Supreme God King

Chapter 1772: Is it endless?

Isn't it over? !

After a few words fell, there was no need for the embarrassment that Meng Fan had when he fled before. Instead, there was a sense of great doubt that resounded through the entire space.

Hearing that, above this void, the three figures of the multi-phase **** king also stood still, each blocked one side, aimed at Meng Fan, and suppressed all the space.

A sneer appeared on the face of the Polyphasic God King, saying every word,

"Why, don't leave, still want to use your tricks, are you really the three of us stupid?"

The voice fell, full of sarcastic taste, Kun and Ling on the side also looked at Meng Fan indifferently, without saying a word, but the same.

They had already spoken to Meng Fan once before, and this time they could say nothing would be fooled. They were all murderous, and they were about to do it right away.

But standing still, Meng Fan's expression turned out to be more contented, shook his head and said loudly.

"The King of Polyphasic God, I didn’t think you were here. It really shocked me. The three of you are embarrassed and you are everywhere. You just don’t know how many people have been pitted in the ten thousand realms. King of Polyphasic God, you still have to point your face. Huh?"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, the trio of Polyphasic God Kings were stunned, because Meng Fan's words were simply that the donkey's head was not right, so what was it doing at this time?

That **** king can start a clean house, especially in this kind of environment, it doesn't help at all!

The multi-phase **** king snorted coldly, stepped out, the majestic vitality fluctuations have filled the world, loudly,

"Don't give him a chance to speak, this guy is scheming, maybe there is some moth, kill him immediately!"

"Not bad!"

The Great Emperor Kunling nodded, both of them moved, and the vigorous vitality fluctuations also flicked out. The three giant hands had already covered Meng Fan in an instant, as if the entire sky was covered by three giants. The crushed mountain has a shocking power!

The three kings of gods, shot at the same time!

In just a moment, the earth and the sky have been created. With Meng Fan’s current cultivation base, it is difficult to resist. The Kunling Great Emperor is really too powerful. He deserves to be a person from the ancient times. Twisting the Void, the strength of one person alone is to suppress Meng Fan, let alone three people working together!

Under the shroud of this handprint, it can be said that Meng Fan's place has become a complete Jedi, only silence!

But despite this, Meng Fan's complexion didn't even change seriously. Instead, the corners of his mouth were raised, and that arc showed extraordinary pride, looking like a fox.

The handprints struck and leaped into the air. At the moment when these three terrifying methods were about to fall on Meng Fan's head, the void was torn apart, and the shadow of a huge stick turned out to be. . . . . Help Meng Fan resist this blow.


The sky exploded, the space burst!

How fierce the three of them were in a combined attack, breaking through everything, and extremely fierce, but after a moment, the polyphasic **** king, Kunling the Great felt a great power from the shadow of the stick, it turned out to be Under this blow, all three of them were blown out!


The trio of Polyphasic God Kings were taken aback, each of them backed away, looking at the huge stick that emerged in shock.

After a breath, the expression of the Great Emperor Kunling became extremely ugly, among which Kun even roared,

"This is... the rod of the sky!"

The Rod of Battle!

These words have actually disappeared in the Ten Thousand Realms long ago, because it was too long when they went across the world, so countless people have forgotten them, but for Kun Ling they are extremely impressive and more accurate. Say they were so great in the past. . . . . Hit it!

Because this stick means that a person will appear, and it brings countless painful memories to any existence in the ancient times. It is simply a fusion of savage, powerful, rough and so on. . . .

After a while, the voice that made Emperor Kunling's heart tremble also fell.

"Different child, you are here, but it makes me easy to find!"

A few words shook the world, like thunder!

At the moment of falling, under the eyes of a few people, you can see a figure torn apart from the void. The figure is huge, like a mountain, holding a big stick, and a murderous look. It was stolen by Meng Fan in the past. Over the egg. . . . Battle giant!

The era when this person was rampant, but it has always meant hitting everything, and the **** king and strong man who provoked him were beaten down. According to the leaflet alone, the **** king who was sitting on his body was not crushed by both hands. , It is conceivable how powerful this Battle Sky Giant is.

The king of the gods, that one is not a tyrannical figure, he is a great emperor from generation to generation, but in front of the giants of the sky, one by one is almost like a child, except for the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters, it is estimated that the gods under heaven see this Zhan Tian giant has no headaches, including the rumor that the former King Fudo Ming saw this person back and forth again and again and chose to retreat.

Known for its strong defense against the world, and crushing everything with supreme power, this battle giant is a natural fighter machine, the king of killer!

