Supreme God King

Chapter 1747: Practice

In the sky, I don't know how long, a shadow bullet flew out from the outer space, and it was Meng Fan!

The body was close to Ten Thousand Territories, and he breathed out slowly in Meng Fan's mouth, feeling a moment of relaxation.

Without him, being chased and killed by the Zhan Tian giant all the way before, it can be said that all the strength to make Meng Fan suckle was used, and finally got rid of him, which is definitely a great joy.

"If he is caught by him, the consequences...unthinkable...unthinkable..."

Meng Fan smiled and said, what excites him the most is that it should be enough to cause trouble, and put this incident on the multi-phase **** king. Meng Fanke has always spared no effort to suppress his potential enemies. The more suppressed, the more brutal the better!

After a while, it was spread out in Meng Fan's hand, and a crystal clear object appeared in his palm, which was the egg of the Heavenly Battle Giant that he had spent his mind before.

This egg is only the size of a palm, but the power contained in it is simply a world. Just by sensing it, Meng Fan’s eyes are a little light, and he feels a majestic force running in it. .

This is the power that the Zhantian Giant has accumulated over thousands of years to release his martial arts and let him practice. If it were not for chance, Meng Fan would never get this kind of thing.

Just to feel this kind of power is to make Meng Fan's heart a little hot.

Although he has reached Dacheng in martial arts, Meng Fan understands that vitality is endless, and heaven and earth are even more endless. I am afraid that even if he is the Lord of the Thirteenth Palace, the ancient emperor dare not say that he has reached the end of vitality. It's Meng Fan.

Improve your cultivation, cultivate hard all the way!

When Ruo Shuiyi said this sentence, it also made Meng Fan not dare to forget it all his life, and he always kept asking for himself.

"It seems it's time to return to the Dark League!"

Meng Fan glanced at Wan Yu, and finally sighed faintly.

His business was originally for you to be a natural flower, and I came here, but it is a pity that even a trace was not found. The only windfall was the egg in his hand, which was a big surprise.

However, in Meng Fan's eyes, there was a firm look, and he said calmly,

"Sister, thousands of calamities, all kinds of suffering...I will stick to my way, the **** king, I have arrived, and it will not be too far from the day we meet!"

The voice fell, extremely firm and confident!

At the same time, Meng Fan was in hiding, turned and left, stepped into the world, and returned to the dark alliance.

After returning to the dark alliance, Meng Fan also fell into retreat. He didn't move, and came to the grass house. He swallowed the egg of the Heavenly Battle Giant in his abdomen, and suddenly a fiery force swept Meng Fan. The whole body made the blood in his body boil, and the martial arts moved quickly.

Creak, creak!

The billowing force hit, causing Meng Fan's whole body to burn, and the whole person closed, like an old monk entering concentration.

Undoubtedly, this thing is undoubtedly a tonic medicine for the king of the gods. It is as powerful as a giant in the sky. It will take thousands of years to be forged, but now it is cheaper than Meng Fan.

If you want to improve yourself at this stage of Meng Fan, there is not much you can rely on, but this thing is definitely a way out!

Moving against the martial art of God, Meng Fan directly swallowed the martial art of this war sky giant. Over the years, Meng Fan has integrated the experience of countless strong men, and the breath of the war **** king has opened a door of strength for him.

Even if Meng Fan reached the **** king, martial arts master, but he didn't think he was perfect, he knew that he needed more.

Only by including the world can you be qualified to make more and more progress, and only by constantly moving forward can you be able to win invincible!

This is Meng Fan's criterion and his cultivation path. In any realm, Meng Fan is not satisfied with this statement. There is no strongest, only stronger.

The breath merged and the martial arts absorbed, Meng Fan worked in this dark alliance for a full fifty years, during this period of time, he used the fusion.

The Heavenly Battle Giant was originally one of the Supreme God Kings standing between the heavens and the earth, how powerful, and the martial arts contained in his body was even more profound and extraordinary.

Therefore, it took Meng Fan an extremely long time, even if it was completely deciphered by the rebellious martial art, it was impossible.

It is only possible to make Meng Fan feel countless by looking at one place through this trace of power, but it is just these martial arts, which allows Meng Fan himself to make considerable progress, including the martial arts in his body, which seems to have grown again. one cent.

And through the power gathered in this egg, Meng Fan's own energy and blood became more surging, and his own combat power was unknowingly improved.

Opening his eyes, a look of joy flashed over Meng Fan's face, and he smiled.

"If every day has eggs sent by the battle giant... but that would be great!"

