Supreme God King

Chapter 1731: Meng Fan is my teacher!

World War One!

The two words fell, and in the eyes of everyone, you could see a figure standing up in the ruins, covered in blood, dripping, but the whole person insisted on himself, stood up, it was Sansheng!

The palm of Ji Yi in the body is already serious enough. It penetrated Sansheng’s chest, and his body was completely cut off. The best way at this moment is to recuperate, but Sansheng is obviously not willing. Back, there is still another battle!

"Sansheng, without Meng Fan, I am the leader of the dark alliance, order everything, now I order you to come down and give up!"

Upon hearing this, Ling Daiyou's complexion changed, and she immediately said, full of a serious tone.

Meng Fan’s apprentice is equivalent to all of them. Sansheng is loved by countless people in the dark alliance. He has a simple, silly and cute personality. What he likes most is to help other people on weekdays, Ling Daiyou How could he bear the heart to watch him get hurt in front of him and be crushed by Ji Yi.

"Do not!"

However, at the next moment, what was unexpected to Ling Daiyou was that a firm voice came out of Sansheng's mouth, and between this moment, it reverberated around.

Hearing this, Ling Dai was stunned for a moment, because the three students in the past had great respect for her. She never said a word in any request. He worked hard and complained in the dark league, but he was a good boy. This is probably three. Say no to her solemnly for the first time in her life!

Looking at Ling Dai faintly, Sansheng knelt on the ground, bowed deeply, said slowly,

"I'm sorry, Madam, your order is too big, but I am me... Master's disciple, I am Meng Fan's disciple, if I can fight, I must fight. In the name of Meng Fan, no one in the world can Humiliation, as his disciple, I can't lose the face of my master, please master!"

The tone fell, sonorous and powerful.

With Sansheng's character publicly rejecting Ling Daiyou's request, the most uncomfortable thing was himself, but at this moment, there was only firmness in his eyes.

That kind of pride as a disciple of Meng Fan, that kind of pride as a person of the dark alliance, does not allow him to retreat without a fight!

Looking at Sansheng’s gaze, Ling Daiyou’s eyes trembled, stood still, and fell silent. After a few breaths, she could only wave her hand and utter two words.


With a trembling tone, Ling Daiyou knew at this moment that even if she wanted to stop it, it was impossible, because the look in Sansheng's eyes was the same as when Meng Fan ran away, so tough and unyielding.

Once she intervened forcibly, Sansheng would rather die in place than to come down, then only let Sansheng do it.

"Thank you Madam!"

Sansheng’s eyes were overjoyed, and then stood up, his eyes met Ji Yi, his blood-stained body ran away again, strode out, violent, and at the same time the two words also fell.

"Come again!"

In an instant, Sansheng shot again, punching in the air, and his body directly cut through the world.

"Huh, looking for death!"

Seeing this scene, Ji Yi sneered, slammed his foot on the ground, and blasted out a palm, turning into a shadow, fighting with Sansheng again.


The power of the two intertwined, and the void that was hit immediately collapsed, and the eyes of the three lives in it went wild, striding out, and any blow was extremely tough. What he cultivates is the method of Meng Fan's physical body. What he is best at is fighting close to the body, so at this moment Sansheng is also trying to get close to Jiyi, exerting his powerful advantages, and almost running away. One move is faster than one move. Countless fierce punches were like Meng Fan personally, and they flew toward Ji Yi with a fierce impact.

Between the field, there was also a burst of sonic boom, which was endless.

Under this kind of impact, it also shocked the hearts of countless people between Zhou and Tian. They stared at the field closely. The previous change occurred, which can be said to make the situation in the field more complicated. Now that hundreds of millions of people gather around, the atmosphere doesn't dare to breathe more, just staring at the field.

Under this situation, the whole world seemed to be dead, only the two in the center!

After staggering dozens of moves, it made the people in the field amazed, and the repressive play of Sansheng played a big role.

His style is exactly the same as that of Meng Fan. Once he is close, he will turn into a mad demon. Innumerable attack methods are used madly without giving his opponent any room to breathe. Under this kind of play, Ji Yi is caught off guard. At the same time, he was backing back again and again, and finally he was accidentally hit by a punch from Sansheng, directly hitting his face.


With a punch in his face, Ji Yi's whole body was flying out, his face was bloody, he looked like the enemy Meng Fan faced back then, was smashed out of life!

Seeing such a scene can be said to have amazed thousands of people. There is a two-level difference between the two sides, but Sansheng has achieved this step. It is really commendable, and it is already a shocking combat power!

Countless people from the dark alliance cheered, their eyes moist, and they understood that it was Meng Fan's unyielding spirit that allowed Sansheng to inherit, and only then was it possible for him to deal with such a powerful enemy without fear and without fear.

This is also the soul of the entire dark alliance for many years, and it is also the root of why this group of people can kill all the way from under the Tianhan Mountain to this Middle Ancient Realm in the past!

