Supreme God King

Chapter 1733: All over the world

Open your eyes!

Meng Fan stood in place, where the three lives had disappeared. At this moment, he was finally able to see, his eyes staring at the place, without saying a word!

In a trance, he seemed to see the little monkey he had picked up in the God of War space. The whole body was white and babbling, and it was as if he was carefully teaching yesterday, letting Sansheng practice martial arts, and once again saw it in a certain In a world, Sansheng Worship looked at his gaze.

The palms were lightly clenched, but he could no longer touch his forehead, as if in Meng Fan's hands, there was still... His residual temperature.

"Teacher... came back, Sansheng..."

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth trembled, and he uttered a few words gently.

It's just that this voice reverberates, and between this world, I can't see that silly figure again.


In the land of the ancient gods, Tu Tian's eyes flashed, looking at it through the endless evil intentions, coldly said,

"It's a pity that under my cultivation method, all your paths to enlightenment have been blocked. It's a pity, Meng Fan, if you really succeed, I believe you will be incomparable in the realm of God King Realm. It's powerful, but now... It's only the point where you won't be able to set foot in the **** king for a lifetime!"

In the chaotic valley, after seeing Meng Fan, Ji Feng is also full of murderous intent, his body is like a magic weapon, his eyes are fixed on Meng Fan, and he said calmly.

"Very well, Meng Fan, you finally appeared!"

The voice rumbling, and after falling, finally made Meng Fan raise his head, his eyes facing him.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan said slowly,

"You wanted to kill me, so you just came here. What you did was just a cover-up, right!"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, the field was suddenly shocked. Now, here is the focus of the eyes of many masters of heaven and earth. Under this situation, all of them held their breath and waited quietly.

Including Ji Feng did not expect Meng Fan to be so direct, but after a while, Ji Feng did not hide it, just said indifferently.

"Yes, how?"

Say it!

Many people from the dark alliance were violent, and millions of people from the dark alliance surrounded the entire world, murderously like a knife, and targeted the Ji family and others.

Especially Ling Daiyou, Meng Niuniu, Shenhou and others could not hold it back. If Meng Fan was not there and had not spoken, I am afraid they would have already taken action.

The relationship between them and Sansheng is very good, and now seeing him fall from the ground with his own eyes, such a blow is absolutely unbearable.

Before, Ling Daiyou and the others had already understood that what Ji Feng and others came to meant was that the drunkard’s intention was not to drink, and it seemed to be aimed at Meng Fan!

"If you want to kill me, you can do it directly, why bother... hurt other people more..."

Meng Fan said quietly, his tone full of depression and loneliness.

"It's just a test!"

Ji Feng sneered and said every word.

"I just want to know that you still have a few percent of combat power left, and whether the heroes have recovered, so naturally I need to delay for a while. I wait for things to be complete, so I won't act easily.

Especially to deal with a cunning existence like you, it takes a step-by-step strategy, so I set foot in the dark alliance in the name of the younger generation.

But it’s a pity that in the previous temptation, it was possible to see that you were in retreat, and it was still that kind of retreat. It has not been broken to reach the **** king, and the human male is not here in the temple, so it is just right now. Yes. . . . . The best time to shoot! "

The last few words were spit out, and the whole world was confined.

This Ji Feng himself is a powerhouse in the Divine King Realm. He was the remnant of the ancient times. After this long period of time, his strength has finally recovered.

He is already at his peak, standing between this world and targeting Meng Fan, which is comparable to the punishment of heaven, possessing a terrifying power that makes the world tremble.

However, regarding this, Meng Fan was expressionless, just looked at a certain place in the sky, and slowly said,

"Two lords, shouldn't they have come out too!"

The tone was calm, and everyone was stunned for the moment he said it, and the world where Meng Fan's gaze was looking at did not see any figures, just a breeze.

However, after a breath, the world suddenly changed, and you could see that the space was slowly torn apart. Two figures came out of them, each of which was dressed in black, with white hair fluttering. They were two elderly men, which looked extremely Ordinary, but the more the top power, the greater the pressure felt.

After the two of them completely reigned over this world, it made many sacred powerhouses feel that their breathing was difficult and unbearable.

The entire void seemed to be suppressed by countless boulders after the two appeared.

"The highest ancestor of the Zhao family!"

"The Great Ancestor of the Western Sky!"

At the same time, there was an exclamation in the crowd, and the existence of ancient existence was no stranger to the two of them.

After a moment, it was almost an earthquake in the field.

Unexpectedly, there were two more **** kings again, and they came from the Zhao family, the two long-lost ancestors of the Xitian gods, but the two ancient emperors reappeared in the world.

