Supreme God King

Chapter 1804: Curse


The world changes suddenly, and the emptiness fades!

While the cauldron was trembling, everything in the entire void was transformed into nothingness. This was originally a big, withered domain, but it turned out to be an unprecedented change. ∮, it seems that both the earth and the sky are giving birth to a kind of will, in... against Meng Fan.

The thunder rolled and the earth broke apart, just a moment later, it caused a huge punishment.

"This is... God's condemnation!"

The monkey lost his voice, already knowing that Meng Fan's behavior caused a big shock.

Especially for a strong man of his level, he sensed an unprecedented power in the secret, as if he had awakened in this piece of land, hidden in the ten thousand realms, it should be... The source of heaven.

This kind of power has never been sensed by the monkey before, but between Meng Fan's movements, it turned out to awaken a certain kind of power, which is not terrifying.

Standing in the sky and earth, Meng Fan's gaze swept around, and the monkey could sense it, and he was naturally able to sense it, but there was no change in his complexion, as if he had already expected it, he just sneered and uttered a word.


The King of God is the world, and even the top vitality monk who escapes time to make everything. Under the word Meng Fan, he is commanding the world, even if the earth is cracked and the sky is rolling, it is after this word, Shocked by its mighty power, it gave him a freeze-frame master.

Suppressing heaven and earth with one hand, but refining the cauldron with the other. At this moment, Meng Fan seemed to be divided into two, half of his power resisted all changes between the world and the earth, and half of the power was poured into the cauldron. , Breath changes, handprints flutter.

Under the two divine things that merged into the self-slashing flesh body, the vortex in this cauldron also changed qualitatively, and that kind of spirituality became more and more terrifying.

The five fingers change, the void is distorted, and Meng Fan’s movements are fast, and every knot imprint is extremely old. Because of his accumulation over the years, it is impossible for ordinary people to know so many changing techniques, but Meng Fan has adopted them all. They are all reaching their limits, and they can be used in the same way.

Within a few breaths, an unprecedented power was produced in the cauldron. The moment the breath emerged, it was beyond everyone's expectations.

Because this breath of life is fundamentally different from everything between heaven and earth, including Meng Fan himself, who saw it at first sight. It was a small bead, all white, and contained a kind of reincarnation and vicissitudes of life. origin.

This is what Meng Fan wanted, to reunite the soul with him... the soul orb!

Over the years, Meng Fan has borrowed countless antiquities and classics, and he has just summed up a set of methods. He is his own teacher. Everything is done under his own exploration, and now he has created things. , It is indeed amazing, because everyone has never seen it!

And at the same time, Meng Fan could feel that there is indeed a kind of supreme power in this divine soul orb, and the synthesis in this bead includes countless impossibility of time. It is only the ice spring and natural birth. The conflict between these two powers would have been impossible if Meng Fan had not spent too much effort to sum up.

Yin and Yang converge, strength compatible, mutual generation and mutual restraint, extreme change!

This move of Meng Fan itself is against the sky, so this divine object he created is against the sky!

The real thing against the sky!

After a short while, just as the rudimentary form of this thing had just formed in the cauldron, Zhou and Tian suddenly shook again, and the world that had been sealed by Meng Fanzhen unexpectedly burst open. In the trembling earth, the light flickered, and there seemed to be a figure walking out faintly. This is not a human being, if it is a human being transformed by a kind of power.

He was expressionless, his whole body golden, holding a golden war knife, leaped out of the earth, like the supreme Shura in hell, full of a scent of punishment.

After staring at each other, Meng Fan's heart trembled again and again, because a terrifying aura was sensed on top of this figure. This is no longer a person, but a law, which is truly divided between heaven and earth. Only a person composed of this law can possess this kind of power, and it is even more terrifying several times than the power of God King.

This figure stared at Meng Fan, his eyes were merciless, and at the same time he cut it...

It's just a stab, at the moment of coming out, there is no sound, but there is no way to avoid it!

This is a sword that is punished by the heavens, a sword that is truly murderous, here... the one that runs from the source of the heavens!

The knife came out, not towards Meng Fan, but towards Cauldron!

Obviously, the person who was turned into punishment on this day did not want to see the objects in this cauldron, that is to say, he must be cut into pieces!

Facing this sword, even the strong man of the **** king must leave the moving space and retreat thousands of miles, because he is terrified. The thirteen hall masters can kill the **** king, and Meng Fan can kill the **** king by relying on his own martial arts. , But feeling this kind of aura is enough to make the **** king of the world embarrassed, because the martial arts aura of any **** king can’t be compared with the breath of this sword, it can really kill the **** king, even The immortality of the **** king seemed to be a big joke in front of him.

With just one blow, it was a knife to kill!

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan, who was standing in the sky, snorted coldly.

Even if the other party is the rule of this world, even if the other party is the source of the heavens that created the world!

But in Meng Fan's eyes, there is no fear at all, no movement, just standing in front of the ten thousand mothers and children, undaunted, staring at this endless heavenly punishment, one clear sky, one finger... .pop up.

"Against God... The fourth change!"

Just a few words fell, very calm, at the moment of this finger, it turned into a long sword, and it was aligned with that knife.

Over the years, Meng Fan has continuously integrated his own antagonistic fingers. Each time he pointed it out was an unprecedented power. It was not easy for him to complete a finger every time. Now, with his finger falling, he has reached it. ...The point of the fourth finger.

The third finger is already able to damage the King of Gods. After continuous martial arts changes, the fourth finger, which has been doubled, will be so powerful!

In just a moment, there was a big collision between the sky. At the moment of this collision, everyone felt the ability to see things in the corner of their eyes, and was blinded by a brilliant light, including the existence of the **** monkey. It's hard to see what happened in it.


Zhou Tian trembled, everything was destroyed. This large area and the countless lands around it were completely vacuumed and disappeared from these ten thousand areas. The moment the light flickered, it seemed to be the moment when the whole world reached the end.

All domains are quiet, and anyone who senses what's happening here is a bit speechless, including too many powerful people, and even feels that this scene is even more exciting than the battle of the fall of the three great kings hundreds of years ago. Because it seems that Meng Fan’s opponent is no longer human, but the real...the law of heaven and earth, the source of the heavens!

I don't know how long it has passed. When everyone was finally able to see things clearly, they also saw a figure standing in this distorted void, being the only person in the vacuum!

Between the week and the sky, everything died, only this one.

Countless eyes are focused on this. I don’t know how many people feel that time is immortalized at this moment, because the scene is too shocking. It is almost nothing that happened in the eternal age. It seems that there has never been anyone before. Have done so.

Hair fluttering, bloodstained, standing in this mid-air, blood constantly dripping from his body, one arm of the whole person is gone, it is completely blown up, and the whole body does not know how much. There was a wound, how many bones burst, but still standing still, motionless, with a smile of excitement on his face, it was... Meng Fan!

Behind him, the cauldron of the Ten Thousand Mother and Child Qi Ding was safe and sound, and the white bead in it was still in it, extremely complete, and it seemed to reveal a special spirituality, glowing with unprecedented light.

One finger vs one knife!

The result of Meng Fan's fight against Heaven's Punishment was obviously the final victory!

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