Supreme God King

Chapter 1743: Old friend

Five Emperors City!

The Cao family’s mansion is located in the center of this place, like a dragon vein, occupying the vital point, like a city in a city, occupying this splendor, but no one dare to say anything about the countless powerhouses in the entire Five Emperor City and even the Sifang Realm. .

In the past, the rise of the Cao family means that it will not fall in these four regions until ten thousand years. The foundation accumulated in it is naturally enough to dominate the entire Sifang region, let alone among the five emperor cities, including In the huge northern region, there are very few forces that dare to challenge the Cao family.

Even many supreme powerhouses avoided the distance after seeing the Cao family. Everyone knew that the Cao family was powerful, but there was even a rumor circulating in this quadrangular area.

The reason why the Cao family has been able to stay still for so many years is more important because of the relationship with the dark alliance, especially between the rumored grandma of the Cao family and the supreme emperor who now sits in the Middle Ancient Region and looks at the world. The relationship is extraordinary!

Of course, with the passing of time, no one has really seen it, so all this has naturally become a rumor and cannot be trusted, but the Cao family has always stood firm in this four-sided domain for many years and ruled the roost.

So when the grandmother Cao's grandmother was celebrating her birthday, it was natural to attract countless people, including countless powerful people in the entire Sifang area and even the northern group.

In this Cao’s mansion, there were lights and colorful, full of voices, and a lively atmosphere.

But after a while, there was news that the grandma of the Cao family was unwell today, and she didn't come to meet with everyone, which immediately caused everyone's loss.

But this loss is only over after a while, everyone is still the same as before, the celebration that should be celebrated, the drink that should drink.

And behind this noisy Cao's mansion, there are two graceful figures. With Qingsi draped behind them, you can see that these are two middle-aged beautiful women.

One is dressed in purple and the other is dressed in blue. Their looks are a bit the same, but each has its own temperament, but they are both rare and beautiful.

Although the years have left countless traces on their bodies, their peerless temperament can still be seen vaguely, but at this moment, on the face of the blue-clothed beautiful woman, there is a strong worry that has surfaced, staring at the beauty in purple. Woman, slowly said,

"Sister... why have you refused to take the medicine?"

The voice was trembling and full of complaints.

But the beautiful woman in purple has a calm face and smiles.

"The heavens and the earth are in order. I have ordinary qualifications and cannot break through the realm. Even if I rely on the gods, it is impossible to live in the world. So it is better to leave those precious gods to my descendants of the Cao family, maybe in the future. It's so useful!"

Hearing this, the beautiful lady in blue immediately gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice.


"Okay, Zhi'er, I have decided, you don't want to talk anymore, I don't want to see guests today, you take me there, don't entertain those people outside!"

The beautiful woman in purple smiled and patted the beautiful woman in blue.

"You understand, you can't help me, you have been from childhood to most of you!"

Looking at the beautiful woman in purple clothes, she insisted on her face. Finally, the beautiful woman in blue clothes only sighed slightly, nodded and prepared to leave, but after a moment, she turned her head and said in a deep voice.

"Even if my sister insists on doing this, but... is it really not leaving the blood of my sister between heaven and earth?"

Hearing that, the body of the beautiful woman in purple clothes was shocked, she shook her head again, and smiled.

"Of course not, I have been prepared for this life, didn't you know it already!"

Hearing the words of the beautiful woman in purple, the beautiful woman in blue stopped talking, a complex expression appeared on her face, and finally sighed softly, nodded, and walked away slowly.

In these years, the Cao family has grown stronger and has ruled the four directions forever, and its children have spread all over the world, spreading branches and leaves, and constantly developing. However, only the core members of the Cao family know that during these years, the Cao family A grandma who is in charge of the charm, but never married, no man can walk into her side.

Therefore, the descendants of Cao's family are all heirs of mistresses, and do not have the blood of grandma.

In the boudoir, only the beautiful woman in purple clothes was left, and she became silent. After a while, the beautiful woman in purple also sat down quietly, with a movement of her palm, a picture scroll appeared in her hand, unfolding it.

It was discovered that this was a painting, and it was a young man in a blue shirt, striding out and walking along the boundless mountain peak.

You can see the youth's face, full of immaturity and youthfulness, but it seems to reveal a kind of perseverance.

Seeing this, the beautiful woman in purple suddenly smiled, fingers stretched out, and gently stroked the face of the young man on the picture scroll, and finally whispered,

"Ten thousand years..."

The tone was filled with tenderness that this beautiful woman in purple clothes had never had in her daily life.

And at the next moment, a voice fell in this room,

"Yeah... 10,000 years!"

