Supreme God King

Chapter 1744: God's Tomb

Leaving the Five Emperors City, Meng Fan let out a sigh of relief, but after a while, there was only clarity in his eyes.

Although there may be a moment of sadness, Meng Fan also understands that love is not something he has forced.

In this life, there are already Empresses, Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou, and Ruo Shuiyi, who are stationed in his heart, are already overloaded, let alone add a few more figures.

As for the others, Meng Fan could only leave calmly and apologize for everything.

Extreme love does not mean...indiscriminate love!

Meng Fan is definitely not the kind of man who can't walk the road when he sees a woman. If he doesn't like it, he won't force it. This is completely impossible.

However, as Meng Fan said, I still have been moved by him, and Cao Lan, a girl, is deeply portrayed in the sea of ​​knowledge. Perhaps life is like this. I have to experience many people in my life, but I can really walk with you. At the end...not a few...

After leaving, Meng Fan also kept on looking for natural flowers.

Born to be a flower in the world!

Such a bizarre treasure has never been successful in the past.

The natural flower will not bloom in a prescribed place at all, but will move along its own road trajectory between the world and the earth.

Even though Meng Fan has searched for more than 20 years, it is still difficult to succeed, and he does not even have some decent clues.

But Meng Fan was not angry, just moved again and walked along this ten thousand realm.

Crossing mountains, rivers, and lakes, and experiencing countless dangerous places, Meng Fan spent another 20 years, but unfortunately, he still had no gain.

In between, it made his realm a lot more stable. This kind of traveling around the world and seeing the world is itself a thing that is of great help to the state of mind.

So despite this, Meng Fan's own cultivation has been diligent without delay.

"If there is no gain, I am afraid that I can't continue!"

Although the cultivation base has not fallen, after all, it has taken too long. Now that we have entered the age of the gods, there are too many strong men recovering between heaven and earth, and now leaving the dark alliance for too long, it also makes Meng Fan feel a little worried, so It must also be time to go back.

Lily dressed, Meng Fan looked into the distance. He had already walked into an extremely fringe realm among ten thousand realms. Here was a piece of yellow sand, extremely withered, and it was one of the no-man’s land between heaven and earth. people.

Facing the long desert, Meng Fan also shook his head, and finally headed towards the core area of ​​the desert.

After another two days, Meng Fan stood in the center of this desert and sighed faintly. It seemed that this trip was in vain, because there was no gain at all, in the place where he wandered. , There is no trace of this natural flower.

It's worthy of being a rare eleventh-order **** fetish in the world, even if a **** king is dispatched, the chance of finding it is slim.

Meng Fan smiled bitterly, planning to turn around and leave this world, but in the next moment a voice fell.

"Meng Fan...Don't you think there is something wrong with this desert..."

The speaker was the Lord Bird. After the words were spoken, Meng Fan was taken aback for a moment and looked around.

There is nothing else in the entire no-man’s land, let alone divine objects, even the energy of heaven and earth is extremely scarce, extremely dismal. Meng Fan shook his head. If there is news of a natural flower, then he himself will react.

Because he has read countless pieces of information, and the breath of this flower is deeply portrayed in his mind, it is impossible to forget it.

As long as it is where he is, he will be clearly sensed within a hundred miles, but now he has no sense at all, and he can't help but hesitate.

"I'm not talking about the natural flower you are looking for. It can be met but not sought. How can it be so easy to find."

Master Que gave Meng Fan a white look.

"Have you noticed the surrounding desert? Take a closer look!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan also fell into hesitation, looking helplessly at the endless desert around him, not knowing what the Lord Bird was doing.

However, after a few breaths, Meng Fan took a cold breath, his eyes swept, and a brilliant light burst out.

Before, he put all his attention on looking for natural flowers. The only thing left in his mind was the breath of natural flowers, and he had forgotten to observe the environment. Under the reminder of Lord Bird, Meng Fan also felt that something was wrong. Although there were absolutely no traces of natural flowers around him, the whole desert... is not ordinary!

Standing in the sky, Meng Fan's divine thoughts continued to spread. After a few breaths, his complexion finally changed. He said seriously,

"This place should be... an ancient **** formation, and it was laid by a peerless power of the past!"

