Supreme God King

Chapter 1732: Shien

A few words fell and spread throughout the world!

In this instant, countless people in the entire world were silent, including Ling Daiyou, Shenhou, Ji Feng, and so on.

Anyone who pays attention to this place will find it difficult to utter a single word in the face of this situation.

Standing in place, Ji Feng trembled all over, his face looked like pig liver, and he couldn't answer Sansheng's question at all.

The Holy Three Realms vs the Holy One Realm!

This kind of confrontation is basically a battle that must be won, but under the means of Sansheng, it turned out to be a complete comeback, causing Ji Yi to die.

This is extremely shocking, and it is absolutely unimaginable that there are people in this world who can ignore themselves, or even fear life and death!

Everyone now understands that from the beginning to the end, Sansheng entered this battle and didn't let Han You play, but he had a mortal mentality, and that he chose to end up with Ji Yi for the purpose! In order to defend Meng Fan's honor, in order to defend the dark alliance, at this moment Sansheng gave up on himself, just to win!

Such spirit, such means!

Facing the silence of the whole world, Sansheng was still smiling, extremely happy, nodded and said,

"It seems it should be. If we win two games in three games, our dark alliance will win, and your Ji family will lose!"

A few words fell, extremely hoarse, and no one answered, but Sansheng didn't need them to answer. After finishing speaking, he had already turned around and looked towards. . . . Meng Fan's retreat!


Under the eyes of everyone, Sansheng actually knelt down in the direction where Meng Fan was, with a smile on his face, saying every word.

"Master, I won, I didn't lose your face, but...I can no longer serve your old man, and I can no longer listen to your old man's teaching..."

The last few words fell and resounded through the world. After a while, everyone in the dark alliance was pale, staring at Sansheng, and found that it was already on this body. . . . No life!

The body and soul were completely penetrated and completely shattered by Ji Yi's previous blow!


Meng Niuniu whirled tearfully and said loudly.

In a flash, the entire dark alliance ran away, and countless people shook their bodies, staring at the field, their fists clenched, tears rained down, and it was difficult to utter a word.

Between this moment, it can be said that they all felt their minds trembling, staring at the field as if their bodies were empty.

Kneeling on the spot, Sansheng's gaze just looked in the direction where Meng Fan was, and continued,

"Master, I am just an orphan. I was adopted by you. I have received your careful care and instruction. I will never be able to pay off your kindness for the rest of my life. You named me Sansheng, then I hope that I will live in the next life... ...You can still be your disciple.

Be able to be your disciple for three lives and three lives, will be. . . . How good. . . . I remember that there is such a song in Wanyu. It is rumored that if a person who is dying sings, he can carry his obsession to the next life. Then I will return with this obsession and be your disciple. I want to sing. . . . Listen to you, you are still willing. . . . Take me as a disciple? . . . . "

Words are powerful, eyes weeping blood.

It was extremely difficult for Sansheng to utter every word. The most important reason was that there was only one, he was actually at this moment. . . . Already dead, completely disappeared, including the spirit of the gods, no longer existed under a single blow.

The most important thing to be able to speak and keep his body intact is his own obsession, and then insist on letting him finish the last paragraph. While speaking, he can see a little bit on his body. It was torn apart, and there were countless cracks, as if it was about to burst at any time.

"In any case, I want to be your disciple, so I sing it for you..."

"The world has a head, the world has a knot, but love is boundless..."

"The sea can be done, the world can end, but the thoughts are boundless..."

"The three lives of the disciples...have the teacher Meng Fan, who will benefit all his life and be proud of his teacher. I hope that all the three lives and three lives will be the disciples of Meng Fan. Your disciple, take care of the master, and only hope that my master's supernatural power will be rewarded for his life."

"The disciple left in the end, there was only one bow, to thank Master..."

Words weeping blood, Sansheng stared at the direction of Meng Fan's retreat, and then kowtowed down wherever he went. A head fell heavily on the ground, and there was a bang.

There is only one worship, thank you Shien!

At this moment, in the dark alliance hall, the eyes of the body of Meng Fan's deity closed, but a drop of tears slowly dripped from the corner of his eyes and hit the clothes.

Kneeling and tears to thank Shien!

In a trance, Meng Fan seemed to see two shadows, one of which was the big shadow who knelt down before the restricted area, tears fell, and knelt to the ground toward the figure that blew up, squatting goodbye, and looking in a trance. When he arrived at a figure, it was Sansheng, standing far away, bowing to him, saying goodbye, and the two figures gradually overlapped.

