Supreme God King

Chapter 1757: Off season

Out of season!

The last two words were uttered, extremely indifferent, as if Meng Fan was saying a normal thing, but the moment it fell on this world, it shocked everyone in the entire dark alliance.

The God Monkey, Burning Heaven Order, the Empress and others naturally understood that the Ji word that can be spit out by Meng Fan now naturally only comes from one force, that is, the Ji family of the emperor!

There is no doubt that Meng Fan now wants to target the Ji family of the emperor...

This is definitely not a trivial matter, once the action is taken, it will cause earth-shaking fluctuations in the entire ten thousand domain.

But after just one breath, in the eyes of countless powerhouses in the dark alliance such as God Monkey, Empress, Burning Heaven Order, Amethyst, Elder Snake, Zhan Wuji, Yun Feiyang, etc., there is only a hint of fierceness left in the eyes Many dark alliances are even more so.

Although they didn't know why Meng Fan was so angry when he left the customs, but the latter word was enough.

After a short while, there was only one word in the sky above the chaotic valley, which caused a sensation.




This word keeps falling. For many years, the dark alliance has been sitting in the chaotic watershed and oppressing the Quartet, but it has never broken out such a powerful murderous intent. In addition to the battle against the restricted area that year, even many people between heaven and earth have forgotten the fierce methods of the dark alliance, especially in the past few hundred years, it seems even more peaceful.

But just after this moment, the dark alliance shook the ground, and countless dark guards exploded with vitality and vitality. Following Meng Fan, they had already transformed from ordinary people into the most terrifying divine weapon. To kill everything!

Dark alliance move!

After Meng Fan gave an order, it was already a landslide. The countless dark alliance powerhouses in the chaotic river basin did not move, like a group of tigers and wolves, turning into a tide, approaching the territory of this Ji family.

Just half a day later, you can see that in the border area of ​​the Ji family, millions of dark alliance forces have already gathered, and the momentum is broken, the momentum can swallow the sky!

Wanyu is shocked!

Many emperors definitely did not expect Meng Fan to make a sudden move. Although the two sides did not deal with each other, Meng Fan’s methods at this moment were a bit too strong, and there was no warning at all. It was such a large-scale attack. .

This is a battle between the emperors. It is impossible for the Ten Thousand Territories to not tremble. One is the ancient emperor in the ancient era, and the other is the dark horse power that has risen from the ages. At this moment, an unprecedented collision has finally occurred, such a large-scale dark alliance. The people of smashed into it, but it means that in the life and death battle between the two sides, only one force will survive in the end.

And also there are countless people excited, hundreds of years have passed, the dark alliance has no big means, but now that a group of people who dominate the world once again shot, I don't know what waves will be caused.

Heavenly Emperor Pass!

It is the first pass of the Ji family's central era. Gu Lai is controlled by the Ji family. It can be said that there are countless Ji family elites stationed here, the defense is even more amazing, with countless ancient gods.

This can be described as Xiongguan, an important position in the hinterland of the entire Ji family, dominating the world for many years, no one can offend.

But at this moment, it made the people of the Ji family in the city tremble, because in front of them was already covered by black clouds, and there were only rows of figures above the sky, who were the children of the Dark Alliance.

With an order, a million army moved!

Meng Fan now has this kind of powerful command, and this is the first brother of the Dark Alliance to set foot in the territory of the Ji family. After that, they followed the mountains and the tsunami-like crowd.

The head of the emperor!

This is how the dark alliance was called between the heavens and the earth thousands of years ago. These four words are definitely not just talking, but the dark alliance has long grown into a giant that dominates the world. Under Meng Fan’s usual orders, it rarely speaks to thousands. The people of the domain shot.

Now it is finally showing strength among the world, this kind of mountain whistling tsunami, the crowd that is rushing forward and backward is already swallowing everything.


The emperor passed a roar at the head of the city. The people who spoke were three ancient deities, all of them set foot on sacred beings, all ranked in the three realms, longevity, and the most central person in the Ji family. For many years, these three people have been stationed in the most core space of the Heavenly Emperor Pass. They have not moved, but now they are awakened by this kind of breath. Naturally, they opened their eyes and looked into the world.

The three elders roared continuously, and the vitality emerged, running the ancient **** array around the Tiandiguan, making the entire Zhou Tian pale at this moment, a majestic vitality fluctuation covering the surroundings of the Tiandiguan, at the same time the old man’s The sound also falls,

"A group of guys who don't have enough background dare to offend my Ji family forcibly. It's really looking for death. Today is for you to take a look..."


While the three elders were speaking, a huge sonic boom fell in the void, traversing the sky and the earth, turning into a palm, like the same mountain, it was crushed towards the three elders .