But now the latter is actually in front of him, appearing in this void. Obviously, he should have come for the Chaos Heavenly Palace. It was only for the Polyphasic God King, Kunling Great Emperor, that the latter would help Meng Fan to take action. they!

One person, one stick, no need to speak, it has caused an earthquake-like injury!

In the face of this, the Polyphasic King and Emperor Kunling are a bit dumbfounded, but they know the strength of the Battle Sky Giant. Even if the three of them are added together, they are definitely not the opponent of this Battle Sky Giant. They can subdue him. Only the thirteen hall masters of the Zhantian Giant must also have at least five hall masters to act together!

Who dares to provoke such evildoers!

"Zhan Tian, ​​don't move around... we have a little misunderstanding..."

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Emperor Kun Ling did not have the hegemony of ignoring everything before and quickly said.

But for the Zhan Tian giant, the moment he saw the Polymorphic God King, his eyes were red, as if he was thinking of the past years, and it was unexpected that someone would dare not know the life and death and steal him in this world. Of eggs.

He did not have any scruples about coming here before. Although he sensed that there was a big battle, it did not hinder his footsteps at all. He just wanted to set foot in this chaotic heaven.

Chaos Tiangong is extremely important to any strong **** king!

The Zhantian Giant is no exception. He wants to get a share of the pie, but what he didn't expect was that Meng Fan's voice spread to the world, allowing him to hear the simple four words from that sentence, multi-phase **** king.

So Zhan Tian giant’s divine mind was detected, and he saw the deity of the multi-phase **** king, so in this moment, his eyes were already booming, and he didn’t want to listen to the words of Emperor Kunling at all. There was the Rod Wheel of Zhan Tian coming over, making Zhou Tian pale, that kind of whistling sonic boom swept everything.

"Duoxiang Xiaoer, take your life... Unexpectedly, there are more Kunling you two little things, but today I let Grandpa catch you and die for me!"

The sound rumbling, a great shot!

After this moment, the huge stick descended from the sky, and ran full of the power of the heavenly giants. It was the killer of the king of the gods. It is conceivable that that kind of vigorous vitality fluctuations swept the world, not just the earth moving mountains. Shake, it is almost to burst the entire chaotic space.

not good!

In the face of this, the Kunling Great Emperor and the Polymorphic God King all roared. They didn't expect such a disaster from the sky, but they couldn't resist. Because this Zhan Tian giant is too terrifying, one blow not only overwhelms everything, but also seals the entire world. Only his own overbearing aura makes the multi-phase **** king and Kun Ling only vigorous. It broke out, resisted and left.


The chaotic space suddenly burst!

Under this blow alone, even the surrounding chaos array, countless dangers, were directly obliterated, only the billowing aura moved. As if in front of Zhan Tian Giant, even Chaos was trying to make way for him.

On the other hand, the King of Polyphasic God, the three of the Kunling Great Emperor spurted out a bit of blood, shocked in the body, and the three of them joined forces, and they were also blown out by this blow.

However, the Heavenly Battle Giant has no intention of stopping. In the past, on the way to hunt down Meng Fan, some of Meng Fan’s vicious words seemed to be vividly remembered. Now they are all transformed into the power of the Heavenly Battalion in his hand. Falling, smashed towards the King of Polyphasic God, that blow was the power of shaking mountains and rivers!

In the distance, a figure moved quietly and quickly disappeared into the chaos, naturally it was Meng Fan!

Having Zhan Tian giants shot, it simply made Meng Fan completely redundant.

Although he still needs to watch the drama more, and even help Zhan Tian come to fight the black hand twice, but Meng Fan dare not. He himself has seen the Zhan Tian giant, and it is him who steals the egg on the Zhan Tian giant's head.

At the moment when he wanted to use his wickedness, he suddenly saw Zhantian. Meng Fan had just thought of this tactic of causing trouble, but if he waited for a long time and used martial arts, Zhantian would see it. What a mess is not good!

After all, Zhantian Giant has a very poor head, but the ancient supreme existence, a small detail problem may cause him to fall into a situation where he cannot be recovered, and he can only let Meng Fan give up.

So in an instant, Meng Fan quickly disappeared into this battlefield, no longer hesitating, and went straight to the Chaos Temple. After looking back, he just saw that the battlefield behind him was rising, Zhou Tian Fall apart!

The body of the multi-phase **** king flew out again, blood spurting out, it was difficult to resist this kind of hegemonic force, and the huge battle giant flared his teeth and danced claws, roaring and sitting on his flesh body!


Touching his chin, Meng Fan looked at the **** blossoms in the sky and the polyphasic **** king who had become a pool of meatloaf, and he couldn't help but utter two words.

"It's miserable..."

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