Supreme God King

Chapter 1788: Heavenly Will

Ancient Chaos!

The voice fell, and a strong sense of astonishment appeared in the mouths of the two hall masters, staring at Meng Fan without blinking. √∟Vertex novel, x.

There are ten thousand domains in the heaven and earth, and chaos beyond the ten thousand domains!

Even the **** king and the strong dare not be able to travel through the chaos, let alone the power in the chaos, and from the experience of the thirteen hall masters, it is natural to understand that there is an ancient method in this chaos, in the dark It has great power, but no one has been able to sense it, and no one can use it for millions of years.

But in the past in the battle, the thirteen hall masters have seen that time the power of chaos burst, with a strange arrangement of runes, every dazzling is like a star, shining endless light, making them feel To the tremor.

Now it turned out to be exactly the same as the power erupting between Meng Fan's fingers, making them both feel extremely surprised.

how is this possible!

It was only the time of a stick of incense, but Meng Fan's breath now is different from before again, it looks like he... has good luck again!

Standing in the same place, Meng Fan's whole blood was like a sea of ​​blood, affecting Zhou Tian, ​​but he looked aside, and sighed on the only remaining bead of the colored glaze of sentient beings. There is no intersection between the two sides, but Liuli, all sentient beings, consumes all their strength because of her, and puts hope on him.

Even though it was because of desperation, it was even more proof that Liuli's will of sentient beings was completely above the ten thousand realms, and was able to resist the thirteen hall masters to the end, rather than being like the old immortals, the old and the others.

With a grasp of the palm of his hand, Meng Fan grasped this bead of colored glaze from all beings in his hand, and said slowly,

"I didn't disappoint you. Don't worry, you haven't completely disappeared. I can sense your breath. With the current technique, I will definitely not let these two guys succeed!"

The last few words fell, and Meng Fan suddenly raised his head and looked at the two main hall masters. They were completely different from the soft and calm aura before. Instead, they had only a violent, terrifying Shura appearance, standing in this heaven and earth. It was like the same great **** and demon, countless times stronger than before.

One person in the sky, coercion everything!

Faintly, the entire space was trembling, and the most surprising thing was to count the old immortals outside, all staring at it dumbfounded.

Although they can't see the scene inside, the one who can come here is not the ancient emperor, who has amazing strength, and can judge who has the upper hand from the diffusion of breath.

And before this, the atmosphere of black death has always been permeated, suppressing the surroundings, even the breath of Meng Fan and the colored glaze of sentient beings are unable to show up, being suppressed by two majestic black death auras, but now After the extinction of the colored glaze of the sentient beings, there was a majestic qi and blood that appeared to fight against the two black death qi, which... can be said to make them feel extremely shocked.

Thirteen hall masters!

This is a top person standing on the long river of vitality. Even if it is only the presence of the two main hall masters, it is terrible enough. The general **** king is not qualified to move in front of him for several rounds, but it looks like this breath. Below, instead, there is a taste of suppression.

"Who is it, is it Meng Fan, shouldn't it! But this the same as him again!"

A few words were squeezed out of the corners of the old man's mouth, and he felt extremely confused.

On the side, the five people of the ancient gods and the few great saints of the world are also the same, all of them startled.

And in that space, blood burst at this moment, affecting Zhou Tian, ​​and Meng Fan, who was standing in the same place, moved at the same time. With a step, a big hand blasted out, and an immortal impression fell violently.

And along with Meng Fan’s palm, several ancient runes appeared in his handprints. Each of them was extremely old and vicissitudes. They were exactly the same as the runes on the Altar of Chaos, obviously here. In the short time of a stick of incense, Liuli of the sentient beings won a very crucial step for Meng Fan, allowing him to sense the ancient law engraved in this chaotic altar, the ancient chaotic law.

"All sentient beings Liuli died because of me, then between you two today... at least one will remain!"

The tone was rumbling and murderous, causing the heavens and the earth to lose their color, as if a sacred person was trying to judge the life and death of the thirteen hall masters!


The two main hall masters were extremely angry at the same time. Who are they? They have been setting the rules for countless years in Wanyu. Who dares to decide their life and death.

Facing a younger generation like Meng Fan, they couldn't help but not go mad, each of them screamed, black death like the sea, and instantly turned into monstrous handprints, and slammed into Meng Fan's rebellious palm!


With one blow, the sky collapsed!

Meng Fan can be described as fierce to the extreme, how extraordinary it is to smash the two great gods and powerhouses with his own power, rolling in and out of the martial arts!

Under this blow and burst, the entire void was exploded, and the spreading wave of air burst into the surrounding area, shattering countless spaces, and the three figures intertwined. Under this kind of absolute strength, each of them could bear it. Strong offensive, but no one took a step back.

In the heavy weather, the two hall masters moved forward instead, one of them coldly said,

"Even if you can control the ancient chaos, what if we two work together, your foundation is still weak, and you are still not an opponent!"

The tone was indifferent, and it seemed to be hitting Meng Fan, but if there were top **** kings and powerhouses here, they would be able to discover that this was a fact.

Because although Meng Fan controls countless ancient methods, he is facing the highest level of heaven and earth. Even though the two are not the full combat power, but the terrible martial arts alone, I don’t know how many gods and powerful people have been crushed. At this step, the current Meng Fan can't crack it.

In this regard, Meng Fan also understands that his own power is difficult to reverse, but his expression is a light smile, extremely confident, and slowly said.

"Since I want you to die, how can you live? The thirteen hall masters are you? In this world, I don't know how much waves you can still make. I can't do it alone, but with the addition of... Where's Tiangong!"

A few words fall, and every word is just like the law. At the same time, Meng Fan’s palm changes, and the knots flicker. Every imprint is extremely complicated, but it is made in an instant between the flickering of Meng Fan’s handprints. With a style that dazzles the world.

At the same time, his palms joined together and shot out towards the void. After this moment, all the strong men in the Chaos Heavenly Palace were shocked because they felt that the entire Heavenly Palace was moving, a kind of terrifying will. It slowly awakened, like a behemoth that had been asleep for thousands of years... suddenly opened his eyes!

ps: During the Chinese New Year, I was too busy. I had to hurry back to my hometown, so it was very unstable. I said sorry to all the book friends, but it was about to come to an end. After the Chinese New Year, I will definitely break out for everyone. This chapter is still coded out of countless noises, just to come up and say to everyone, Happy New Year, bless all my book friends, love you!

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