Supreme God King

Chapter 1748: Seasonal Tenjin

The eyes are facing each other, the world is imprisoned!

Meng Fan stood there without saying a word, but at this moment, the whole person was already ready to fight.

There is no doubt that the person standing not far away from him is an existence at the level of a **** king, and only a strong person who reaches this kind of existence can possess this kind of terrifying power. And at the moment when the breath confronted, Meng Fan felt vaguely that the latter should be... better than himself!

But the more so, Meng Fan became calmer instead, just staring at the distance and facing him.

The two great **** kings looked away from each other, each...chilling Ling Ran!

This scene can be described as extremely shocking, and it is absolutely shocking enough in the place where the Purple Flame Thunder erupted.

Under this kind of situation, it seems that between the power of the two, everything in it has been completely imprisoned, and all the space, time, etc. are suppressed by the two.

Finally, after a few breaths, a hoarse laughter broke the peaceful world, and the chill of those eyes also subsided.

"Haha.... In the next Ji Jiaji Tianshen, I have seen His Excellency Meng Fan. It is indeed an extraordinary existence that can kill the King of God!"

Ji family, Ji Tianshen!

Hearing this name, Meng Fan's heart suddenly moved, and he understood that the latter was the supreme ancestor of the Ji family, and he was the one who took Ji Feng away with strength. It is no wonder that an ancient emperor who can be as famous as Zhongtian and Heavenly Remnant God King in ancient times can possess such a power.

In the past, it was only heard for Meng Fan, but now he has seen it with his own eyes, which is naturally different.

With a calm face, Meng Fan also smiled, stepping forward, and said calmly.

"In Xia Mengfan, I have seen the ancestor of the Ji family!"

The two walked in, with a faint smile on their faces, as if they were old friends who hadn't seen them for so many years, making people feel extremely familiar. From the outside, they must think that they are very good, and their efforts to restrain their emotions have reached the point of innocence, but standing in place, both of them can feel it, and they can’t wait for each other immediately. Hands on.

Yuanjia Road is narrow!

This sentence is absolutely not wrong. In the past, the dark alliance included the Ji family. The latter has been dishonest since Meng Fan's aspirations to the world, and always has actions. In the past, he entered the dark alliance, leading to three Life and death.

Although Meng Fan didn't say such hatred, he would naturally never forget, let alone do nothing.

And Ji Tianshen also hates Meng Fan Ling Ran, if it weren't for this stepping stone, perhaps it is not the dark alliance that controls the world, and it has already been surnamed Ji!

"The old man was injured in the past few years, but he didn't go to the dark alliance to meet Your Excellency Meng Fan. It was a bit rude!"

Ji Tianshen slowly said, although the words are extremely polite, if someone with a discerning eye can hear, what Ji Tianshen's words can contain is not benefit, but a kind of contempt.

Now the dark alliance controls the world, the head of the ten emperors of the Middle Ancient Region, and the real ruler of the world before. According to the truth, the top ten emperors will visit to show their friendship, but in these years, the Ji family has always stayed in its own territory, and no one has gone to the dark alliance. .

In Ji Tianshen's words, only one meaning is expressed, that is, he doesn't care about Meng Fan at all, doesn't think he is the master of heaven and earth, and will not go there.

Naturally, Meng Fan could hear this, but he smiled and said calmly.

"There will be a chance in the future, maybe sometime!"

They are just calm words, but they contain Meng Fan's meaning, if you don't come, you will be beaten in the future!

Between these few words, it also expresses the aura of a king who dominates the world to the extreme. This is also Meng Fan's self-confidence.

Hearing this, Ji Tianshen raised his brows, and finally said slowly,

"Haha, okay, now the old man is going to fight for the opportunity, I hope your Excellency Meng Fan good luck, don't...what accidents!"

Between the last few words, the killing intent was already self-evident.

After speaking, Ji Tianshen turned around, his body disappeared, and stepped into this vast thunder pond.

The pupils contracted slightly, and Meng Fan remained silent, but he was also chilly, but he and Ji Tianshen were suddenly jealous.

After all, in the age of the King of Gods, many old monsters are resurrected between the world and the world. The top powerhouse in this world is not just one of them. Once the two collide, it must give other people a chance to take advantage of it. No one is sure of winning, and naturally he can't make a move, only temporarily suppressed.

And Meng Fan also understood that there must have been a break between him and the Ji Family and Ji Tianshen, but he didn't know when!

Turning his head, Meng Fan suppressed his murderous intent and ignored it. Now the most important thing for him is to find the essence of this Purple Flame Thunder, as for anything, he can temporarily let go.

Under the power of this purple flame thunder, this extraterritorial space has become extremely vast. The light flickers and crackles. No matter who is, anyone can feel that there is a great power in the space, even Meng. Fan's spiritual thoughts can't penetrate either.

