Supreme God King

Chapter 1778: means

Block everything!

The handprint is outside, the air wave is still!

No matter how overbearing and vigorous Meng Fan was, his power was still unable to penetrate the seal of the ice spring, and he couldn't help but let his eyes burst with light and roar.

"Break for me!"

The three words, like a dragon chant, shocked the world.

If there is a sacred and powerful person next to Meng Fan, it is possible to be frightened to death by his roar, because his voice is really too domineering and penetrates everything.

This kind of aura is unique to the great emperor-level powerhouse, and only after Meng Fan reaches the general realm of the **** king, can he be released.


The entire chaotic world trembled at this moment, and even more so, I saw Meng Fan's Fist of Inverse God fall, turning into countless numbers, and any blow would shatter everything.

Even if Meng Fan had gone through a big battle before, but when he was fighting against Gulantian, he was quick to fight and the consumption was not too big, and when this moment broke out, his combat power was raised to a level. The meat is extremely spicy.

Bang, bang!

It was visible to the naked eye that Meng Fan swung the fist of the **** against the gods, and bombarded the prohibition fiercely, immediately causing the prohibition to explode continuously, and cracks appeared on it.

But what surprised Meng Fan was that although the crack kept appearing, it had a peculiar resilience. Although it shattered, it also recombined at the same time.

In a few breaths, Meng Fansheng blasted hundreds of punches, but only caused rifts on the prohibition, but did not let the prohibition burst.

And in it, the scroll of the Bingwoquan is already relying on that rune to tear the world apart, half of the scrolls are integrated into it, breaking Meng Fan’s prohibition, just want to disappear here. In the world, Bing Wo Quan’s ironic voice also fell,

"Tsk tsk...boy, you look good. You have reached this point in the eternal time. It seems that you are qualified to be the supreme. However, compared with the old man, you are still too tender, the old man’s wisdom Is it something you can compare? Fighting wits and courage with the old man, you are not good enough, stare your eyes and watch the old man leave!"

The voice was full of irony, and at the same time his body was torn apart, as he said, it was going to disappear here with Meng Fan's eyes open.


Watching this scene, Meng Fan’s eyes are almost crying blood. This is related to Ruo Shuiyi’s resurrection. How can he not be energetic for it? Leaving here, then I am afraid there will be no possibility of finding its trace again.

"Master Bird, Master Turtle!"

After a while, Meng Fan let out a low growl again.

Accompanied by Meng Fan's voice, the corners of the beaks of a bird and a turtle in the small sky space were suddenly left in a row. Obviously, Meng Fan had no way to do it, so he gave them this problem.

However, in the face of Meng Fan, this kind of prohibition cannot be solved, and the two of them are also scratching their heads!

Looking at each other, a strange look flashed in the eyes of a bird and a turtle, and each nodded. After a moment, the bird said immediately,

"Meng Fan, concentrate your strength and use a violent finger to break through one of the defenses!"


Hearing this, Meng Fan nodded, his eyes flashed, and after a while, a finger was already stretched out to the sky.

In just a moment, an unstoppable light burst from his fingers, the breath swept across the entire chaotic space, and the moment he pointed it was to make the whole world pale, and it was Meng Fan's best at antagonistic finger.

The martial art in the body was revolving, even at the moment when he used this rebellious one, Meng Fan didn't bring out the first level of change, but directly used the second level.

Move your fingertips, illuminate the sky.

Under the billowing power, like a mighty soldier, traversing everything, abruptly landed on the barrier surrounding this ice spring.


The thunder-like noise fell, making the Bingwuquan in it shocked. With his eyesight, he naturally saw Meng Fan’s extraordinary. He cultivated to this point in such a short period of time. What I didn't expect was that the latter was so extraordinary and terrifying. The explosive power in this instant was really amazing.

Even in these long years, this Bingwoquan has seen countless gods, but there are only a handful of them that can possess this kind of explosive power at the fingertips!


Finally, under Meng Fan’s finger, even the defense laid by this ice spring was difficult to resist. A crack suddenly appeared on it, which was a small loophole. As for other places, it was still intact. Obviously this method is Bing Wo Spring's last resort, it is by no means ordinary, even with Meng Fan's strongest combat power, it can only break a corner, and cannot do too much.

But just a corner is enough for Meng Fan, which is what he wants.

