Supreme God King

Chapter 1756: Emperor Nirvana

Swallow Purple Flame Thunder Lotus!

One of the rare gods in this world was swallowed by Meng Fan and entered into the abdomen. After a moment, infinite purple rays of light appeared in his body. Even if he was a **** king, it was difficult to bear this purple flame lightning lotus. Among the great power.

The whole body was purple and the light was shining, and even the joints of Meng Fan's whole body were bursting with crackling noises. This powerful force penetrated himself, and it was definitely not so easy for Meng Fan to suppress it.


A moment later, Meng Fan let out a low roar, just spit out a word, it was to silence the world.

The king of the gods, uttering the method with his mouth, and uttering any word, is like heaven, with unpredictable power, even if it is time, space is completely confined by it at this moment.

Shengsheng faced the great changes in his body, and Meng Fan sat cross-legged, just like an old monk, just sitting in this place.

But at this moment, no matter how he suppressed his whole person, but the power brought by this kind of swallowing Purple Flame Thunder Lotus was definitely not small, making every inch of his body's skin change abnormally.

Such gods of heaven and earth, you either want to get it or get it, once you take it, it will have a good fortune against the sky.


Just a moment later, the sound of the sonic boom fell, and a huge shadow of the tripod emerged around Meng Fan's thatched cottage.

This Ten Thousand Mother and Son Qi Ding and Meng Fan's mind were united. While Meng Fan merged with this Purple Flame Thunder Lotus, the Ten Thousand Mother and Son Qi Ding already controlled everything and blocked everything and protected the law.

Among them, Meng Fan is also there. . . . Integrating with the power of the Purple Flame Thunder Lotus, it changes quietly.

These changes are equivalent to Meng Fan’s recreating the King’s body. It’s no small thing. The horrible purple flame Thunder Lotus is filled with an incomparable meaning of destruction, flowing through Meng Fan’s body, disintegrating his meridian every inch. broken.

That is to say, Meng Fan's current realm is extraordinary. Only when he reaches the **** king can he withstand it, otherwise any person under the **** king will be torn apart after only a moment.

Without him, this kind of purple flame thunder lotus is formed by a few drops of the essence of this purple flame thunder, how overbearing, the meaning of destruction it possesses is no small thing.

However, relying on his powerful cultivation base, Meng Fan Shengsheng suppressed him, and at the moment his body burst, a kind of qi and blood was born in his body again, and he replenished it.

But after a breath, he encountered the destruction of the power of thunder again, but Meng Fan was born again, and so on.

Two powers appeared in Meng Fan's body, one was the destructive power of Purple Flame Thunder, which constantly wiped out his physical body, and the other was Meng Fan's own power, full of the most majestic vitality, both powers Staggered together, one thought of destruction, one thought of rebirth.

If someone from the outside world saw Meng Fan at this moment, he would definitely be astonished, what is meant by the great emperor of the world, what is meant by the supreme powerhouse.

In Meng Fan's body, it turned out that the rebirth was forged by the self-birth, and there was a supreme law between destruction and rebirth.

This kind of shocking scene is that Meng Fan has been born in his body, as if he is undergoing the four seasons in his body, and the world has changed. It is really enough to shock any strong person!

In the grass cottage, Meng Fan fell into silence, and it had no effect on the outside world. No one even knew that a terrifying battle had just occurred in the outer space, causing many gods to take action, and everything was still the same.

Suddenly, in this world, more than two hundred years have passed, and countless changes have gone through, but the dark alliance is still the overlord of this Middle Ancient Region, and it is more solid.

Under one force, it is simply looking at the world, not only overwhelming many emperors, but also in the entire ten thousand domains, it is difficult to hear the news of the forbidden area, and no one knows the trace of the three missing forbidden areas.

In the dark alliance, juniors emerge one after another, and talents continue, including Youyou, Han You, Xiao Hei, Hu Niu, Meng Niuniu, etc., have completely taken power and stood at the top of the times.

At the same time, the younger generation Tianjiao of the next generation has risen even more, most of them are **** monkeys, the descendants of Burning Heavenly Ling, Guxinao, etc., have all begun to emerge in the ten thousand realms.

With a powerful dark alliance as the backing, they are completely different from the old Meng Fan, Lone Heart and Haughty group when they fought the world. They occupy a great advantage. The speed of cultivation is naturally extraordinary, and there are many amazing ones. The talented juniors rose rapidly.

The Caolu, during the two hundred years of it, has remained motionless here, and has experienced countless winds and rains, and Meng Fan was unable to interfere in it at all.

