Supreme God King

Chapter 1793: Explore

The ancient emperor calculated!

Looking at the hidden void, Meng Fan sighed slightly, even if he reached his level, he couldn't ignore everything and be truly invincible, at least in front of the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters.

Against this kind of Taikoo giant, every step seems to require careful calculation, and one who is not careful may fall into the abyss of immortality.

How terrible the minds of this group of people!

However, there was no discouragement in Meng Fan's heart. He stepped out in one step, traversed the layers of outer space, and returned to the ten thousand realms.

Returning directly to the dark alliance, Meng Fan came to the Cao Lu to sit quietly. This battle was quite costly. He fought with the two main hall masters and had hidden injuries in his body, and he needed to retreat to understand.

And the most important point is that Meng Fan's harvest is not small, ice my spring, sentient beings Liuli.

Although the old man looked extremely helpless in Xiaotian's space, he fell into the hands of Meng Fan and never left.

There is also the ancient chaos method. After comprehension, Meng Fan understood that this was the idea of ​​the chaos palace, an extreme change that appeared between the open heavens, and it was of great help to Meng Fan.

This kind of thing is not something you can learn after you learn it, it needs to be digested slowly!

So as soon as he returned to the dark alliance, Meng Fan closed himself up for a hundred years, completely using it to repair himself and to feel his power.

Now he can be considered to understand the sufferings of the older generation of strong men in the past, and the move is to retreat for a hundred years, or even a thousand years. It is not what he wants, but after reaching his level, any injury or insight will take a long time. Time is not something that can be achieved overnight.

Meng Fan is advancing leaps and bounds, even in the realm of the Divine King Realm, he is constantly progressing, shocking the past and the present, but under the integration of himself, it also takes a lot of time.

In a hundred years, Wanyu is still calm!

Now it is the dominance of the dark alliance family. After the Ji family was destroyed, it can be said that any force in the world trembled at the dark alliance, and now who dares to fight with them.

Unless the real ancient emperor arrives, and the thirteen hall masters make a move, I am afraid that few people in this world can say that they are sure to win Meng Fan, not to mention that there is a dark alliance behind him that is already extremely strong and terrifying.

After such a long time, although always facing the ice sword and snow sword, the development of the dark alliance has not fallen behind, especially the more and more the power of the Middle Ages.

Even if Meng Fan didn't intend to seek hegemony, the forces of the dark alliance had already reached a point where anyone in the world would tremble, with masters like clouds and hundreds of gods!

Among them, there are countless junior powerhouses, all of whom have risen strongly, including the younger generations such as Xiao Hei, Hu Niu, Youyou, Han You, etc., who have already stepped into the gods and formed extremely powerful martial arts.

Nowadays, the dark alliance does not even need to burn the sky, the **** monkey is an ancient shot, but the younger generation has already begun to fight the world, and is famous!

Such a dark alliance has a terrifying statue of Meng Fan, who dares to move?

Of course, there are countless people who are not optimistic about this, because the wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, and many older generations of power have already smelled a dangerous signal.

The coming of the source of the heavens will obviously become the biggest cholera in the world. Once it is turned on, it will truly change the world, and it is probably the biggest shuffle.

At that time, even if the dark alliance was in front of many Gu Qiangs, it would be difficult to face.

Looking at the world, no one can be immortal. Including the emperor, I don't know much in this world. It is difficult to determine who can end the myth of Meng Fan.

There is a lot of discussion in the world.

But in the Dark League Caolu, the flowers were allowed to bloom, and there were countless waves in the outside world, but there was always no change.

After more than two hundred years of retreat, Meng Fan just walked out and stood on an ancient peak in the dark alliance, his eyes were like electricity, and he was calculating.

"Little guy, it seems you are going to act again, don't you?"

In the space of Xiaotian, Bing Wo said coldly.

Hundreds of years were sealed in space by Meng Fan, and his stomach was almost full of anger, but there was no way.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts surged and reached his current realm. He traversed thousands of realms in one thought, not knowing how many mountains and ancient realms he had traveled, and what he was searching for.

And if there is a top power here, it is a surprising discovery. Meng Fan's search like this can be said to have spent a lot of means, even a secret method, and his eyes are like stars bursting.

Under this kind of expenditure, it is simply burning Meng Fan's efforts. He is searching the entire ten thousand realm with his own powerful force. Even if the **** king does this, it is extremely costly.

Finally, Meng Fan’s body shook and stopped, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, but a smile appeared on his face, slowly saying,

"And... three hundred years!"

The tone is faint, it is difficult to conceal a sense of excitement.

As he said to Chaos Tiangong, he has cultivated for many years and killed countless enemies all the way. I don’t know how many lives and deaths he has experienced. In fact, it is not for his own invincibility, but for the obsession to guard the people beside him. Asking my sister to open her eyes just now made Meng Fan continue to swim against the current, fighting against the sky.

Now that he has found Bingwoquan, he is halfway from what he wants to do. Therefore, he spent a lot of money before, not for anything else, but to find another kind of treasure in the world. Born to be a flower!

Born to be the ultimate, a flower blooms!

This kind of natural flower has a huge origin. It can bloom in the most extreme place in the world. It has an unpredictable power. It has already surpassed ordinary gods. I don’t know how many people wanted to catch him, but they didn’t succeed. Over.

Meng Fan searched the world with a secret method and judged its whereabouts from countless clues. It took a lot of hard work, but he finally gained something!


Behind him, the four beautiful ladies appeared. It was Gu Xin'er, the empress, Ling Daiyou, and Bai Shui'er. Those were all beautiful women who were all over the country. Their appearance has not changed in the years. They all had their own breath, walked into Meng Fan, and quietly accompany him behind him.

Feeling the breath of the four beauties behind him, Meng Fan’s heart warmed. He has cultivated forever, and his heart is like a rock. Only this kind of relatives around him can make Meng Fan’s cultivation heart a trace of human emotions. Others are not cultivation or killing.

Gently holding Bai Shui'er's palm, one hand stroked Gu Xin'er's slender hair again, Meng Fan looked at the four people behind him and said slowly,

"If I can succeed in this battle, then I will take the dark alliance and withdraw from the world. The first battle of the source of the heavens is about to come. Neither the ancient emperor nor the thirteen hall masters will let go, and there will be countless hidden things between the heaven and the earth. The strong are dispatched.

I can feel that it is not that simple. There will be a life and death battle between the gods and kings. If I can resurrect my sister, then I... don't need anything, just take you... Seclusion in the mountains and forests, Ma Fang Nanshan! "

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