Supreme God King

Chapter 1773: Turn on

Now Meng Fan is already indifferent to the battle behind him. After he left this battlefield, there was only one goal in his eyes, that is... Chaos Heavenly Palace!

There are treasures in the Chaos Palace!

This sentence has already been famous in the Ten Thousand Realms, and is well-known to the powers of the **** king realm. For Meng Fan, there is news of the two gods of Bingwuquan and the natural flower.

With this kind of thing, Meng Fan naturally wanted to get it.

The closer the distance is, the more the blood in his body will naturally burn. After all, it is the key to breaking through the cycle of reincarnation, so Meng Fan does not care.

Moving his body, Meng Fan was also hiding in the endless chaos.

On the battlefield not far away, blood was splashing. You can clearly see the giant of the battle sky sitting on it with a big ass, directly exploding the body of the polyphase **** king!

This is definitely the iconic method of the Battle of the Sky Giants. For many years, it is not just the Divine King who is so unlucky. You can see the rain of blood in the sky, which is extremely tragic. No matter who sees this scene, it is for the polyphasic. The **** king secretly called an aggrieved, a generation of ancient emperors, although this blow will not completely die, but it is too suffocated, it is simply a loss of face for many years!

And seeing such a scene, in the distance, the expressions of the two Kun Ling moved, and after looking at each other, each took advantage of this gap, and flew out directly, fleeing to the distance, no longer paying attention to the multi-phase **** king. .

"Ah... You two!"

His body was blown alive, and only one soul of the Multi-Phase God King escaped, and when he saw Emperor Kunling leaving him, he almost died.

"It's too unethical, you can't go!"

Hearing the words of the Polyphasic King, both Kun Ling snorted coldly, their bodies did not stay at all, but turned into a stream of light. Among them, Kun was even more ironic.

"Hmph, the relationship between you and me is originally a cooperative relationship. Since you asked for it, we can't help you. It is you who Zhantian wants to deal with, and I don't talk about me. That's right... It's nothing good with people like you, it's too unlucky!"

The tone was full of helplessness. The two of them were also due to the qi and blood that was impacted by the means of the Tiantian Giant, and their internal organs were damaged. It is still unknown whether they can go to the Chaos Tiangong, and naturally they are extremely violent.

Originally, they were united with the Polyphasic God King, and they were bewildered by the flowery words of the Polyphasic God King, thinking that he could lead them to the inside of the Chaos Palace, but now it seems that the Polyphasic God King is a broom star. .

If the murder failed, then they were killed, and then followed the Polyphasic King, the two of them were also going to be sat to death by the Zhantian Giant, naturally they refused to have any stay and left immediately.


In the face of the battle giant, another big stick attacked, crushed by the air wave, and heard the words of the two Emperor Kunling again, the Polyphasic God King almost rolled his eyes and fainted. The whole person flees lifelessly. A tragic voice resounded throughout the world,

"I'm unlucky shit, Zhantian, you heard me..."

"Ah... Meng Fan, you guy with no asshole, you are too overcast..."

Naturally, Meng Fan, who was already far away, could no longer hear such a howl of misery. For him, all his thoughts were placed on breaking through this chaotic space.

Although it has gone through a small episode, fortunately, Meng Fan didn’t escape too far, but the closer to this chaotic heavenly palace, the more terrifying the chaotic killing array caused by the surroundings, the entire world was completely sealed. It is extremely difficult for Meng Fan's realm to move forward.

In the sky, there are not only countless traps, but also a vaguely enveloping aura, which makes the **** king and strong people lose their sense of direction.

However, fortunately, Meng Fan had a small sign in his hands. With the ancient emperor's ability, he had detected it clearly before the Chaos Heavenly Palace appeared and gave Meng Fan a direction.

With this, Meng Fan stepped forward, and half a day later, finally reopened the endless mist, and a huge palace appeared in his eyes.

The entire palace, like a mountain floating in the chaos, is not just a simple one, it is like a city in the sky with endless universe.

"This is it!"

Meng Fan's pupils shrank and uttered a few words.

In the space of Xiaotian, it was the same shaking. A bird and a tortoise were also very excited at this moment. After all, this is a treasure that is hard to come out of the ages. The number of times the chaotic palace has appeared in the entire river of vitality is also rare.

Once the source of chaos emerges, I don’t know how many gods will rush into the palace. I don’t know how many gods have been collected in these palaces. Why is it born? The mystery is one of Wanyu's greatest secrets!

These treasures are right in front of you!

"Be careful, Meng Fan!"