"Be careful, Meng Fan, this purple flame thunder is not trivial. The vision of the sky and the earth formed by it turns into a powerful thunder pond. The power in the thunder pond will destroy the heaven and the earth. If you accidentally hit it, your body will also be split. You must be careful to step into it, and you must also guard against some villains. There may be how many gods in this group of heaven and earth!"

Ye Ye promoted, full of solemn meaning.

Hearing that, Meng Fan nodded, knowing that everyone will be mixed into this thunder pond first, but the secret hands between each other will not break. Those who can come here are all in the Divine King Realm. That one is the ancient emperor, and his mind is naturally extraordinary. Sometimes the dark knife is even more terrifying. Meng Fan naturally understands this truth.

As soon as he stepped on the sole of his foot, Meng Fan no longer hesitated, his whole person turned into a shadow, and he stepped into this thunder pond.

A moment later, the billowing thunder had already struck, and the sky was full of that kind of ruining purple light, penetrating through it, flying continuously, like snakes, making Meng Fan's eyelids jump straight.

There is no doubt that this thunder is too terrifying, and he feels a strong burst of pressure. As long as it is touched, it will be enough to break the flesh and open the flesh, which also makes Meng Fan have to dodge.

Fortunately, although this thunder pond is terrifying, Meng Fan's realm is not there. As a person standing in the most terrifying realm in the long river of vitality, he naturally has the power of invincible heaven and earth, even if it is in this outside world. In the desperate death place, Meng Fan shuttled like a fish.


Relying on his powerful speed and control, Meng Fan quickly shuttled through this thunder pond, and occasionally also felt a powerful breath from the side, faintly scattered between the world.

Among the ten thousand domains, there is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Even if the **** king is the highest realm of heaven and earth, it is not only a few people who can set foot.

It's no wonder that even if it is as strong as the thirteen hall masters, he has not completely solved the ten thousand domains in these years, but has shrunk in the forbidden area!

Meng Fan said to himself, it’s just a pity that this group of strong men who set foot on the top of the world all have their own small abacus. If they can unite, then what a powerful force will be, and it will be just around the corner. !

Shook his head, Meng Fan strode out, shuttled among the endless purple thunder, spent a small amount of time, and also set foot on half the ground.

However, the further forward, the power of the Lei Pond became more terrifying. Under that kind of billowing purple light, even the strong **** king here can only care about himself and ensure that he will not be struck by thunder.

If once the two fight, they will definitely not be able to accurately control themselves, then it is estimated that they will encounter tons of purple flame thunder damage!


The sky was rolling, and the purple light struck. In this kind of trap, people can only avoid desperately.

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan's expression suddenly moved as he shuttled through it. He looked into the distance and found a shadow moving away quickly among the layers of purple flame thunder. It was just a moment. Disappeared in this long river.

It was the same person, extremely fast, and the blue silk was flying, especially after sweeping across the face of the other party that only missed one side, suddenly Meng Fan was shocked and stared into the distance.

Because the shadow that flew over is not someone else, its face is exactly the same as the same person, that is...Lan Caiyi!

A generation of magic ancestors!

Meng Fan’s pupils shrank. In the depths of the outer space, he had already seen the fate of Lan Caiyi with his own eyes. He was pushed into the end of time and wiped out by the Polymorphic God King. He was completely dead in this world. between.

It can be said that in this world there is absolutely no possibility of the appearance of the blue color clothing again. Even if Meng Fan does not want to admit the amazing generation of Demon Ancestor in the past, she has to admit that her is indeed annihilated in this world. between.

But in front of me I saw another figure, which looked like blue color clothes, and was extremely powerful. Shuttle in this space, faintly exerting endless pressure on Meng Fan.

It's just that this purple flame thunder is too powerful, blocking the breath between each other, allowing him to see the appearance of this blue color clothing, but the person did not see him!

"If it weren't for Lan Caiyi, then I would be able to imitate the Demon Ancestor, and still imagine that there might be only one person in this world..."

Meng Fan muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly burst into a sharp glow full of chill, trying to break the long sky.

"Meng Fan, it's not wise to do it here... But it's not wise, especially since he is very powerful, and it should be almost the same as Ji Tianshen. You are only 30% confident of fighting him now. It is still not suitable what!"

Lord Bird said slowly.

Hearing that, Meng Fan was silent for a while, looking at the figure in the distance, and understood that the latter is definitely one of the most terrifying figures between heaven and earth. , Even anti-sneak attack.

The latter dominates the world, relying not on any tyrannical means, but on ever-changing means and conspiracies.

After thinking for a moment, Meng Fan's mouth drew an arc and said slowly,

"Conspiracy... Then try it!"

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