Supreme God King

Chapter 1777: Break through

As soon as his mind moved, Meng Fan's divine thought moved again, as in the previous method, countless divine thoughts dispersed.

However, at the moment of action this time, a hint of cruelty appeared on his face. Obviously, if you follow the conventional method, trying to find this ice spring is nothing short of trouble.

Even if he was able to find it in the end, the time might be almost consumed. In the end, there was no time to do anything. So in this instant, it was also the most powerful means for Meng Fan to run wild.

A person sits quietly, with blood surging, and his scattered spiritual thoughts swept the entire world and turned into angry dragons.

As before, Meng Fan's divine mind was still rushing in all directions, but after this moment, his divine mind was not as gentle as before, on the contrary, there was an unstoppable fierceness!

Bang, bang!

A moment later, the countless worlds in this Chaos Heavenly Palace also burst open, making thunderous noises, because Meng Fan's scattered divine consciousness had no intention of looking for anything.

Instead, it blasted the surrounding bookshelves in the most terrifying way, and the bookshelves placed in this Chaos Heavenly Palace had a powerful prohibition. After feeling Meng Fan's attack, the automatic defenses of the bookshelves were also opened.

As the noise fell, the power of the two was directly intertwined, causing the entire Chaos Tiangong’s countless worlds to be shocked. With Meng Fan’s power of divine thought, it was absolutely extraordinary. It was not a place to fight, in between a breath, it was the trembling **** among the countless scrolls that were awakened and jumped.

But Meng Fan didn't care, sitting in place, surging with blood, but instead gave a long roar.

"Drive me!"

When the three words fell, the sound wave swept across, and it also included Meng Fan's incomparably powerful power of the soul, spreading around it, like a supreme beast in the world, carrying out a covering attack on the world.

"Who is this!"


It was just three words, but the space affected by Meng Fan's roaring force was so much that countless bookshelves began to tremble.

The scroll above naturally sensed Meng Fan's power and resisted one after another. However, with Meng Fan's powerful means, it can be said that countless spaces are caused by echoes, and I don't know how many gods are awakened.

And relying on the moment when a group of gods woke up, Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts also naturally probed the past.

Because at the moment he attacked the bookshelf, this group of gods also naturally defended, but the powerful aura created by their own defense was revealed, and the gods revealed by each level were different, so that Meng Fan could understand. What kind of level is the fetish of which I feel.

You must know that Bingwoquan is beyond the eleventh order. Once he shows his breath, it must be extremely terrifying!

That's why Meng Fan chose to attack actively, not only to detect, but to attack the countless bookshelves in the Chaos Space with divine consciousness, forcing them to show their breath.

After a breath, Meng Fan had already swept over the scrolls of ten thousand gods. This group of scrolls were all self-defense, allowing Meng Fan to feel the aura covering these scrolls.

"Not this one!"

"That's not it!"

His eyes flashed, and Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts revolved again, like a tide, wave after wave, attacking the countless bookshelves in the entire Chaos Palace.

Between a few breaths, you can see that the countless worlds in this chaotic heavenly palace can be described as flying dogs. Under Meng Fan’s powerful attack, the scrolls on the countless bookshelves are naturally defensive and resist. , It completely disturbed their silence, and even some defenses were unfavorable, which directly caused the bookshelf to tremble.

"I rely on... Not it!"

Seeing Meng Fan’s movements, the little boy and the other spirits were a little dumbfounded, and they were extremely surprised. Meng Fan’s method is undoubtedly to use himself against the entire Chaos Heavenly Palace. Although this method is extremely effective, It's too vicious, it's just going to completely mess up here.

Bang, bang!

The bursting sound fell, and it was endless, and there was also the roar of the spirits in countless spaces. Obviously they were swearing at Meng Fan, but Meng Fan pretended not to hear, only the tide of divine thoughts continued. Operation, for finally.

After a few breaths, the next moment Meng Fan's expression moved, his gaze suddenly passed through the layers of space and looked at one of them.


It was just a slight change in the impact that made Meng Fan aware of his difference. Before that, Meng Fan had spent years searching for the natural spring, but I didn’t know how many years he spent. Although he did not find the trace of these two gods, But it also produced a lot of results.

It was that he finally understood how these two gods were and what breath they cast.

And at the moment before the impact, Meng Fan sensed an incomparably mysterious aura, which made his whole body qi and blood boil in an instant, which seemed to be the same as the aura of the ice spring he had seen before... the same.