The complexion of the three elders suddenly changed, and the vitality in the body rolled, using all the strength of the Heavenly Emperor Pass to resist this blow.

But with just a palm, that kind of power to destroy the dryness and decay contained in it is to tear the long sky, and when it landed, it can be seen at a glance that any resistance of the Emperor Pass is turned into flying ash under this palmprint, and turned into countless space fragments. , Scattered around.

The power penetrated everything. After a moment, the three spirited Ji family who were still standing at the head of the city before, sprayed out a big mouthful of blood, the whole person's chest exploded and flew out directly, and the three were among the three holy realms. Ancient, it is simply difficult to resist this blow!

The one who shot..... Naturally Meng Fan!

Standing in the sky, Meng Fan is comparable to a sun, soaring into the sky, and underneath it is an army of millions swarming and killing forward. With just one palm, not only the sacred elders of the three Ji Clan, but also the sacred elders of the Heavenly Emperor Pass were torn apart. Numerous ancient gods that had not been cast for many years were in front of Meng Fan’s power. Like tofu dregs, it was blasted openly and mercilessly.


Seeing this scene, the morale of countless people in the dark alliance was soaring, and the roar was like thunder, turning into a billowing tide, directly following the opening that Meng Fan had torn apart before, and hitting Entered the most hinterland of this season.

One million dark guards enter the home of the season!

This is simply a million tigers and wolves. In an instant, it caused the most violent storm in the entire Celestial City. The sound of fighting, the sound of vitality bursting and so on were connected together, resounding throughout the world, let this The mountains and rivers are eclipsed.

Everyone trembles, the more they are at their peak, they can feel the terrifying power of Meng Fan. If they don’t shoot, it’s just the moment Meng Fan’s palm fell, which has made everyone feel the domineering and strong aura in him, even if It is also the **** king powerhouse of each family that can not help but shake his heart.

This kind of power is more overbearing than when Meng Fan became the King of Gods back then. Obviously, Meng Fan's combat power has risen again in these hundreds of years.


Many emperors, such as the Eastern Demon Clan and Zhou Clan, reacted extremely fiercely at this moment. Naturally, they knew best about what had happened before, but they were unwilling to see the Ji Clan being destroyed.

The rise of the dark alliance itself is a threat to the great emperors. With the Ji family as its obstacle, it can also prevent his rapid development to an uncontestable level.

But now that Meng Fan has passed through several storms safely, and the season is still going to be extinct, it cannot be said that it is not a strong shock to this kind of ancient emperor.

Everyone is a little worried. Once the dark alliance is destroyed, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be like the second Liu family and Zhao family, wanting to truly annihilate all the emperors and unify the ten thousand domains!

With deep eyes, Meng Fan seemed to see through the thoughts of countless powerhouses between heaven and earth. He couldn't help but sneered. He was alone in the sky, and the aura under his body was more and more bursting.

"Today, the Ji family will be destroyed. The reason for this is nothing but self-reliance. You should know what the reason was before. The Ji family was contaminated with the blood of my disciples. I have offended several times. I have never killed them all. On the contrary, it boosts the arrogance of the Ji family. What I want to do is to protect the territory of one side of the dark alliance, but if anyone is as shameless as Ji, then I don't mind....Blood the world!"

A few words, rumbling, spread all over the world.

This sentence is not for the people of the Ji family, but Meng Fan is warning the many ancient ancestors in the world not to interfere.

Today’s World War I is just a grievance between the dark alliance and the Ji family. Meng Fan doesn’t want to dominate all domains, but like the Ji family who constantly wants to provoke him, he doesn’t mind killing. This is Meng Fan’s attitude. . People move my hands, I want life, and this is his principle as always since Wuzhen.

Under these words, countless powerful people were immediately silent, including the Eastern Demon Clan, Zhou Clan, Ghost Clan, and so on. There was indeed a trace of embarrassment on their faces.

As for the dark alliance, then Meng Fan didn't feel sorry for them at all, but in order to prevent the rise of the dark alliance, many emperors often made some tricks and started behind the scenes. However, it is a pity that all the methods have been resisted by Meng Fan. He is truly standing between the world and fighting the Ten Thousand Realms with his own power. At this moment, Meng Fan also cannot tolerate any suppression.


The Celestial City burst into pieces. This immortal core hinterland of the Ji family was finally unbearable under the invasion of many dark alliance people. An ancient city that had been tens of thousands of years turned into Flying ash, and the millions of dark alliances under it didn't mean anything to stop, they were all roaring, moving forward again, and heading straight to the most core place of the Ji family, the Ji family's imperial capital!

Seeing it through at a glance, Meng Fan's eyes also became extremely sharp, and he stepped down, standing in front of the imperial capital, and said calmly,

"Why, Ji Tianshen, Ji Feng, don't you still make a move?"

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