji family crowd, Ji Feng uttered three words, with murderous intent in his eyes.

After hearing what Ji Feng said, a figure walked out among the Ji family crowd. It was also a man, covered in a black shirt, moving in one step, and slowly came to the crowd, looking around. Words and words,

"In the next season, please enlighten me!"

A few words are extremely calm, but after seeing this person, the complexion of many masters in the dark alliance suddenly changed, including Ling Daiyou and God Monkey. They were all unexpected. The figure that appeared at this moment was about Only two thousand years old, it turned out to be. . . . Holy Three Realms!


Meng Niuniu grabbed her jade hand, and her pretty face became extremely cold. She had previously shot for a sure victory in the second game, but what she didn't expect was that this season's house still has a hole card. It seems that Ji Feng is definitely the one to come this time. Bad, it turned out to be hiding the last hole card until now, and then shot it.

The powerhouse of the three holy realms, about two thousand years old!

This growth rate may be ashamed even for Meng Fan, it is just an impossible thing. After this person came out, everyone in the whole world caused an uproar and looked at each other!

No one can imagine, there is still a first-class existence in this world!

Countless people talked about it, and they couldn't believe the facts.

"No, absolutely wrong, no one in the world can have this kind of growth rate, unless he is..."

The face of the **** monkey was green and indifferent,

"An ancient person, reincarnated and rebuilt, and is definitely a supreme power of the past!"

The tone was shaking, and with the eyesight of the **** monkey, it was natural to see the difference between the people of the Ji family. The latter's strength can be so fast, I am afraid it comes from the potential of its ancient times.

According to calculations, the latter is very likely to be at least a half-step **** king from the ancient era, who reincarnated and preserved the memory of the ancient era, only to be able to reach this step in two thousand years!

Such a strong shot, then although the bone age is only the younger generation, but it has violated the rules and is cheating.

"Hehe, why, how is Lord God Monkey so sure? Is there any evidence? I also said that Meng Niuniu is a reincarnated reincarnation. I want to say that I am, at least I need evidence!"

Standing in place, Ji Yi sneered.

Reincarnation and re-cultivation, the use of this secret technique makes this moment of Ji Yi seem seamless, even if it is seen by the monkey, but now there is no strong evidence to prove that unless it is a forced operation of the soul search, who else? Nor can it be concluded.

"Why, I just think that my cultivation is strong, so I dare not come forward? Or is there no one in the dark alliance except Meng Fan?"

Ji Yi's gaze swept around, his tone indifferent, full of a provocative taste.


Meng Niuniu squeezed both fists and wanted to shoot, but it did not conform to the rules. In these three rounds, each of the three games required another Tianjiao to shoot. Meng Niuniu had already shot before.

Facing this kind of provocation, many Tianjiao in the entire dark alliance were furious, but they wanted to make a move, but only under the strong breath of Ji Yi, it was to make countless people understand that they were not opponents at all. Once they stepped forward, they were equivalent to Ask for humiliation.

But a moment later, when Han You stood still, a voice slowly fell while Jiao Chu was about to step forward.

"Senior Sister, it's dangerous, let me try it!"

The speaker was a black-clothed man with some beast hair on his body. He looked extremely energetic and had a good look. He was Meng Fan's apprentice, Sansheng!

Its body is the Bingtian Ape, which was picked up by Meng Fan in the past, put away as a disciple, and passed on the essence to Sansheng.

During these years, the Sansheng also followed Meng Fan's continuous cultivation, his bloodline was amazing, he inherited Meng Fan's tenacity and was extremely hardworking, so he made rapid progress and reached the sacred realm.

With one step down, Sansheng was standing in the center of the ring.

Seeing such a scene, Ling Daiyou, Shenhou and others tried to stop them, but they also understood that with the exception of Sansheng, then they would never be able to find a good candidate in the younger generation. This person is extraordinary and wants to confront him. At least it is a sacred one.

"Sansheng, be careful, retreat if it doesn't work!"

The monkey said through the sound transmission, made Sansheng nodded, looked at it, and Ji Yi, arched his hands.

"Master Meng Fan, my next name is Sansheng, please enlighten me!"

Hearing this, Ji Yi who stood still sneered, with a cold expression on his face, saying every word,

"Interesting, is there someone who is not afraid of death and is another Meng Fan's apprentice? That's just right, crippling you. I don't know how your master will look like...