It is estimated that such words have fallen, that is, Meng Fan is okay here to talk about it. If it reaches the ears of the Zhantian Giant, it is estimated that...he might be **** to death!

However, at the moment when Meng Fan concentrated on practicing, his expression suddenly moved, and a sharp light burst from his peaceful eyes, and he looked towards the sky.

Suddenly, his whole person became sharp as a knife, not just in this dark alliance, including in the temple, including in the countless hidden corners between heaven and earth, all The top powerhouse with keen perception, at the same time, already raised his head, became alert, and looked at the sky above.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan just said,

"Really.... If the mountains don't come, the stream will fall. This should be... Purple Flame Thunder!"

A few words fell, with a hint of playfulness.

In the old days, Meng Fan had already seen it in ancient books. In addition to the vitality monks, there are many strange creatures and sights in this world. Like the medicine palace, the imperial palace, and the natural flower that Meng Fan is searching for, the two gods of Bingwoquan are both extremely mysterious in this world, something that can be encountered but cannot be met. owned.

At the same time, there will still be a powerful vision between the heavens and the earth. This vision will not be fixed, and it may not appear in that time and space, but it does exist between the heavens and the earth.

And the Purple Flame Thunder that he did was one of this kind of vision, and that kind of vision that reached the extreme!

It is rumored that this is a change in the law of lightning between heaven and earth. In the end, purple flame lightning will be born in one place. This kind of lightning is already different from all the power of lightning in the mortal world. It is between heaven and earth. A fetish born of itself.

In the past, some ancient powerful people have obtained it. If you study it, you can understand that this thing is of little use, and even the monks in the mortal world can’t touch them at all. Said it is quite important.

Because this thing is enough.... to wash away the **** king's body, the powerful force in it is too terrible, ordinary people can't bear it, but it doesn't mean that the strong who stepped into the **** king realm can't.

Once the purple flame thunder is obtained, it means that the king of the gods can use big means to integrate it into himself, to make a slight impact on himself, and finally turn into the power of the purple flame to strengthen the body of the gods. The king of the gods has great benefits.

Therefore, when the purple flame thunderbolt was born in the past, there will always be gods and powerful people who will appear and fight for it!

"Unexpectedly, I just realized the martial arts of the Battle Sky Giant. It was the Purple Flame Thunder that sent it up. This thing... is for me!"

Meng Fan said shamelessly, completely ignoring how much the purple flame thunder would cause a sensation.

The things that can improve the power of the **** king are too important and will cause unpredictable danger.

Stepping into this level, if you fail to find the method, then I am afraid that it will be difficult for the eternal age to gain a little bit of strength. Like the power of the purple flame thunder that can be significantly improved, it is simply that all gods are inevitable. Contention.

Where it appears, there must be some... the most explosive **** storm, this is the battle of the gods, and the boiling is small!


After a moment, Meng Fan had already stood up, his body vacated, without a doubt, walking towards the outer space.

One of the reasons why this purple flame thunderbolt will attract a lot of divine kings from the beginning is that this purple flame thunderbolt is too violent. Once it appears, it will cause a phenomenon of heaven and earth around here, forming a huge thunder pond. Below, for the divine king who is extremely sensitive and sharp, he already knows its specific location.

It's not like a natural flower, Bingwuquan, not to mention that you want to detect it, you may not be able to find it if you turn the world over.

Taking a step into the air, Meng Fan's body had appeared in the outer space in an instant, successfully locked in the spot where the purple flame thunder appeared, with both eyes squinting, watching it.

However, Meng Fan did not take any action. The main reason was that although the Purple Flame Thunder had a great effect on the God King, the moment it appeared, it also had great power, a trace of the Purple Flame Thunder God King. There is no need to be afraid, but if a ton of Purple Flame Thunder smashes on the body, it is as powerful as a **** king, and the flesh is directly smashed!

So once this purple flame thunder appears, how to bypass the powerful thunder pool from the outside and get the essence of the purple flame thunder is a serious problem, and it is inevitable.

The extraterritorial space was trembling, and the purple electric light eclipsed the world at this moment. If you think about it carefully, you can understand that this makes the **** king and the strongest tremble, and what you want to get is impossible.

Within the range of a million miles, they are all covered by this infinitely powerful purple cloud. Among them, there are lightning and thunder, the breath is rolling, and the meaning of terror is self-evident!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Meng Fan raised his brow before he could speak, and when he looked into the distance, he found that there was also a figure standing in this outer space, and the same eyes looked at him. Chill... Ling Ran!

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