"Master Bird is here too!"

A moment later, a long howling sound fell, followed the gap between the corners, and again a streamer fell, and flew directly into it. At first glance, it looked like a sphere, which looked like a ball. ...Koro!

Using his body as a weapon, at this moment, the tortoise master was as fast as a meteor. Following the gap, he broke through the defense of the outside world, and then smashed onto the scroll of the ice spring.


The two collided, causing sparks to splatter and burst into countless moments later. At the same time, there were two more miserable howls above the sky, one from the scroll of the ice spring and the other from the turtle master.

"You goddamn, so hard!"

A complaining voice fell, and he was almost carried away by Bingwoquan. He was completely hit by the unsuspecting disaster. He was hit by the tortoise master, and he was stunned even if he had no chance to react. , The latter actually blamed him, this is really shameless!

But this was not over yet, before Bingwoquan could react, a stern voice came from the sky again.

"Master Bird is here too!"

The way of speaking is casual, but there is no such gorgeous meteor as the Turtle Master appeared before, but with this sound, a series of splashes flew directly towards the scroll of the ice spring and sprayed on his body.

Just a moment later, Bing Woquan's whole body was frozen in place, staring at Lord Bird in a daze, and said in confusion,

"What did you spray...?"

"Of course it's my saliva!"

Between the sky, Lord Bird snorted and laughed.

Having lived for a long time, it is natural to understand that the gods of heaven and earth can not be afraid of anything. The only thing that can not be afraid of is filth. Any **** is actually a mental cleanliness. It can be killed but not allowed. Insulting, Meng Fan had seen this before, and he had even extorted a fortune in the mysterious valley.

This weakness is simply the weakness of all the gods, and the existence of this level including the Bingwuquan cannot be ignored!

So just at the moment when Lord Bird's voice fell, it made Bing Woquan feel dizzy, as if she had been struck by countless thunders. There was no one hit by Lord Turtle before. It's been so painful.

Including the countless handprints he used to unfold, they were a little dazed, and at the next moment, Lord Bird said loudly.

"There are nasal mucus, eye feces, and my excrement... look at it!"

After the last two words fell, Bing Wo Quan's expression suddenly changed, and he used it with one hand, and no longer used his full strength to use the teleportation link, but a concealed mark appeared, blocking it away.

However, Lord Bird did not move. Instead, the old **** was standing there and let Bingwoquan breathe a sigh of relief. Before that, it made him sick enough. If we let Lord Bird take another spit, it is estimated that he will be alive. The mind is gone.

But at the next moment, he couldn't take it anymore, because he had already discovered that there was an extra figure on the side, not Meng Fan, who else could it be!

Before a bird and a tortoise made a brazen action, the two of them stunned the ice spring and the disgusting ice spring. All this just happened between the electric light and flint, making the ice spring in a panic and unable to fully display the seal of the world. Naturally, it also gave Meng Fan valuable time.

Under this period of time, although it was only a moment, it was enough for Meng Fan.

What realm he is now, although the final escape method of Bingwuquan is quite terrifying, but it also requires the other party's full combat, the method of the realm of the king is not to be seen there, let alone Meng Fan.

It was just a breath of time, and he relied on his own power to break in, breaking through the defense of this ice spring, and taking another step, coming to a distance of three meters from him.

Within three meters is the absolute realm for...Meng Fan!

Looking at each other, Meng Fan said nothing, there was already a long roar, the sound scattered around, like a supreme **** and demon standing between heaven and earth, that kind of terrifying aura made everything distorted, and at the same time Meng Fan’s power Move, hit by a palm, completely imprison the entire world of void.

"Sorry, old sir!"

After a few words fell, Meng Fan’s big hand was already stretched out, even the layers of transfer seals laid by Bing Wo Spring were smashed by his palm, all the void was imprisoned, let Meng Fan control the place. Everything, no longer give Bingwoquan any chance to escape.


Facing Meng Fan, Bing Woquan's complexion suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, when he encountered such three guys, he had no room to react under the series of blows, but he had been caught by Meng Fan.

"You are too shameless!"

The tone can be said to be so sincere and sincere, this is the best confession in Bing Woquan’s heart, but for the three Meng Fans, each nodded and said at the same time,

"Old gentleman, fight against us, you can't do it!"

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