Supreme God King

Chapter 1840: Spirit

the host!

Meng Fan's whole body trembled, and even his face at this moment showed a trace of unconcealable astonishment.

Although he has already calculated that the qi cauldron will form a spirit and will give birth to his own mind, just like a unique spirit body between the world and the earth, he has never counted it. The latter not only comes out. A figure, and still a graceful woman, looks only fifteen or sixteen years old, but her figure is extremely hot, snow-white skin, perfect curve, enough to make any man crazy.

This way, the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding who had accompanied him in the battle for many years turned out to have formed such a spirit, also called his own master.

For a scene that any man in this world envied, Meng Fanke felt a pain in his head and asked with the last glimmer of hope.

"Are you really the spirit of a thousand mothers and sons?"

"Yes Master!"

This young girl gave a deep bow to Meng Fan, her chest could be described as extremely turbulent, and she said seriously,

"I would like to ask the master for advice in the future!"

Damn it!

In Meng Fan's heart, there were almost 100,000 horses and horses galloping past. The last hope was completely choked to death, which also made him suicidal.

Thinking back to countless battles, Meng Fan was alone in one trip, arrogant and domineering, hitting all over the world, and I don't know how many powerhouses, stepping on the opponent's bones and standing among the most advanced in the world.

It can be said that among the impressions of countless people in these ten thousand domains, there is that magnificent picture, Meng Fan's domineering world is known, and the power of the big tripod in his hand is naturally deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If I heard that the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding, it was enough to deter most of the time.

But this horrible weapon of enlightenment, its spirit turned out to be a charming little girl, if later when she fights again, she shouts and comes out one by one little girl, it is estimated that the opponent will laugh out big teeth.

Once I thought of that scene, I just made Meng Fan’s mouth twitch, and said helplessly,

"Well, can you change your status?"

"I think it's pretty good, my self-awareness was born, and it's like this!"

The girl stared at Meng Fan and said actively.

And while speaking, the whole person took a step forward, unexpectedly came directly into Meng Fan's embrace and plunged into his warm chest.

This young girl is the spirit of the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding, and the will of her self-born, she is already a unique spirit body between heaven and earth.

For her will, Meng Fan was just like his closest relatives in the world, without defense at all, so he hugged him up.

At this moment, it was no different from a living human being. He fell into the arms of Meng Fan, and in an instant he froze the body of this man who was domineering and powerful for countless years. He really didn't know how to do it. What action is good.

But feeling the breath of a woman in his arms, Meng Fan had a few words in his instinctive mind, very big...very soft!

However, just after this strange feeling emerged, it was broken by a cold voice, and Meng Fan directly felt four murderous auras.

Nothing wrong, yes indeed murderous.

Before Meng Fan’s attention was focused on this girl, she was too shocked. His mouth was never closed, and he even almost ignored someone coming in outside the door, and when he walked in, there were still four figures. The four outstanding women are the Empress, Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou, Bai Shui'er!

There was a shocking change in this grass house before, and the accumulation of heaven and earth energy also made the four female emperors feel a little uneasy. They wanted to walk in here and have a look, but what I never expected was that they actually saw this scene.

"Master Meng Fan, I thought you were in retreat. I didn't expect it to be. Jinwu Cangjiao, you deserve to be the Supreme God!"

A few words fell, cold and cold, and the person speaking was the female emperor. Now his eyes were staring at Meng Fan, like an ice cave, and a few words were spit out from between his teeth.

After that, Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou, and Bai Shui'er did the same. The four women approached Meng Fan without speaking. The four eyes turned into countless knives and stabbed Meng Fan into a riddled hole. Up!

I rely on!

I would never have thought that the four empresses would come in, so what are they really afraid of?

In Meng Fan’s heart, he cursed 10,000 secretly. He also changed his hands quickly and found a set of clothes for the girl to cover her whole body. His eyes were to look at the four daughters of the empress and dryly.

"That, that..... Not what you think!"

"What is it like we imagined, tell me!"

Gu Xin'er, who has always been gentle and graceful, has changed her previous demeanor.

Bai Shui'er was about to stand upside down with her eyebrows, spit out a few words coldly.

"It seems that Master Meng Fan not only has one in his heart, but now there is one hidden in the retreat. Does the outside world still keep a few!"

"Well, this needs to be studied. When you go out for so long, what did you do?"

Ling Daiyou's face was expressionless, but the jade hand was already creaking, as if it could turn into a heart-scratch at any time.

Go to hell!

Facing the fire in his own East Palace, Meng Fan was also extremely helpless, and he felt amused. In the end, he had to explain, and only then did the four women's complexion ease.

The female emperor was the girl who looked up and down at the transformation of the ten thousand mothers and sons, and finally smiled, looking at Meng Fan, and said with a light smile,

"The dignified Master Meng Fan's tool for enlightenment is actually a charming girl?"

Hearing this, Meng Fan almost didn't crush his teeth, and finally nodded helplessly in the eyes of the four women, with a sad expression on his face.

I have to admit that even he has never calculated this scene now. According to reason, this should be wrong!

However, since it was the spirit of Meng Fan's enlightenment tool, it also calmed down the four empresses. I thought Meng Fan had raised a small in this secret room, but now it seems that it should not be.

Meng Fan cast a heavy glance at the women, and said solemnly.

"Hmph, you don't believe me, what kind of person am I?"

"Are there still fewer romantic debts left by Master Meng Fan in this world?"

Ling Daiyou stared at Meng Fan with a smile instead of a smile. When she said something, she immediately asked Meng Fan to close her mouth, feeling that one more word was unnecessary. In front of these four women, he really couldn't argue with him. , Can't even tell the truth, it will only make his own scars continue to be exposed.

However, the birth of the spirit body from this ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding is more than a huge help to him, it is beyond imagination.

Meng Fan sat quietly, realizing himself, and found that the injury in his body is also speeding up recovery, that kind of origin is constantly being produced, and the qi and blood are all restored little by little.

Obviously the birth of the spirit body of the Qi Cauldron of Ten Thousand Mothers and Sons also changed the martial arts in Meng Fan's body again. It was a real transformation. In this moment, Meng Fan actually took a small step forward again.

Although it was only a small step, it was really not easy for the existence of Meng Fan.

How many god-king powerhouses turned their heads in sorrow for this unstepped distance, and Meng Fan also flashed a hint of excitement in his heart. Sitting cross-legged, just as Meng Fan planned to use the advantage of this small step to continue to integrate himself and repair his injuries, his expression suddenly changed, his eyes looked outside the dark alliance, and the murderous intent violently rioted from his eyes.

"Thirteen Lords!"

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