Supreme God King

Chapter 1787: Ancient Chaos

Two eyes, cold as an abyss!

Everyone had to tremble under the look of these two great hall masters, including the ancient emperor, because these two people are really terrifying now.

As if in front of him, even death is not an easy task.

The reason that caused the two of them to do this was because of the four words Refining Heavens that Liuli had said before!

"How much do you know?"

One of the hall masters spoke up, but the tone had changed, and the kind of murderous intent he possessed was absolutely extraordinary.

"Since I was born by the power of sentient beings, I naturally understand the purpose of the power of sentient beings. You have been silent for tens of thousands of years, and you have set foot in the source of the heavens before. If I don't understand what you want to do, I'm afraid it will be useless!"

Liuli's eyes are cold, and the delicate little face is now full of solemn meaning.

"The power of sentient beings comes from Ten Thousand Domains. It seems that you really want to refine the Ten Thousand Domains, completely control them, and turn the Ten Thousand Domains into your forbidden zone!"

The voice of the sentient beings Liuli was not loud, but it was able to make the thirteen hall masters react like this. This remark is definitely an explosive news.

Once it comes out, it will definitely make Wanyu tremble.

"Since you know so much, you don't have to live anymore. Before, you wanted to save your life, but now it must die!"

The two main hall masters said indifferently, and at the same time a palm fell, the majestic black death air permeated, like a sea tide, surging and falling.


The interlayer of this space suddenly burst, and the colorful light spreading on the colored glaze of sentient beings continued to wilt, even if it was from the original power of the colored glaze, but facing the means of the thirteen hall masters, she How much of the original power can be.

Such consumption, almost every breath, is to make the colored glaze of sentient beings haggard, and the pretty face becomes paler, but the silver teeth are clenching, desperately burning themselves.

"act recklessly!"

The lord of the thirteen halls sneered, his eyes flashed, and the phantom of the heavenly demon between his body was enlarged again, the black death was overflowing, and the space was sealed in an instant. This huge phantom of the heavenly demon stood in the sky, outrageously One cut.

2%style_txt; chuckle!

A moment later, Liuli of all living beings spurted out a mouthful of blood. Under the blow of this demon, countless colorful colored glaze rays were split by him, causing her to retreat, and her small body even began to shrink. .

But in front of him, one hall master launched an attack against him, while the other hall master went straight to Meng Fan, trying to interfere with Meng Fan and severely wound him.

"The disintegration of colored glaze!"

Between the electric light and flint, the sentient beings Liuli spit out four words, and for a moment, her body burst open, and a monstrous colorful light swept around again, blocking all the offensive. Even the thirteen hall masters were immediately blocked, under the colorful glazed light, stinging themselves, they all cried out in pain and retreated.

This kind of power was only exchanged by Liuli of the sentient beings when they blew their own deity. It was extremely gorgeous, like howling miserably, the power in this instant was also amazing.

But at the moment of conversion, Liuli's petite body collapsed instantly, turning into a piece of flying ash, and only a colorful bead remained on the sky.

There is no doubt that for the previous blow, Liuli of the sentient beings has already consumed all the power in the body. It is not known how many tens of thousands of years of cultivation have reached the results of today, but within the short time of this incense stick , But completely turned into fly ash, can not help but sigh.

The colorful beads are her original strength, she has no sense of mind, only a moment of pure beads.

The body retreated a hundred meters, and the two main hall masters just stood firm, each with a cold snort, looking bad.

"Damn guy, I don't know how good he is, why there will always be people who believe in him along the way, even willing to give his life for him!"

A hall master said coldly, and his tone was full of incomprehension.

There was Ruo Shuiyi in the front, the old madman in the back, as well as many dark guards, and the thirteen hall masters also learned about Meng Fan's growth and were shocked.

Because there seemed to be a kind of magic in Meng Fan, some people were willing to fight for him and die for him, this kind of behavior made the thirteen hall masters a little jealous.

Although they can also control the deaths of countless people, they are based on benefits and threats, and they cannot understand the feelings of people around Meng Fan!

Perhaps this is a person above two kinds of thinking. For Meng Fan, he is also willing to fight and die for the people around him. I don't know how many injuries on his body are left by the dark alliance brothers.

"Anyway, even the remaining origin is useful, catch her!"

The other hall master snorted coldly and waved his big hand. It was to imprison everything and head towards the origin of the scattered sentient beings, but at the moment when the palm of his hand was about to touch the origin of the sentient beings.

In the space, there was a sudden shaking, and a long bell-like sound fell, sweeping the world.


The two main hall masters were shocked. Looking at it, they sensed that a very domineering aura filled the world and turned into a strong resistance, even the thirteen hall masters' handprints were blocked.

Yep? !

As far as I could see, I saw Meng Fan, who had been still in place before, suddenly stood up, opened his eyes, and his blood burst out in an instant. That kind of Hong Zhong's voice came from him, and it seemed It was the sound of the impact in the Meng Fan Joint, the Sanskrit sound fell, and the space was shaking.

Woke up!


A word was spit out from the mouths of the two great hall masters at the same time, the two turned into a palm, and the phantom of the heavenly demon broke out, no longer caring about the origin of the colored glaze of the sentient beings, but a devastating blow toward Meng Fan.

Facing the two hall masters at the same time, Meng Fan was expressionless. From the moment his eyes opened, his eyes seemed to be much deeper, like an abyss, in front of this murderous intent, he also punched out, just for a moment, It is to fight directly with the two main hall masters.


The space shattered and sparks flew everywhere. It was just a moment that the place where the three people's power converged was turned into a vacuum, and it was shocked by that powerful energy, causing it to completely break.

At the same time, two figures can be seen retreating. It is the two great hall masters. Under this kind of power, the two of them fought against Meng Fan, but they were pushed away by the infinite power of Meng Fan. , Such a scene, absolutely shocking the world!

A hundred meters away, the two of them stood firm, their energy and blood were shaking, and the tiger’s mouth had a posture of collapse. The eyes of the two hall masters were staring at Meng Fan, and they couldn't believe it. ,

"Ancient Chaos?"

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