Supreme God King

Chapter 1794: Born with flowers

Recluse in the mountains and forests, and put horses in Nanshan!

For Meng Fan, he has been fighting over the past few years with countless lives and deaths, and he is a bit tired. And even let down the beauty behind him. For many years, Meng Fan and the Empress, Gu Xin'er and the others even had very little time to communicate, even in the realm of God King, there was no relaxation.

Under this situation, Meng Fan was full of guilt for the four empresses!

Break through reincarnation!

This is undoubtedly Meng Fan's greatest obsession. If he can succeed, he will naturally be extremely happy and will fulfill his dream of many years. Now it seems that Ruo Shuiyi is undoubtedly the most promising one.

Because he preserves an incomparably complete body, he worships blood as a gift from heaven. This is also Meng Fan’s greatest reliance. After countless calculations before, he already has a complete method to come and go to have traces of life. Ruo Shuiyi opened his eyes again.

As for the others, there is no trace of life, Meng Fan's current method has no effect!

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is that only when Meng Fan finds a natural flower, he can display it.

Feeling Meng Fan’s heart, the four beautiful ladies behind him glanced at each other, and a knowing smile appeared on their respective faces. Gu Xin'er grabbed Meng Fan’s palm and said softly.

"Brother Meng Fan, we will know who you are from the day you follow you. No need to say more. Your thoughts are ours. Just do it according to your appearance!"

"Huh, that's right, Master Meng is not such a mother-in-law in my heart!"

On the side, Ling Daiyou whispered softly, full of a taste of teasing.


Meng Fan laughed and did not speak, but a pair of broad arms hugged the four beautiful ladies tightly, and the tenderness in his eyes became more intense.

How many years of wind and frost, if this last step can really be achieved, then Meng Fan will really leave this world with the dark alliance. He is really not interested in the legendary source of the heavens. .

Ruling the world has not been Meng Fan's goal in all dynasties.

On the contrary, he will understand even more that once the latter is born, it will inevitably lead to the most violent storm between the world and the earth, then I am afraid that if you are still in the center of the ten thousand domains, it will be difficult to get out.

Whether it is the ancient emperor, the thirteen hall masters, or the ancient **** king powerhouse that exists between the heavens and the earth, which one is easy to deal with, once involved, he will be dangerous, and everyone in the dark alliance will be the same. .

That's why Meng Fan would have the idea of ​​wanting to retire. After all, the dark alliance family has a big business now. If one step is wrong, tens of thousands of people may fly up.

The emperor is not indestructible!

Even if the supreme man is stronger than the thirteen hall masters, isn't it time to be beheaded by Meng Fan.

To reach the point of Meng Fan, even if you don't think about it for yourself, you have to think about it for the many brothers of the dark alliance.

On the mountain peak, the laughter of Meng Fan and a few women was heard for a while, and this kind of joy echoed the surroundings for a long time!

The dark alliance does not move, and the world is shocking. With the passage of time, it is a full hundreds of years, and no one can shake the dark alliance.

One league and several emperors!

This is the current situation of the Middle Ancient Territory, including the return of the two great kings, Zhongtian and Tiancan, who did not intend to compete with Meng Fan, and it was also a surprise to everyone.

Before Caolu, three hundred years passed quietly.

Among them, Meng Fan slowly opened his eyes and looked at one of them through the endless void. He had spent a lot of effort to calculate it, and it was not wrong. There really is a shadow of a natural flower between the world!


Suddenly his body stood up, and Meng Fan didn't stay there either. He stepped down, traversed countless areas, and headed towards that place.

For this day, he has been preparing for too long, and in one move, the aura of horror also covers the world. During these hundreds of years, his strength has increased to a new height. The fusion of ancient chaotic methods has made his martial arts qualitatively changed again, and now the feeling of majesty between the aura is more intense, and the king is in an ancient big domain.

Emperor Tianyu!

This is a dilapidated large area on the edge of the Ten Thousand Realm, not suitable for human living. The entire large area is filled with endless snow-capped mountains, extremely cold, as if everything has been completely frozen by the wind and snow.

Standing on a snow-capped mountain, Meng Fan walked slowly, letting the snow fall on him.

Although there are no humans here, there are many hidden monsters and many ancient creatures. After only a moment, they all sensed a powerful and extreme aura. Unlike before, Meng Fan used to hide himself wherever he went when he was a little monk, but now he is the supreme king, the emperor of the Middle Ages, why Meng Fan has to hide himself and set foot in this big area openly, like a man The ancient king patrolled the frontier.

"God King Meng Fan!"

"It's him!"

Countless beasts, ancient creatures tremble, are all creeping on the ground.

Even in this frontier area of ​​Ten Thousand Regions, Meng Fan's name is eulogized, which is already a thunder for this group of people. Sensing this kind of breath that made them explode, this group of people is almost crazy, their eyes are staring at where they are, watching from afar, and there is no idea of ​​movement, in their eyes The meaning of respect is rich and extreme!

A true Supreme Emperor is here!

Regarding the tremor between Zhou and Tian, ​​Meng Fan just smiled calmly and nodded to the surroundings, indicating that the group of people should not panic, and his eyes were focused on the top of a snowy mountain.

This is an ancient vein, surrounded by ice. After a while, Meng Fan's body stood on it and observed carefully.

Finally, there was no change that disappointed Meng Fan. A strange vitality emerged in a corner of the top of the snow mountain. It was visible to the naked eye. A crystal sprout sprang out from a crack in the stone, and it continued to grow. , Makes the whole world become different in an instant, a very strong and good-smelling floral fragrance spreads all around, and even makes the whole world a kind of vision!


Meng Fan’s heart was overjoyed. Before he spent many years evolving and calculating, he finally had a harvest. This is the birthplace of the natural flower. If he hadn't reached the status of the **** king, he would have shaken the world with secret methods, absolutely impossible to calculate. Come out!

The flower on the seam of the stone continued to form, and the fragrance of the flower became more and more intense, making Meng Fan's heart follow it.

However, just when all Meng Fan's attention was focused on the flowers, the sky suddenly shook, the void broke open, and the layers of space were also turned into fragments. A giant hand suddenly came down toward the place of the natural flower. .... Coming!

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