"Not bad!"

Master Bird nodded, swallowed, and said solemnly,

"First put your natural flower away. Have you forgotten what our slogan is!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan suddenly let out a laugh, and he was really helpless with Lord Bird, but there was also a strange look on his face.

"It's not bad. I'll wait until the grass will not grow. I was a little careless before. A professional touch treasurer can never let go of any place where there are treasures!"

The tone of voice was slow, but it made Meng Fan and Yi Que Yigui seem to have returned to the time when they were practicing hard and exploring treasures all the way.

There is no doubt that with Meng Fan's many years of experience, he has already discovered the immobility between the sky and the sky, so it means that there is a peerless power to imprison something here, and it will only be able to lay the ancient gods.

From this kind of formation faintly, there is a great suppression for Meng Fan today. The latter is to refine the entire area. To be precise, this area is an ancient **** array. , Used to suppress the things in it.

Under this, with this means, then the realm of its master... it goes without saying!

Meng Fan and Que Ye, who even wanted to scrape away the land, were naturally absolutely impossible to misplace one involving God King’s good fortune.

Glancing at each other, after an instant, Meng Fan was already looking for it with a bird and a turtle.

For many years, Meng Fan is quite professional in this area. His spiritual thoughts have been continuously exploring and searching in the entire large area, and finally locked in a position in this large area.

"It should be here!"

Meng Fan pointed to one of the heavens and the earth, and understood that this was the eye of the entire divine formation, and he could step into the other side of the universe.

"When it comes to the King of Gods, don't rush to kill the snake!"

Ye Ye reminded.


Meng Fan smiled, letting a bird and a turtle in the space, his own breath became unpredictable, and the whole person seemed to be in harmony with the heaven and the earth. But Meng Fan's big hands didn't stop, and the void passed through, it was directly transformed into the most mysterious blow, directly penetrating everything, and came to this space in the immediate eye.

Ancient God Array!

This big formation is not terrifying, not only encompasses the entire domain, but the prohibitive force placed in it is even more chilling. Once it is touched, it will encounter endless backlash. Among them, there are too many traps and so on.

But it was a pity that it was Meng Fan, who had no knowledge of the ancient **** formation, and how terrifying his realm was now. The power surging between the fingers is amazing, so even the layout of this ancient **** array is extremely cumbersome, but after a few breaths, the corners of Meng Fan’s mouth slightly raised, and you can see at a glance. In the middle, there is a torn space crack that can be entered.

Obviously, in order not to disturb the entire divine formation, Meng Fan did it quietly, quietly tearing open a space tunnel, it was completely a loophole in this divine formation, you can enter, but not at all. It will cause the divine formation to affect itself, and it is estimated that the people who set up this divine formation will be vomiting blood when seeing this scene.

"Good job!"

Lord Que made a point and offered his compliments to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan smiled, but also moved his body. Following the gap in his space, he quietly stepped into it.

And what shocked Meng Fan was that at the moment he stepped into this place, he had already entered a huge world. The outside world was a desert made by ancient gods, but it was an extremely unique world.

It was extremely huge and contained the universe, which made Meng Fan a little unexpected. When he was looking for natural flowers, he unexpectedly came to this place by accident.

The entire space between the faints is filled with unpredictable pressure, but Meng Fan, a master of art, is bold and fearless, and quietly moves forward.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan finally came to the center of this world, and at a glance there was a figure in the most central place. But at the same time, a figure is more appropriate than a mountain, because this person is too large, but an absolute giant, very burly, sitting in place, eyes closed, muscles spread outside, it looks like It's like a huge mountain.

This guy.....

Feeling the power faintly revealed above the giant's body, Meng Fan's heart trembled suddenly. This person turned out to be a... God-king powerhouse. No wonder the pressure in the entire space is so huge. The reason is the immediate reason. People are actually sealed here, and they are extraordinary, and their strength is definitely above them.

Shen Yuan has superiors and inferiorities, and Shen Wang is no exception!

Judging by Meng Fan's current judgment, this giant is definitely a horrifying figure, and the breath that radiates from him seems to be a fight against King Fudo Ming. And in the next moment, one bird and one turtle was even more surprised.

"It's him!"

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