Lord Que said solemnly, because of his character, he did not dare to be careless at this moment. Although the Chaos Heavenly Palace has countless treasures, it still has to be fate. It is not impossible to ruin the King of God here, and now I don’t know how many people are. It's coming, it's extraordinary.

Nodded, Meng Fan looked calm and strode forward.

Stepping on the sky city with one step, the endless chaotic mist shrouded the ground, giving Meng Fan an extremely ancient feeling of vicissitudes.

At the same time, Meng Fan's gaze swept over, and he saw that there were four portals in this chaotic space, and that door was extremely mysterious, and there was an endless aura of chaos in it.

And there is a stone stele on the side with a line of small characters on it, to the effect that you want to enter this chaotic space, only through these four doors, and every time the chaotic palace is opened, once a door is entered, it will be completely closed. , Can no longer let people set foot in it.

With just a glance, Meng Fan saw that the three portals in front of him were completely sealed, and now only one is left!

"There are three waves of people before me? It seems that it was because of the time wasted in the fight with the polyphasic king!"

Meng Fan said in his heart, while faintly shocked.

He has the token of the ancient emperor, and can accurately find the direction of the Chaos Heavenly Palace. It is already extremely fast, but he does not expect that there are three waves of people before him.

I am afraid that among these three waves, there is at least one wave of... Thirteen Palace Lords!

Thinking of this is to make endless cold surging in Meng Fan's eyes, like an ice cave.

However, Meng Fan didn't say a word. After only one step, he walked towards the last gateway and stepped into it.


Pushing the door and entering, Meng Fan's palm moved, and he felt a mighty force. The gate of this chaotic palace alone weighed a million catties. I don’t know what made it. If it weren’t for Meng Fan to reach the present It’s impossible to push it away!

The moment Meng Fan entered the portal, Meng Fan's expression also moved, because he hadn't completely entered. There was a huge corridor inside the portal, and at the end of it stood a figure, like a hill. The breath is just giving. Meng Fan an endless pressure.

With a glance, Meng Fan stared at the person in the distance, slowly saying,

"Your Excellency..."

"The palace guard!"

The hill-like figure stood up. It was a big man. His upper body was undressed, revealing a series of angular muscles. Without any movement, the whole person was already filled with a powerful explosive force, and his voice was hoarse, as if it had been a long time. There was no speech.

Powerful in the Divine King Realm!

With a move in Meng Fan's heart, he already understood that this person should be the ancient emperor of the past. He set foot in this chaotic palace, and did not know why he chose to enlighten the way here.

Everything and everything has its own path of cultivation. Meng Fan’s path is to experience in the red dust and grow up in the killing, and countless people in the universe also have their own martial arts, and their transformation is also a peculiar practice. On the road, the ancient emperor in front of him should have been sitting in meditation for many years, just to feel the power of the Chaos Heavenly Palace and improve himself.

This is definitely a veteran **** king between heaven and earth, especially the latter who is willing to stay in this chaotic heaven for many years, not knowing that there will be any means.

Standing in place, Meng Fan sighed quietly, saying every word,

"Can you get out?"


The big man shook his head, staring at Meng Fan, and slowly said,

"I use this Chaos Heavenly Palace to improve my strength, naturally I also want to do something for this Heavenly Palace, but unfortunately... Maybe the world today has forgotten my name. My name is Gu Lantian. If I want to break through today, I will die. In my hands, this is the last comfort for you!"

"It's him!"

After hearing this name, a bird and a turtle shook, surprised.

"Be careful, Meng Fan, this person is a powerful physical training in ancient times. It is said that his martial arts all his life is related to the physical body, and his physical body is the most domineering weapon. In order to cultivate, he even refines many divine objects into himself. In the ancient times, a pair of iron fists blasted everything. Be careful of his power!"

The tone was full of solemn words, and he was no stranger to this name, a bird and a turtle. This Gulantian could definitely be regarded as a supreme emperor in the past. After experiencing many killing methods, his flesh became enlightened.

However, Meng Fan didn't have much surprise about this. He was naturally not an ordinary person to be able to guard in this chaotic heavenly palace. It was not surprising that he had a ruthless ancient emperor.

"Why, you have a choice, either leave or... die!"

Gu Lantian stared at Meng Fan and said every word. At the moment when the last word was spit out, an endless oppressive force also descended on Meng Fan.

An ancient emperor who has survived from the ancient times and has experienced countless years of asceticism!

Under this kind of pressure, Meng Fan even felt a pain in his face, knowing that this was definitely a rival, but his complexion remained motionless, just grinned, and said indifferently.

"Since you choose to stop, then I only have to... kill you!"

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