Supreme God King

Chapter 1746: So it's you!


With only such a word, it can be said to be as simple and simple as it is, how concise and concise it is!

At the moment when it spread to the world, it was the discovery that made Meng Fan extremely shocked, because he didn't need to shout, at the moment when the great breath of the battle sky broke out, the feathers were already flying, two shadows, and the dust left, one Quyigui has already run away!

"These two guys!"

Meng Fan almost didn't vomit blood, but this time was not a funny moment. The moment his body flew, it was also a burst of power, and his vitality burned. In a flash, the strength to make Meng Fan suckle was all used, as if A burst of arrow bursts out.

Can't run without running!

The existence behind him is one of the strongest people in ancient times between heaven and earth. Even today's Meng Fan can't provoke him, and what he steals under his nose is to know what it is. as a result of.

Meng Fan still didn't want to be as unlucky as a human being, and let people directly make meatloaf, so he moved quickly, the whole person must be as fast, as fast, and as thunderous as possible.

And just a moment later, a sound that swept across the world also resounded through the sky,

"He Fang Xiaoxiao... dare to kick this king..."

Just the moment this sound exploded, it shocked the entire world, which could be called a landslide. Even if it was guarded by the ancient gods, it felt that the entire desert area had almost not been overturned!

Just being in this kind of power is a kind of terrifying that sweeps through the wilds, the words are like thunder, tearing the world, almost breaking the entire space!

It can be seen at a glance that the Zhantian giant who had been sitting still completely awakened, his body stood up, his eyes were filled with endless fierce light, and he looked in the direction where Meng Fan was.


At this moment, Zhan Tian giant almost lost his mouth and squirmed. Obviously, there are no more eggs on his head, and he was stolen by others. The most important thing is that there is still some pain on his face. For a moment, I felt a flying kick coming over and just kicked him, so it made him angry.

And if there is a mirror, Zhantian Giant must be able to see it, and now it is extremely colorful on his face, with a huge footprint on it, it looks exceptional... with a sense of joy!

After a short while, the Battle Sky Giant had already locked the target on Meng Fan's body, and, without saying anything, just screamed, just chased it up.

Feeling the powerful energy behind them, Meng Fan and Yi Que Yi Gui did not say a word, only to escape!

The latter was able to hang and beat Renxiong in the old days, not to mention now, so Meng Fan didn't even mean to fight. He had to leave quickly and escape for his life.


In an instant, the entire desert exploded, and the figures of Meng Fan and others sprang out, moving quickly, shifting the space, and the giant of the sky behind him also chased out directly. It is a powerhouse in the Divine King Realm, and it is incomparably terrifying in itself, and its combat power is unexpected. Although Meng Fan's reaction is quick, he can move space in a flash, but the giant of the sky is not stupid.

His head was a bit awkward, but it had to mean that the method was inoperable, so after this moment, his breath was already firmly locked on Meng Fan, even if Meng Fan moved the heavens and the earth, the Heavenly Battle Giant also moved with his moments.

The two of them swiftly traced back and forth between the world.

This scene can be described as extremely shocking. One of the two great kings flees for their lives and the other pursues and kills them. They are both great emperor-level characters that have not been seen forever. Now they are almost not getting angry, and there is only escape in front of them. It is quite funny, but it is a pity No one saw it.

"Damn... the chaser will be chased too!"

With power running and vitality burning, Meng Fan moved quickly while muttering to himself.

You must know that in his previous battle, he just chased the ancestors of Xitian and ran all over the sky, but in a rush of only a hundred years, the person being chased would become him, and the giant of the sky behind him was extremely angry. Space, wherever Meng Fan goes, he will go.

That's Meng Fan. Now that's the Divine King Realm. One thought moves the universe, but the Zhantian Giant follows this way, without any intention of relaxing!

And at the next moment, a thunderous voice also fell,

"Boy, this king remembers your look and breath, this king... will kill you, and sit down to death!"


A sparrow and a tortoise grinned at the same time, hearing the words of the battle giant, meanwhile said,

"When this guy is most unhappy, he wants to sit on someone, and when he is most angry, he wants to deal with someone, not to kill him, but to sit on him, and sit on top of him hard. ...."

Hearing that, the thought of that kind of scene caused Meng Fan's scalp to explode, and he instinctively felt bad for a while. If the Zhantian giant really remembers himself, then it is suspended, even if he can escape, then if the latter finds the dark alliance along with his breath, will he make it?

