Supreme God King

Chapter 1795: ambush

The handprint hits, the sky collapses!

In just a moment, the entire sky suddenly became pitch black, covering the sky and the earth, and a terrifying aura permeating the world came.

His pupils shrank, Meng Fan raised his head, facing this fierce palm, but a sneer appeared on his face, saying every word,

"Duoxiang, do you really remember to eat or not!"

The tone was calm, and at the same time one of his punches fell, shaking Zhou Tian, ​​turning into a phantom that pierced through the world, and went directly to the handprint on the sky.


In just a moment, the entire domain was trembling, and was deterred by this powerful collision force. This was the means of the two great kings. Between this kind of collision, it was more than shaking the mountains and rivers. There was simply a way to turn the domain upside down. The feeling of coming.

Countless creatures trembled and moved backwards. Originally there were too many monsters. The ancient creatures wanted to come over and see the true face of the king, but now facing this powerful and unmatched breath, they are struggling to breathe, let alone stand. In the field.

In a single blow, unparalleled dominance!

The sky exploded, countless space fragments scattered, and at the same time a mouthful of blood spurted out, the figure receded, and his face was pale. It was the multi-phase **** king.

His eyes stared at Meng Fan, full of anger and tremor, and gritted his teeth.

"You guy, you have improved again!"

The jealousy and anger in the tone are hard to conceal, even if the multi-phase **** does not want to admit it, but facing this fact, he has to be silent. I don’t know how much Meng Fan is stronger again. The previous blow was Let the blood in his body vibrate.

God King Realm!

This is the last step that the vitality monk can reach. It is extremely difficult to improve in this realm. Meng Fan not only did it in eternal time, but also sang all the way, even in this realm. Is not able to stay.

When he first met Meng Fan before, the latter was just a half-step **** king, in his eyes like an ant, but after only a short period of time in the **** king’s life, Meng Fan was already strong To the point of surprise, he had to feel shocked.

"How, do you think you will come here when you count me, because your three-legged cat can stop me?"

Meng Fan spoke calmly, not surprised that the Multi-Phase God King could come.

What a point the **** king is a strong person, touches good fortune, and wants to deliberately target a person with so much energy and can always find some clues.

Obviously, Meng Fan was a pitted polyphasic **** king several times before. He almost didn't let the Zhantian giant sit to death. The latter is naturally very angry now. After leaving the Chaos Tiangong, he has always been He wanted to trouble Meng Fan, but he finally showed up.


The complexion of God King's complexion was a bit embarrassing, any strong God King was extremely proud, but now facing Meng Fan alone, he felt extremely strenuous, which made him very unhappy. The latter didn't know how many years later he was born, but he could still catch up from behind.

"Meng Fan, you are too confident, do you think I have no other means since I dare to come here?"

Between the last few words, it is extremely gloomy!

At the same time, the whole world began to tremble, everything became gloomy, and a majestic pressure struck faintly, which made Zhou Tian become terrifying, and I felt it in the realm of Meng Fan. A sense of pressure.

"This is... Killing Array?"

Meng Fan looked around, his eyes were deep, and he muttered to himself.

While he was speaking, the whole world was already different, chaos and boundless, I don't know how many runes flickered, and each one is like a star, surrounding the world, revealing a serious murderous intent.

If a strong person who has stepped on the sacred senses this, it must be shocked, because the entire area has no vitality, including all the blood in the organisms that existed before, and it is obvious that someone has laid out before here. This kind of extremely ancient divine formation actually refined the entire domain by means of sky-reaching means, creating a huge trap against Meng Fan.

Now this large area is a huge prison, for an endless killing array. Such a big method may require the power of several great kings. It will take a hundred years to be able to do it, and before it can be done silently. .

In it, even the king of gods and the strong cannot get out, and people from the outside world cannot get in. It's a...heavenly dead end!

"Yes, Meng Fan, your death is imminent. You were not able to kill you before. I didn't expect you to die in Ten Thousand Domains now. Jie Jie...Are you not considered the overlord of Ten Thousand Domains? You can fall here? , I don’t know what I will feel again!"

Above the sky, two figures fell, and it was Kunling's two ancient emperors.

Three great kings!

Suddenly, the three great kings gathered here, and for Meng Fan himself, this kind of murderous intent was so majestic!

Looking around, Meng Fan sighed softly. Obviously, the three of them did not die in that battle hundreds of years ago, and they were unable to cut the grass and roots. It was also the reason that the three of them always held a grudge against Meng Fan.

In the past few years, he has used means to calculate that he should be able to find natural flowers, so it is estimated that an ancient killing formation has been laid here to wait for him. At the moment when natural flowers arrive, Meng Fan descends into this big area, this one. The Ancient Killing Array will also be activated and besieged him.

There is no joy or sorrow in his heart, Meng Fan is just a pity for the countless creatures in this big realm, beasts, at the moment when this ancient killing formation is opened, they will not survive, and they must die. Although this group of people was not killed by him, they died because of him.

"Millions of creatures, kill when you say kill. Although Meng Fan, I am violent, I am far inferior to you!"

Meng Fan slowly said, staring at the three of them, eyes like swords, as if to penetrate the three of them.

"Huh, stop talking nonsense!"

The Polyphasic God King sneered, what kind of ruthlessness he himself meant, not to mention the death of a million people, even if the death of hundreds of millions of people is able to achieve his purpose, it feels no harm.

"Chaos Tiangong, you have ruined our good deeds. Before today, we must count the hatreds together!"

Following the verbal method, the three kings each stepped forward. Hundreds of years ago, the three of them chased Meng Fan, which was to put Meng Fan in an extremely embarrassed state and flee all the way. Now, not only are the three of them again Gathered together, and also laid a sealed world to slay the king's killing formation, these methods are not terrible.

The killing array flickered, and the three human figures were like three world-destroying death gods, controlling the killing array, and endless chills surged.

However, facing the surroundings, Meng Fan's expression did not change in any way. He just looked at the multi-phase **** king and smiled.

"Duxiang, do you remember Zhantian?"

With two words, he almost didn’t let the Polyphasic King squirt out a mouthful of blood. He more than remembered that his physical body was caused by Zhantian Giant. If it weren’t for his previous savings, plus hundreds of years. He was recuperating, now he didn't even have a god-king body, and the faint feeling in the past made his head almost exploded!

"What do you mean?"

The Polyphasic God King narrowed his eyes and stared at Meng Fan, wanting to see his true thoughts clearly.

And who is Meng Fan, all the way from the little monk in the past to the present, has he ever expressed his thoughts once, just smiled and said,

"I want to say that Zhantian is here?"

It was just a few words of calm that made the three polyphasic kings standing in place shocked, and at the same time a drop of cold sweat fell on their foreheads.

Battle giant!

In the eternal age, apart from the thirteen hall masters, who can be subdued by the ancient emperor, who can not be afraid?

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