A few words were spit out, and at the same time a mark came out in the next moment, covering the world, and attacking brazenly.

A strong man who set foot in the sacred three realms!

Under this blow, the whole world seemed to lose its color. This person's strength is definitely not under Meng Niuniu. Even if Meng Niuniu stands in the field, it must be a battle of life and death, not to mention the difference between himself and him. Three students of two equal ranks.

However, standing in place, Sansheng’s complexion was extremely calm. With a loud roar, the whole body changed, and the whole person turned into an ice-sky ape body, standing upright on the ground, with a terrifying aura, under the blow of this domineering world, a huge body It also doesn’t retreat, but advances, with a punch, and a word runs through the sky,


The dark alliance battle attracted the attention of the entire ten thousand domains. In this moment, I don't know how many people's eyes are concentrated here, and they are not willing to take a point.

Everyone understands that this battle seems to be the careful planning of the Ji family. Once it is successful, even if the dark alliance cannot be eliminated, it can still cause its momentum to be devastated. It is definitely enough for the dark alliance to drink a pot. of.

I don’t know what it will mean when I come from the age of God King.

Including many emperors, temples, etc., the ancient forces between the heavens and the earth, and now each has a tight aura, and it is the most critical moment to understand this battle.

And the dark alliance set off such a big wave, to a bird and a tortoise, it is completely unknown, because the two of them, who have been summoned now, are just staring at Meng Fan who is dreaming!

The deity is sitting in the dark alliance, but Meng Fan's blood is turned into nine drops, scattered between this world, and any one is reincarnated as an ordinary child among these ten thousand realms.

However, what makes a bird and a tortoise extremely depressing is that in every life of Meng Fan, he has been extremely rough and has encountered all the misfortunes in his life. Basically, when he was about twenty years old, he was already born. It's better to die, there is only one body framed by others!

It can be seen that Meng Fan’s first reincarnated meridians have been cut off, lying on the street, and I don’t know how many people’s contemptuous gazes come and go. The years go by, and they are aging. The only thing in his eyes is that A deep sadness and despair.

And the body of Meng Fan's second life was a human-shaped medicine furnace, which eventually caused his whole body to fester. He suffered from various venom attacks every day, and it was hard to die.

The third generation was kept in a prison, trapped in the body by eight big pipas. . . . . .

Each of this ninth reincarnation body can be said to have been reduced to a situation where it is impossible to recover from all kinds of human sufferings. Even though it is impossible for a bird and a turtle to interfere now, unless it is to kill Meng Fan's reincarnation, there is no other way.

"Impossible, someone must have moved their hands and feet!"

The bird yelled up to the sky, full of endless anger.

However, after the anger, the only thing left between the two of them is that strong sense of powerlessness. Facing the reincarnations of the nine Meng Fans, one bird and one turtle understands that now Meng Fan wants to get rid of such a situation, then He is the only one to rely on!

However, under the constant blow of this kind of destiny, even though all these nine people inherited Meng Fan's tough character, they were already completely defeated.

The nine people have completely become slaves to fate. As time passes, they are getting older and older, and there is only that kind of helplessness, desolation, and bleak in their eyes. . . . .


In the place where the dark alliance is testing, the sound of thunder crashed down, spreading throughout the world, and the fight in it was extremely terrifying, breaking the world. After a while, a figure could be seen flying out, blood spurting out, it was Sansheng!

There is a difference of two realms. In front of Ji Yi, Sansheng is not his opponent at all. Under the collision, it is only less than ten rounds, that is, Sansheng has been hit by Ji Yi, and the whole person is Flew out and fell to the ground in an instant!


The bones and muscles were broken, the body exploded, and the hair that was originally Sansheng's white hair was completely red with blood and was seriously injured.

Seeing such a scene, Ling Daiyou's complexion changed, and she said solemnly.

"We gave up!"

A word that caused an uproar in the whole world, countless people looked at each other, and many people in the dark alliance each clenched their fists and said nothing, their eyes full of resentment. However, everyone also understood that this battle was not above the same level at all. Once it was forced to go on, then Sansheng would be dangerous, so there was nothing wrong with Ling Daiyou's choice!

However, in the next moment, without waiting for the people of the Ji family to answer, a voice came from the center of the scene, with powerful words.

"No... I'm okay... World War I!"

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