As soon as his thoughts changed, Meng Fan's whole person also suddenly changed, and in the next moment, with the magic wood, he directly changed into a man's appearance. It was... Renxiong!

The aura is exactly the same, and suddenly the giant Zhan Tian behind him almost burst his lungs, shouting,

"Renxiong, it turned out to be you, you kneel down for me, kneel down for me..."

Space struck, with a palm in the sky, the battle of the sky giant hit Meng Fan fiercely, even if the two sides have an extremely long distance, but the power of the latter is terrible, and it cuts everything. Leaving Meng Fan's side, making Meng Fan's clothes tremble, he couldn't help but breathe.

Renxiong is not good either!

Meng Fan's rosary turned again, and his whole person changed again, and another man's figure changed out and blended into a large area.

However, this Zhantian giant is not that easy to deceive. He traced Meng Fan's breath again, and at the moment when he saw the latter, he has now turned into the appearance of the Zhongtian God King, and he couldn't help but feel confused.

"Zhongtian? Boy... who are you!"

In front of him, Meng Fan didn't have the time to pay attention to the Heavenly Battle Giant behind him. If he hesitated for a moment, he would probably be chased by him, and he would be unable to leave if he wanted to. So in an instant, Meng Fan was constantly moving the void again, and his whole person changed again, hiding in a world, hoping to hide his whereabouts by moving the world through the traces of change.

However, the gods of the Zhan Tian Giant were too powerful, and they deserved to be the most top group of people in ancient times. They themselves cultivated through the Path of Withering and did not pay attention to Meng Fan, but once they paid attention, it was extremely difficult to get rid of.

Even though Meng Fan's methods are countless, but with a move of his mind, the Heavenly Battle Giant once again found the big area where Meng Fan was located, and chased it directly, but at a glance, he saw Meng Fan change again, and he has become...heaven. Remnant King!

Before Meng Fan's body, human male, Tiancan, Zhongtian, etc., a large number of figures flickered, suddenly the Zhantian giant was also confused, and could not tell who was the real body. He couldn't help being extremely irritable, and once again cut his palm in the direction where Meng Fan was, while screaming loudly.

"who are you!"

Meng Fan staggered in the explosion of the sky as the thunderous sound came behind him, all covered in dust. But in this moment, it made Meng Fan's eyes roll, and then muttered softly,

"The old man is changeable... how can you guess it!"

When I said it, the sound was extremely slight, but the power of the ears of the Zhantian Giant was directly searched, and he could not help but gritted his teeth, breathed fire in his eyes, and roared,

"It's you... Multiphase!"

Hearing these two words, Meng Fan's mouth suddenly drew an arc, while running for his life, he roared at the same time,

"You count as a fart, how about recognizing Lao Tzu? The old man crushes you to death with one finger. There is a way to catch Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu has thousands of bodies and countless shadows. Can you recognize it, fool!"

The voice fell in the ears of the giants of the sky clearly, and suddenly he almost rolled his eyes in anger.

Moreover, Meng Fan's attack could be said to have captured the vitality of the Heavenly Battle Giant, because he himself was a grumpy, and once it was the Heat, he would be a means to face the earth.

However, what he fears most is that others are angry with him. The more angry he is, the more irritable and the harder it is to control himself. When even he himself couldn't control himself, that kind of infinite violence would surge out. Although it would destroy the world, it would be useless to chase people.

And at the moment when the Zhantian giant lost his sense of anger, Meng Fan also fell in one step, moving his body, directly mixing into the outer space and disappearing.

When the Zhantian Giant arrived in the outer space, there was no longer the breath of Meng Fan, and only the endless chaos.

Looking at the vast expanse, the giant of Zhan Tian almost didn't crush his teeth, his eyes were blood red, his body trembled, and finally he roared up to the sky, his own power burst, the light tore, it can be said to be a breakthrough, the endless chaos is all Torn apart,

"Multiphase.... I Zhantian and you... are incompatible..."


Among the ten thousand realms, in a very strange big realm, there is an extremely terrifying abyss in it. At this moment, you can see a strange figure sneezing several times before stopping. The whole person I feel some discomfort.

"What's going on here?"

The figure appeared as a mist that could not be seen clearly. In its tone, it also revealed extraordinary hesitation, and said slowly,

"Is anyone scolding me? Why does it feel like something is wrong..."

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