Responding to the beautiful woman in this way immediately made the purple-clothed beautiful woman extremely alert, her body stood up, her vitality exploded, and she already stepped into the Profound Origin Realm, and at the moment she turned around, she was imprisoned.


The beautiful woman in purple spit out a word, cold and bitter, and glared away, wanting to see who was so bold that she dared to enter her boudoir privately.

However, at the next moment, a snap fell, and the picture scroll in the hands of the beautiful woman fell to the ground. The beautiful woman’s body trembled. She looked at the standing man in the distance. After a while, there were already two drops on the pretty face. Let's clear the tears!

Standing in place, the man looked as if he was only in his twenties, with blue silk flying, looking at the beautiful woman in purple clothes, and finally gave a wry smile.

"Cao Lan... are you okay!"

The one standing here is naturally Meng Fan, and the opposite is no one else, it is Cao Lan, the beauty Meng Fan met on the Central Plain in the past.

When the old people meet, they are already separated forever!

Looking at Meng Fan's face, Cao Lan's body trembled, tears kept lingering, and finally she wiped her eyes vigorously before she was sure that the person standing in front of her was...the real person!

"Really... It's you, have you returned to Sifang Domain?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Meng Fan nodded and gave a wry smile.

After a few breaths, Cao Lan was able to stabilize. Even if she had been in charge of the Cao family for many years, she had experienced countless experiences, but she did not have the excitement like today, as if she had difficulty breathing.

At last Cao Lan just sat down, staring at Meng Fan, crying and slowly saying,

"Unexpectedly, I will be able to see you in my lifetime, Meng Fan!"

Meng Fan was speechless, only sitting quietly with Cao Lan. The two looked at each other and slowly spoke.

For two full days, Meng Fan stayed in Cao Lan's room. The two of them just sat quietly on the spot, telling each other about each other's thoughts, these years of experience, interesting things, etc.

You must know that the two are old friends before the ages, and in the past Cao Lan had this kind of strange affection for Meng Fan, but it was a pity that the concubine had love and Lang had no intention.

Seeing Cao Lan, Meng Fan also put everything down, only to meet a good friend of his old days and chat with him, very happy.

Finally, after listening to the countless things that Cao Lan had seen her in ten thousand years, Meng Fan also nodded before saying,

"Sorry, Cao Lan!"

A few words conveyed Meng Fan’s extraordinarily guilt. He understood that it was because of himself that Cao Lan had never been married during these years, and had always treated his old portraits. Beside.

Although Meng Fan did everything unintentionally, it made a young girl between heaven and earth miss herself forever, but could not be together.

"It's ok!"

Cao Lan smiled, stood up, tidyed up Meng Fan's clothes, and said solemnly.

"You have your choice, I have my choice, you have not sorry for me. If you are really sorry, it is just that I am sorry for myself. I am not good enough. Who can think of the boy back then? Now the emperor who dominates the world, hehe... Alright, Meng Fan, thank you for being able to accompany me to say these things. This is already the best gift for me. Now the world you have is.... Leave. Right!"

Hearing that, Meng Fan was silent and could only stand up in the end. Although he was full of guilt in his heart, the thing of love itself was very mysterious. Although the relationship between the two parties in the past was somewhat different from ordinary people, Meng Fan I understand that it is definitely not my own love, so I can only apologize to Cao Lan in this respect.

Stepping out, Meng Fan was about to walk out of the room, and in the next moment Cao Lan stopped Meng Fan again, staring at the latter, and stopped talking.

Looking at Cao Lan’s eyes, Meng Fan sighed softly, as if seeing what she was going to say, and finally said,

"I have been touched by you.... It's just that at that time I focused on cultivating, and later on with revenge, but I have to admit that you are one of the beautiful girls I have ever seen, very attractive!"

After a few words fell, Cao Lan nodded seriously, smiled, and was extremely happy.

As if at this moment the traces of the years are gone on her body, the whole person is also restored to a young age, the girl who first met Meng Fan, reveals a kind of innocence and romance.

After saying all this, Meng Fan also left here, and left the Five Emperors City at the same time!

Maybe he is sorry for Cao Lan, maybe he still has several girls who are similar to Cao Lan in this world, but Meng Fan understands that in his own heart, which ones can hold the weight, as for the others. People, can only be as good as Cao Lan, count as heartbeat, but not love!

Twenty years after Meng Fan's departure, the Cao family also reported that the big grandmother Cao Lan left the world, and only one picture scroll was left behind. It was Meng Fan's boyhood, with an extra line on it. Juanxiu's fine print...I once made him move...

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