Reminiscing about what Ji Feng did before, everyone naturally understood that this was definitely the result of the discussions of the three great king realm powerhouses, who intended to target Meng Fan and wipe out the entire dark alliance between the world.

Three great ancient emperors!

Facing the three mountain-like figures in the field, countless people swallowed their saliva, knowing that there must be a terrifying battle between today, which is enough to shake the ages.

This battle must be unprecedented in history. There are three gods and kings alone now, which is shocking, Meng Fan. . . . Hang out!

"It's a pity that your dream-to-real exercise failed, otherwise it would be really hard to deal with you today!"

Standing in the sky, the old Zhao family slowly said, his tone was extremely hoarse. Obviously the two had already arrived before, but they just didn't show up. Their spirits searched the entire dark alliance, and they also sensed Meng Fan's shock.

In the age of the King of Gods, it is not just talking, but this ancient emperor has really been resurrected, and now there is more than one in the field.

However, after a while, Meng Fan just smiled, looked far away, and slowly asked through the endless void,

"Are you going to shoot too, Tu Tian!"

"Not bad!"

Outside of the endless void, in the land of the ancient gods, Tu Tian's eyes met Meng Fan, nodded, his spiritual thoughts moved, tearing the space apart, and after a moment, he had come to the land of the dark alliance!

The moment it fell, it made the entire world boil. If someone with eyesight can recognize it, the latter is the king of the ancient gods, and the same supreme power who stepped into the realm of the gods.

The fourth **** king strong.

Counting the previous three, there are already four gods in the realm of the gods in the field to target Meng Fan!

This lineup has already made everyone speechless. I have to admit that it is a great honor to be targeted alone. Over the long period of time, few people have been treated like this. One of them is the **** of good luck, not the Chinese cabbage on the street, but he already regards Meng Fan as a common enemy!

The arrival of such four people is definitely a terrifying killing!

Standing in place, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"You want to kill me, it's nothing more than wanting to occupy the first place of the emperor, and it's nothing more than wanting to control the rivers and mountains. If I didn't guess wrong, the reason why you can all be moved by you is that If you want to control the world together, use the resources of the world to help you do things, and this thing should be... the source of the heavens is related!"

The voice fell, and the Zhao family, Xitian and other ancient emperors were all slightly picked up. Finally, the Zhao family ancestor said calmly,

"Yes, since you guessed it, there is nothing to conceal. The source of the heavens will appear soon, and the kings of the world are fighting for it, and I want to have an advantage, but I need A group of disciples and grandchildren come to help us and use the world's resources. Only in this way can it be possible to fight the thirteen hall masters.

Unexpectedly, you have appeared in the eternal ages. It is the biggest stepping stone in front of us. You were able to smooth out the forces of my class before, control the ten emperors and listen to your orders, but now I am waiting for the recovery to take action personally, you don't have any opportunity! "

The tone was flat, but it seemed to be announcing the death penalty of Meng Fan. This was the highest ancestor of the Zhao family. He used to be rampant in the past. He speaks like a verbal confession and possesses a powerful deterrent.

"In this regard, my ancient gods are also very interested!"

Tu Tian said calmly,

"It seems that I can join forces with a few of you today to confront the enemy together!"

The tone was calm, but it caused several ancient emperors to look at each other, nodding their heads, and then aimed at Meng Fan.

"Meng Fan, do you have anything else to say? When you destroyed my two emperor clans in the past, you should think of today, thinking that you are also a generation of heroes, so let's dictate yourself!"

The supreme ancestor of the Xitian God Race slowly said that he hadn't been shown in Ten Thousand Years for tens of thousands of years, but his own style was still the same, and the meaning of killing and cutting was heartbreaking.

The four great gods, surrounding the sky, are like a four-square world, encircling Meng Fan among them!

Under the current situation, there was silence between the heaven and the earth, and many people in the dark alliance were also horrified, and it was unexpected that this time the killing was so huge.

Not only the Ji family has arrived, but the ancient gods have arrived, including the two ancient emperors who had retired from the world before returning, and at the same time they have to attack Meng Fan.

In this case, Meng Fan can be called. . . . Enemies all over the world!

The four great kings suppressed, Meng Fan has not set foot in that step now, it can be said that. . . . Must die!

Standing in the same place, facing the four great kings, a self-deprecating look appeared on Meng Fan’s face, and endless sadness emerged in his eyes. Finally,

"Actually, you are only one step away to be able to succeed. If I am not dead for three lives, I myself will really be lost in the ten thousand realms, my heart will collapse, and I will never be able to set foot on the King of God, but the will of heaven makes people and good luck makes people... ...You actually made me with your own hands..."

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