The strong enemy is terrible, but. . . . . so what!

Above the sky, the figure fell, and blood spurted out, which was exactly Ji Yi. After a few breaths, Ji Yi's body stood up, and the nose above his face was smashed by San Sheng Sheng Sheng. The whole person seemed to be covered in dust and extremely embarrassed.

In this way, Ji Yi can be said that his face is distorted at this moment, looking at Sansheng, saying every word,

"Little boy, I was careless, but you are are looking for death!"

The way of speaking is easy, the world is cold!

At the same time, Ji Yi's palm moved, and the secret method turned, and after an instant it had turned into an ancient secret. The powerful handprint traversed the void and blasted toward the three lives.

A sacred statue of the three realms, completely erupting, under this palm, comparable to the thunder of the Eight Desolates, moving instantly, under this handprint, the world is completely covered, and everything loses its color, only this powerful **** level Secret method!

"Be careful, Sansheng!"

The monkey, Ling Daiyou and the others yelled, already shocked, ready to take action at any time.

Obviously this moment Ji Yi had already moved the real trump card, using his cultivation base to unfold such a terrible handprint, overwhelming everything, I am afraid that this blow would be defeated for three lives, the latter has no chance at all.

Faced with this, Sansheng's complexion was calm, just a roar, the whole body expanded, like a mountain peak, the vitality exploded, but also a palm to the sky!

There is no doubt that under this kind of moment, the two of them also have their own cards one after another, bursting out their most powerful blow!

Under the eyes of everyone, the two handprints also traversed the sky and the earth, each bombarding them. Once they collided, the earth and the sky would collapse!

However, at the next moment, to everyone's expectation, Sansheng's handprints crossed out and moved in the void, but one of his palms was not opposed to Ji Yi's handprints, but separated, interlaced in the void, and printed towards each other. Ji Yi Boom!

Such a scene shocked the entire field in an instant, which was beyond everyone's expectation, including the **** monkey, Ling Daiyou and others who absolutely never expected Sansheng. . . . Will do it!

This way of playing is undoubtedly disregarding oneself, only to hurt the enemy and the enemy. . . . . perish together!

Between this moment, the court was rioting, and countless people stood and stared at the court, unable to believe it. Including Ling Daiyou, it’s impossible for the monkeys to take action. In their previous plan, they thought that Sansheng and Jiyi collided, and finally lost, and Sansheng was exhausted. Then they took action to save Sansheng. It just happened to make Sansheng fail, but what I didn't expect was that Sansheng did not intend to fight against it at all, but instead. . . . Direct shot, ignoring the gambling shop, just a palm blast, impacting Ji Yi's body and leaving!

At such a fast speed, no one can react. After this moment, you can see Ji Yi’s power penetrating through the sky and directly hitting Sansheng’s body, and Sansheng’s body shakes. Standing on the sky and earth, letting that kind of power penetrate, his palm was also slapped towards Ji Yi!


Faced with this, Ji Yi roared, his complexion changed drastically, and it was impossible to go backwards.

With a single blow, the handprint hits, and the direct and terrifying air wave penetrates, the extreme fierce, unparalleled terrifying, and gathers all the combat power in the Sansheng body!

Even though Ji Yi was the three sacred realms, the interlocking blows of the three lives were beyond his expectation, and it was beyond his control.

Once it really fell, then he was also likely to fall into a vanishing end, and Ji Yi could not help but tremble all over, and the last time he gritted his teeth, his soul moved and broke out.

Obviously at this moment, Ji Yi chose to abandon the car to protect his commander, instead of his own body. Only the soul fled, flew outwards, and left this battlefield like lightning, letting the power of Sansheng fall, Its physical body. . . . Shattered!


The world burst, and a huge mushroom cloud rose in the field. Under this kind of shock, it was impossible for people to react.

Countless spreading space debris overflowed, thanks to the ancient divine formation around it, it was only defended, otherwise it would have to spread around.

This kind of vibration caused the earth to tremble constantly. After a few breaths, everything in it was restored. Under everyone’s eyes, one could see the messy scene, and there were traces of fragmentation everywhere. Standing in it, Sansheng was stained with blood, and the whole person stood still, motionless.

In the distance, Ji Yi's soul had already fled, and came to Ji Feng's side frantically, still trembling extremely, it is hard to imagine how there could be such a person in this world.

The world is dead, everyone is silent, countless eyes are concentrated in the field, including a kind of Ji family who are stupid in place, staring at the figure in it.

After a few breaths, standing still, Sansheng grinned, looked at the Ji family, and asked slowly,

"I'm still here, but he is out...Is this the third game...I won?"

This is the fifth update. I have been talking about outbreaks before, and I have not succeeded. This time I definitely forget it. Anyway, I have tried my best. Thank you for supporting my book friends. Those who want to chat can join the deduction group of God King. 259974428

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