Meng Fan’s eyes had not been opened yet, and the whole person was dead, but the corners of his mouth were constantly twitching, and finally he sobbed out two words.



In the dark alliance hall, for a moment, blood and blood shook the world like a sea. It was just a moment that everyone could feel that in the hall of Meng Fan's retreat, an infinite force that shocked the world was bursting out.

In this moment, this kind of power swept the entire sky and the sky, swept the chaotic watershed, even the ten thousand domains seemed to have a sense, the world changed color.

The figure walked out, it was Meng Fan who was in retreat!

At this moment, Meng Fan’s eyes were closed and his face expressionless, just step by step, stepping on the world, from the retreat to the place where the Sansheng was, his big hand stretched out and slowly touched the head of Sansheng. on.

Gently stroked the palm of his hand, Meng Fan stood on the spot, his eyes closed, but tears fell drop by drop, and the whole world was boiling immediately.

Especially for everyone in the dark alliance, the entire high-level team understood that Meng Fan was seriously injured in the past and was in retreat.

"No soul!"

A moment later, Ji Feng exclaimed. He himself is a strong **** king with amazing eyesight. After carefully feeling Meng Fan's body, he discovered that at this moment, there is no trace of soul in Meng Fan's body. In disguised terms, Meng Fan Now standing between the heaven and the earth is just a flesh.

The reason why he was able to appear here was also because the consciousness of Sansheng had infected Meng Fan, dragging Meng Fan's body to move, and came here.

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with this guy, this guy is doing something unprecedented!"

Ji Feng muttered to himself, an unimaginable murderous intent burst into his eyes.

Every week the sky trembled, the eyes of countless figures were concentrated here, it was a huge wave of waves in the field, no matter who did not expect that things would reach this point.

"Send Sansheng!"

After a while, countless dark guards roared, and even the **** men had moist eyes at this moment. In the end, only the tip of the knife pointed to the sky, and the sound swept the world.

"Send... Sansheng!"

"Send... Sansheng!"

This kind of endless sound swept through the sky and shook the entire chaotic valley. Standing in place, Meng Fan was stroking Sansheng's body with this big hand. At this moment, there was no more vitality in his body. The physical body was finally unable to support it, and it shattered suddenly, just in front of Meng Fan's eyes.

The palm of his hand was lightly stroked, and Meng Fan couldn't touch it anymore. His body trembled, and only these two figures were constantly overlapping in the trance. One was the figure kneeling in the restricted area, and the other was the cry of the third life before leaving. .

At the same time, in the ten thousand realms, the land of the nine reincarnations that Meng Fan transformed into has already become precarious. With the passage of these years, the nine reincarnations of Meng Fan have suffered countless sufferings. I tasted all the sorrows, and finally finally reached the dying year of the wind and candle, one by one, he was about to die between the world.

In the land of the ancient gods, Tu Tian opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face. He understood that the death of these nine clones of Meng Fan meant that his secret method of turning dreams into reality had no effect, but would make him. Cultivation collapsed and Meng Fan could no longer make progress.

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on Tu Tian’s face, but at the moment his smile appeared, the nine reincarnations of Meng Fan scattered all over these ten thousand realms seemed to be born in the chaotic eyes. A kind of strange induction.

All of these nine people have suffered from the suffering in the world, and they have no feelings for a long time, but in the trance, it seems to see a snow-white monkey kneeling to him, chanting words, making the expressions of these nine people There was a trace of confusion. They didn't seem to know this person, but seeing this monkey's **** eyes, it made them feel extremely painful, like a knife cut.

At this moment, it seems that their own pain is far less tangible than this pain. Each of the nine people has no strength to work, but at the same time it is difficult to reach out the palm, want to grasp, want to go. What was retained, but unfortunately nothing was retained.

With their last move, they also exhausted all their lives and reached the end, but when the nine people were dying, the eyes that had been chaotic for a whole life flashed with an unprecedented light. I spit out a few words,

"Sansheng... teacher..."

The death of the nine people made a bird and a turtle pale and felt extremely desperate. However, in the next moment, the bodies of the nine people disappeared at the same time, turned into a drop of blood, and then penetrated the void and returned to the dark alliance. , Integrated into Meng Fan's body.

The blood returned and merged into the body. After a while, the eyes of Meng Fan that had been closed before... suddenly opened!

First, after watching a lot of brainless people, I feel very speechless. There is no high c if there is no foreshadowing. It's that simple truth.

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