However, as time goes by, the light surging above Meng Fan's body becomes weaker and weaker. I don't know how many times his body has undergone transformations, shedding, and being reborn again. It's like a reincarnation in his body. I don't know how many times it has revolved. Meng Fan's body seems to have undergone changes again and again under these many times. The flesh is reborn, and the blood is reconnected.

With the passage of two hundred years, it turned out that Meng Fan's face looks younger now, faintly full of vitality than before. His skin is fair and his hair is fluttering, and it seems at first glance. Just like a teenager, only those eyes are deeper.


A full two hundred years have passed, and after an unknown number of windy days, Meng Fan finally opened his eyes for the first time and uttered a word.

Just a word is to make the world tremble, the situation changes, the endless world energy surrounding the grass house is boiling, and it is concentrated in the direction where Meng Fan is. The situation changed, and the hearts of countless strong people in the entire dark alliance were moved. Wherever they looked, they sensed this kind of big vision. Obviously it came from Meng Fan. Only between his movements and thoughts can he create this. The power of terror.

Under this kind of majestic aura, the entire chaotic basin boiled. I don’t know how many dark guards are all excited. For them, Meng Fan is faith, and every trace of his movement is enough to attract a lot of darkness. The attention of allies.


A moment later, under Meng Fan’s word, his whole body exploded again, but this moment was not that kind of reincarnation, but a powerful vitality spurted out of Meng Fan’s body, blood and blood like the sea, affecting the world. Just between this kind of diffused breath, it seems that there is a world, with infinite vitality.

It took a full two hundred years for Meng Fan to refine the Purple Flame Thunder Lotus and at the same time use him to complete his own Nirvana.

When he reaches his level, he doesn't move easily, but in one move, if there is an unprecedented transformation, it is enough to shake the world.

There were crackling noises all over Meng Fan's body, and the surface of his skin flickered, shining on the sky, making Meng Fan look like a big star.

The ultimate change in the physical body!

The power of this Purple Flame Thunder Lotus is very small, otherwise it will not attract the gods of the world to fight when it was born. Under this kind of swallowing, Meng Fan naturally gains a lot, and his body is again Reached a new height.

The physical body was transformed, which drove Meng Fan's combat power to a higher level.

It's just a change between steps, but only those who reach the Divine King Realm can understand how difficult it is to make this step, and only the Divine King Realm can understand how important this step is.

With a loud sound, Meng Fan stood up, and finally walked out of the grass cottage, step by step to the sky above the sky. Every step down caused the whole world to tremble slightly, and the aura of the great emperor who scorned the past and the present and dominated the world in Meng Fan's body became more and more serious.

When he first became a **** king, he was not so majestic, but only after hundreds of years have passed, he has brought Meng Fan’s coercion to an unprecedented level. Although he looks extremely young, he is in Meiyu. The kind of fierceness hidden in it seems to change the colors of mountains and rivers.


After a short while, the entire dark alliance was boiling, and countless people worshipped in this direction, feeling that Meng Fan was born, naturally they were extremely excited.

Including the Burning Heaven Order, the God Monkey, the Empress, and so on, they all broke the barrier. When they came here, there were countless newly-born juniors from the dark alliance, all of whom cast an expression of incomparable curiosity and worship.

In the world, no one has ever heard of Meng Fan. The ears of these juniors can almost hear the words. Now seeing them with their own eyes, it is simply enough to make them faint with excitement.

One person vacated, conquered the world!

Meng Fan's gaze swept his surroundings. After more than two hundred years of silence, he once again saw his relatives and brothers. This feeling was naturally very good.

Many years of cultivation, just to protect the pure land in my heart and the people around me.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan also smiled slightly and said calmly.

"The dark guard... is here!"

Just a few words resounded throughout the world, and after this moment, it made the chaotic valley tremble.

I don’t know in how many corners countless big guys roared, with the sword in their hands rising to the sky, vitality surging, and a single word in response to Meng Fan,


It's just a word, simply and powerful, but it comes from the mouths of many dark guards, like a burst of angry dragons, just after this moment, from the corners of the chaotic valley, this kind of sound converges, It is as if to make the entire sky torn apart.

This can come from the masters in countless dark alliances, including the old brothers who used to follow Meng Fan to fight the world. Now the strength of each one is not powerful and extraordinary, just the explosion of vitality and blood, and a single voice is enough to shock the world. Of it.

The sky trembled and the sea continued to rise.

Standing in the sky, Meng Fan nodded towards the crowd, then looked far away and said calmly.

"Well, the dark alliance brothers follow the order, let me... kill the season!"

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