Supreme God King

Chapter 1805: failure

Hard to shake the heavens!

The world is shocked, a shock!

It was more than the billions of monks who witnessed this scene, and now including beings like the Eastern Demon Ancestor and the Zhongtian God King, their eyes widened, staring at the field, unable to extricate themselves. "≤,

Everyone knows where the terrible power came from before. It is definitely a natural punishment, but after colliding with Meng Fan, it was actually resisted by his life and protected by his body. The pill after him!

Even if he is a strong man in the Divine King Realm, this is simply an uproar.

Is Meng Fan's move already fighting people? What he wants to fight is... the source of the heavens!

Heaven and earth descended from heaven and earth, and the meaning of thunder that formed was resisted by Meng Fan. What it meant was that he had encountered the shock of the source of the heavens, and Meng Fan would be unpredictable from then on.

After all, the source of the heavens is the thing that gave birth to all domains, and the **** king might not be able to stop anyone who wants to deal with it!

"Does this guy really have no scruples?"

Dongtian Demon Ancestor murmured, his tone lost, but with his status and methods now reacting like this, he had to admit that Meng Fan's actions were too unexpected.

Not only this **** king, but also countless **** king experts who are paying attention to this place between the world and the earth, all understand what Meng Fan's move means. It will affect all living beings and attract the source of the heavens. I don't like it, if the world wants to kill someone, then it is a big murderous opportunity!


However, at this moment, in the endless chaos, a middle-aged man's face showed a trace of appreciation, and said calmly,

"A bunch of trash, what do you know? Our ancestors lacked the law, and the heavens were not afraid. The thirteen hall masters and I were able to reach the point where we are today. Isn't it because we wanted to swallow the source of the heavens? People, then how can they make big things? What kind of gods are they called? They are not as good as bullshit. In these tens of thousands of years, Meng Fan has been able to comprehend, immobilize, destroy, and fight a few people. This is true, but this little guy is more thorough, and now I dare to fight against the source of the heavens. I can't wait to regain my strength and go and fight him!"

The tone was calm, but after a moment, the entire chaotic sky and fire was trembling, here is endless chaos, but under his pressure, the whole chaos was turned out to be compatible with him, even if the **** king is strong It is impossible to reach this point, and only the ancient emperor of the ancient gods can reach this point.

One word affects the chaos riot, and if Meng Fan is there, it must be shaken, because at this moment in the chaos, it seems to be gestating something. Once it appears, it will inevitably be...

Meng Fan didn’t pay any attention to the great tremor caused by the heavens and the earth. His whole body is now in tatters, covered in blood, and it was just a blow to the bomb before, but the price that Meng Fan paid was not disastrous. , I don't know how many injuries in the body.

In an instant, there were thousands of troops and horses full of dark alliances all around, and the monkeys came in person to protect Meng Fan.

Drops of blood fell, but Meng Fan wiped his face, smiled, and turned his eyes to the bead that exuded endless charm.

It took me a lot of hard work and hardships to cast this bead, which was finally made by Meng Fan according to his own vision.

This bead has concentrated too many treasures of heaven and earth, including half of the natural flowers and the body of the only spring. Now these two gods beyond the world are languid, falling asleep, and returning to Meng Fan’s In the space.

Such a method, in the end, is cast into a bead, which can not be said to ignore Meng Fan's.

Gently grabbing it, Meng Fan was afraid that it would be damaged to the slightest, and step by step came to Ruo Shuiyi's side, looking at the beautiful woman's sleeping face, and finally with a slight smile, he sent the beads into the beautiful woman's mouth.

Success or failure... in one fell swoop!

The moment the beads were sent into Ruoshuiyi's body, there were strong ups and downs in the mood, including Meng Fan, and the feeling of excitement that hadn't appeared for many years was now full of excitement.

Even if it was countless life-and-death duels in the past, I am afraid it is not as excited as today. Even in the face of countless powerful enemies, the king of the gods, Meng Fan can still keep calm among the electric light and flint, and instantly counterattack, but now where can he control it? Living in himself, for this day...he has been waiting for thousands of years.

a thousand years!

Just to see her goodbye, and to see her open her eyes again.

There are countless infatuated men in the world, but a few of them can possess the obsession of Meng Fan and have confidence without regret.

The beads slowly entered Ruo Shuiyi's body. At this moment, she was lying quietly in the coffin, dressed in a white dress surpassing the snow, like an angel. As the beads melted, her whole body also emitted a holy light. .

