Supreme God King

Chapter 1841: The lord arrives

Thirteen hall masters!

A few words spit out from Meng Fan's mouth, and at this moment, his gaze looked at the sky above the dark alliance.

There is nothing wrong, it is in the sky above the dark alliance.

The Destroyed God King entered here before, but after a hundred years, the peace here has been restored. And the current status of the dark alliance between the world and the earth also makes this place extremely solemn and magnificent.

But now the sky over the entire chaotic sea area has become pitch black and has been completely... sealed!

In this way, it can be said that the entire void is trembling. Between this kind of black, everyone is already unable to sense any vitality at all, just like the end of the world, that kind of withered, death breath Shrouded in this world.

Different from the martial arts aura of the Destroyer God King, this kind of aura means true death, and even chaos seems to be transformed into nothingness in front of this kind of aura. It belongs to only one kind of person between the world and the earth, which is the forbidden zone. , And the forbidden area pillar that emerged in the void means that... a forbidden area hall master has arrived!

After just a glance, Meng Fan understood why the other party came here.

In fact, in the past countless years, Meng Fan has been constantly guarding the thirteen hall masters, just because he is afraid that he will suddenly attack, although he already knows that the opponent will fight for the source of the heavens, he will definitely fall into his own continuous preparations. Among them, beware of the ancient emperor.

But it's not unreasonable, but now it is the time when Meng Fan is the weakest, because he has just fought against the Destroyer God King, and in only a hundred years, now he has less than one-tenth of his face recovered from his injuries. .

But the Palace Master of the restricted area caught this point and attacked Meng Fan!

The sky is black, everything is imprisoned!

The Lord of the Thirteen Halls is worthy of being the Lord of the Thirteen Halls. At the moment of their appearance, they have already operated a big means, turning the entire world into its domain. At a glance, it can be seen that the one who has entered the dark alliance is a palace master, and there are four more forbidden zone pillars outside of it, each standing in the void, sealing everything.

Under this kind of power, the entire sea area of ​​the dark alliance is in an absolute taboo.

Absolute realm.

With these four major forbidden zone powerhouses completely sealing everything in the outside world, even now, I am afraid that no one can set foot in the region of this dark alliance, and between this sky, the flashing forbidden zone pillar does not hesitate, and directly turns into A towering blow came towards Meng Fan.

The thirteen hall masters, who have ruled the roost for many years, rely on the most insidious and cruel person between heaven and earth in addition to the means of reaching the sky.

He grasped Meng Fan's weakness at this moment, without any hesitation, directly and outrageously shot!

Before this, his murderous intent hadn't even been revealed at all, but the moment it only appeared, it was already a landslide.

The aura suppressed, and countless disciples of the dark alliance spouted blood, especially when the forbidden area pillar passed the sky above the entire dark alliance, and there was a kind of destruction and decay between this attack, even Meng Fan. I felt a horror of death approaching, let alone other people in the dark alliance.

In this moment, I don't know how many palaces have been destroyed, and I don't know how many dark league disciples died under this terrifying and unmatched breath.

Even before dying, there was no chance to even take a look at the common people. It was because of this kind of all extinguishing means that everything in the body was completely taken away.


The pillar of the restricted area flickered, and came straight to the grass house in order to... kill Meng Fan!

"Meng Fan, you have slaughtered such a restricted area, today is when you pay the price, lead death!"

The voice was indifferent, like a rule, resounding over the entire dark alliance at this moment, and no one would have thought that the restricted area would suddenly attack Meng Fan, and the attack was so devastating, so fierce.

Among the outside world, Zhongtian, Tiancan, Renxiong and many other gods were sensed at the same time, and they shot and turned into a shadow, rushing to here.

But what disappoints them is that the entire world has been completely sealed by the four main hall masters. These four forbidden zone pillars are standing between the sky and the sky. Each of them spreads a breath of unparalleled terror, allowing the entire space All are completely faulted.

With their strength, they couldn't break through in this short time, it was like a towering barrier.


A punch was blasted, and the fighting power was infinite. Ren Xiong exhausted all the strength in his body to explode the strongest blow, but he couldn't help but to cover the entire void of the forbidden area pillar, and finally he couldn't help but cry,

"The peak strengths of the five hall masters have all been restored. The reason why they are so afraid of us interfering in it, so the four of them are outside, laying down the forbidden area, imprisoning everything, and one of them is inside, even if we can gather more A **** king, but if you want to break into it, you need at least a stick of incense to break through the four people's joint **** formation!"

A stick of incense!

The fall of the three characters made the complexion of all **** kings such as Zhongtian and Tiancan suddenly change. The restricted area is the number one enemy among the ten thousand domains. Not to mention the thirteen hall masters. I don't know how many **** kings are strong in ancient times. They are all buried in their hands.

There is already a sea of ​​blood and deep feud between the two parties. If you want to gather multiple gods, it is not a problem even in a short period of time. For the strong of the gods, where you want to come, you just need a thought. .

But now the problem is that the thirteen hall masters came prepared, not only arranged the killing game against Meng Fan, but also blocked all the space between the heaven and the earth. This hand is extremely powerful, and now the whole world is blocked. , No one can enter it, so everything can only rely on Meng Fan's own strength.

The entire dark alliance faced the person of the Thirteenth Hall. If Meng Fan was in its heyday, it would be okay, but now Meng Fan doesn't even have one-tenth of his own combat power, how to fight?

We must know that for a powerful person of the thirteen hall master level, if no one stops him, I am afraid that three breaths will be enough to kill the billions of people in the entire dark alliance, not to mention that there is still enough Time for a stick of incense.

The thirteen hall masters also seized this opportunity to target Meng Fan!

There was a tremor between the world and the earth. Countless strong people sensed all this, but they had no time to react. Even the **** kings such as Zhongtian and Tiancun could not break through that defense, let alone them.

And in the dark alliance, the Caolu was the first to encounter the strongest crush, and the void showed up. How terrible is that this figure who has already stood at the top of this world can sneak attack!

For an instant, Meng Fan's mind trembled a little, but in the next moment, before this grassy cottage, a sun-like light appeared to help Meng Fan resist everything. With a punch, the thirteen hall masters attacked. The bars from the restricted area are directly blasted together.


Zhou Tian trembled, and everything fell apart. In the fragments of the sky, a figure of blood overflowed, but it did not retreat. The whole person was like a mountain, standing in front of the Caolu, it was the **** monkey!

Facing the thirteen hall masters, the monkey was expressionless, with only one word,


The verbal method followed, and the fist blasted out. Obviously, it is unnecessary to say anything more now. The thirteen hall masters are here prepared, so there is only a life and death battle between the two sides.

If you can't resist this moment of time, then it's dead... it's the dark alliance, everyone!

I have to admit that the thirteen hall masters are the thirteen hall masters.

If you don’t move, you’ve already grasped the dark alliance’s weakness. Between this moment, it is the most difficult moment in the dark alliance eternal age, because this is less than a stick of incense, you can set everything. Life is dead.

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