After one step, Meng Fan's whole person was like a sharp arrow, and his whole person flew out directly, swiftly toward that space.

The striding meteor, fast as thunder, at the moment Meng Fan unsheathed, it tore countless spaces in an instant. There were countless restrictions in the interior of this chaotic heavenly palace, but in front of Meng Fan, it broke through like torn paper.

After snapping his fingers, Meng Fan came directly to a bookshelf, two sticks out, extremely accurate, and grabbed one of the scrolls.


It's just that under the condition of Meng Fan's two fingers, a golden light burst out of the scroll, directly hitting Meng Fan's palm.

The power of the two touched, causing the world to shake. After a while, it also made Meng Fan take a step back, feeling a huge backlash, but a smile appeared on his face.

Before, he was only a probing attack, but what he didn't expect was that the scroll really had an unpredictable power.

Under Meng Fan's gaze, countless golden runes burst out of them, able to resist his power of the king, obviously proving that the scroll itself has great means, not what else can it be?


Meng Fan didn't say much. Since he has already seen it, he will not let go of anything. The big hand turns into a giant palm, and the handprints between the fingers are already surging. Horrible!

Five fingers hit the sky directly!

But what is sealed in this scroll is Bingwoquan, this kind of **** that has long gone against the sky, beyond the tenth order, is definitely not extraordinary, although it was discovered by Meng Fan, but at the same time, this scroll It was also a golden light surging out, coming from nothing.

The power of the eleventh-order divine fetish is extraordinary. Even for a moment, Meng Fan's power is blocked, and at the same time, you can see the scroll of this ice spring burst out with golden light, dissolving Meng Fan's sealing power , Escape quickly!

Yep! ?

When Meng Fan’s expression was chosen, he knew whether he was an expert or not. The moment the two collided, Meng Fan’s heart was shaken, because the strength of this Bingwoquan exceeded Meng Fan’s cognition, even if he arrived. The state of the Divine King Realm is so terrifying that everything can be sealed in a single thought, but this Bing Wuquan actually ignored his imprisonment pressure.

It's worthy of being a fetish that has reached the limit between heaven and earth, it is really powerful!

However, Meng Fan is definitely not his generation. After this moment, he let out a low growl, dropped his foot, and changed his hands. The seals came out of his hand quickly and landed directly on the world. between.

I have already found the news of this ice fountain. Naturally, it is impossible for Meng Fan to let him leave easily. Otherwise, once the latter leaves, he is likely to be prepared, and even disappear. Meng Fan will definitely not be able to give him. The second chance is bound to win this ice.

Suddenly, accompanied by countless road seals photographed by Meng Fan, the whole world suddenly changed again, even the Bingwu Spring was sealed by it, unable to leave Meng Fan's 100 meters range.

Feeling the power of Meng Fan, the scroll of Bingwoquan stands in the void, and a voice of vicissitudes also falls.

"Little boy, why do you have to find the old man, there are so many gods here, it is feasible to let the old man go?"

Hearing this, Meng Fan shook his head and arched his hands.

"Underneath, I really need the strength in the old man's body. There are a few other gods in the world that can touch reincarnation. The kid has to do things against the sky, and I hope the old man can do it!"

The tone is calm, but sonorous and powerful.


Feeling Meng Fan's determination, Bing Wuquan couldn't help but snorted coldly,

"It seems that you really have to fight the old man. Do you have this strength when you fight against the old man?"

The voice fell, and the verbal utterance followed, just for a moment, I felt an unpredictable rune surging in this ice spring, just a golden rune appeared, but it made the whole world more An extremely ancient mysterious meaning.

"Little guy, the big deal is that the old man is no longer in this Chaos Palace, and you can't catch the old man, even if you set foot on the **** king, but since ancient times, the **** king who beats the old man's attention is more than just one!"

As he spoke, the heaven and the earth moved, and under the mysterious rune of Bingwoquan, he himself was tearing the heaven and the earth, forming a space crack, and his entire scroll stepped on it and quickly disappeared!

"You can't go!"

Meng Fan yelled and grabbed it with his five fingers. In an instant, the whole body was surging with blood. The strongest combat power of the whole person was released at this moment, rampant, and it was a great **** and demon that annihilated everything. Endless domineering, but at this moment when the palm of his hand covered the world, what surprised Meng Fan was that no matter how terrifying his power was, he was blocked.

The space rift formed by this ice-wo spring turned out to be a space formed by the self, turned into an absolute realm, blocking everything!

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