Incorporating countless gods and anti-sky effects, this bead, Meng Fan, summed up the results of the road against the sky, and wanted to summon Ruo Shuiyi's soul by virtue of being out of nothing.

Between several breaths, Ruo Shui Yi's light continued to surging around her body, and runes flickered in her body, and the blue silk seemed to be flying with it, and Meng Fan's eyes were fixed on it. I would not miss it at first glance.

One breath, two breaths, ten breaths... After the time of half a stick of incense has passed, Ruo Shui Yi lay quietly in place, still... motionless!


The Adam's apple moved, Meng Fan stared at Ruo Shuiyi's closed eyes, and slowly spit out two words.

At this moment, Tianchao was a man who hadn't smashed it, but he was old and I don’t know how old he was. The whole body trembled slightly, like a child staring at his broken toy, full of hope. , He can get better again.

But it's a pity that even after taking this Divine Soul Orb, Ruo Shuiyi's soul has not recovered a bit, it still lies quietly in place, without any soul moving in his body.



Even if Meng Fan resisted the heavenly punishment, traveled all over the world for nine days and ten places, and found countless gods, but the set of methods he summarized was still not enough to restore Ruo Shuiyi's soul, it was indeed a failure!

"Meng Fan!"

In the distance, the monkey sighed and wanted to go, but noticed Meng Fan's eyes, but stopped.

He has never seen Meng Fan have this kind of look. In the countless years of the past, even in difficult circumstances, even in despair, Meng Fan has a calm face and what he sees in his eyes. The only thing circulating is that kind of self-confidence and persistence.

But at this moment, Meng Fan had a kind of despair in his eyes, which really scared God Monkey. He even thought that this kind of emotion would never appear in Meng Fan, but now It seems that at this moment, including Meng Fan, are a little desperate!

The divine monkey didn't dare to move any time he moved, but he kept around with the people of the dark alliance. He himself was also a strong man in the divine king realm, and understood the terrible scene of this scene.

The ambition of a **** king is like the sky. Who can shake it, if it can really shake it, only he himself, if it is not handled well, it may lead to the collapse of martial arts, and Meng Fan himself falls into a state of confusion. Not to mention falling, death is possible, it also made him not dare to act recklessly, and could only completely block this piece of void.

A little bit of time passed, and full time, Meng Fan stayed in front of Ruo Shuiyi, looking at Ruo Shuiyi's body hopefully, but there was no miracle.

After the third day, Meng Fan finally moved, a mouthful of blood spurted out, the martial arts aura almost broke in a moment, his heart was very sad, and there were two lines of tears in his eyes.

The king has tears!

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the world. At this moment, under the eyes of everyone, this invincible figure swept across the entire ten thousand realm of the top powerhouse, embraced his own woman, and shed tears. That kind of sad emotional contagion, as if sweeping the entire ten thousand domain, I don't know how many people are stunned.

They have seen Meng Fan sweeping the world, they have seen Meng Fan beheading the King of God, they have seen Meng Fan succumbing to anything, but they have never seen... Tears of the King of God!

Now, in Meng Fan's eyes, there was a drop of tears dripping from the corner of his eye. It was a shocking scene.

Between heaven and earth, billions of cultivators witnessed this scene with their own eyes. Anyone who saw it was shocked. An invincible, sweeping divine king realm existed, and there were times when he could not conceal his emotions.

At this moment, Meng Fan seems to be no longer the invincible emperor, just a child, just a man, just a husband... I hope his wife wakes up!

In the past few years, I don’t know how much he has gone through, and he has traveled too many worlds. A martial art is only for the obsession of persevering, but at the end, he found that this road is the end.

Such a blow, for Meng Fan, is more cruel and terrifying than any crushing.

"Sorry... Sister!"

Meng Fan spit out another mouthful of blood, took Ruo Shuiyi's coffin in both hands, and walked towards the dark alliance step by step.

As if he hadn't taken a step, his whole person was a million years old, even though he looked young, he already seemed to be soulless, old and terrifying!

At the same time, drops of blood fell on his body, staining his way red!

Finally, Meng Fan returned to the dark alliance and placed Ruo Shuiyi's coffin in front of the Cao Lu.

He also sat quietly without saying a word. The injuries on his body didn't mean to stop, and he kept bleeding. On this day, the entire Ten Thousand Regions seemed to feel a sad mood, heavy rain!

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