Supreme God King

Chapter 1851: Secret History of the Imperial Clan

The way to repair the flesh!

This is definitely not just talking about it. Looking at the world, it will be extremely difficult for any strong **** king to regroup his body.

In the past, Meng Fan had only seen the Liu family ancestor use it once, but his time was done with the help of the thirteen hall masters using the condensed method of black death.

It is absolutely difficult to change to other gods who are normal.

Now it was said from Xuanyuan Wuhen's mouth, which surprised Meng Fan, knowing that the other party would definitely not be aimless.

The first generation ancestor of Xuanyuan family!

This person is said to be named Xuanyuan Potian, and now hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and his name has already been submerged in this long river of time, but Meng Fan, who has read many ancient books, knows that this person is in ancient times. The era is very famous, and its methods are all over the sky. The Emperor Xuanyuan used to be prominent in this Middle Ancient Region, and its status was like the dark alliance at this time.

It's a pity that some talents came out from generation to generation, and later, for some reasons, it was banned.

But a person who can create such a powerful emperor's business is definitely not the same.

Especially now this method is very important for Meng Fan.

Before, including the Heavenly Remnant God King, the Zhongtian God King had said that they had nothing to do. They could not imagine that they could not find a place after breaking through the iron shoes. Xuanyuan Wuhen actually came to the door!

"What you said is true?"

Meng Fan spoke slowly.

"of course!"

Xuanyuan Wuhen also solemnly said.

"Even if the old man has a hundred courage, he will not deceive the leader of this kind of thing. This is the peerless secret of our clan. After the ancestors of our clan became the king of gods, they encountered great enemies. I suffered a serious injury and my body burst into pieces, but it quickly recovered within 300 years, casting mythology, but this news was sealed by our clan in the past. No one knows, because I am afraid that the ancestors will be seriously injured. After that, it will cause great chaos, but this is indeed a fact!"

"So you want to use this senior's experience in exchange for Niuniu's marriage!"

Meng Fan sighed.

He finally understood why Xuanyuan Wuhen looked like a bamboo in his chest before, and before he came here, he had absolutely no small preparations, which was exactly what he needed.

"Not bad!"

Xuanyuan Wuhen nodded and said,

"The old man knows this method. I can tell the leader, and please forgive me. After all, Niuniu is a master of the world, and my clan Dang'er has a deep love for her. If we can match it, I believe it will be of great benefit to my clan, and this is also aging. My wish lies, I hope the leader can fulfill it!"

Hearing Xuanyuan Wuhen’s words, Meng Fan was silent for a while before finally speaking.

"It's okay to forgive. Everyone moves for their own benefit. There is nothing wrong with it, but your request...I refuse!"

The tone was calm, and while speaking, Meng Fan stepped out and walked out of the hall.


Xuanyuan Wuhen's complexion changed abruptly. Before he came here, he was quite ready, thinking that at this moment of Meng Fan, he would definitely agree.

But what was unexpected was that Meng Fan's attitude was so determined that he didn't even ask questions anymore. This was beyond his expectation, and his face suddenly became a little gloomy.

"Doesn’t the leader want to repair the body? If I am not wrong, now the leader is surrounded by the enemy, and many powerful people look at the leader. The longer it takes, the more the dark alliance will bear a share. Danger, if there is an old method, it may be able to free the leader from the threat!"

As the voice fell, Meng Fan stood steadily and turned his head, but his eyes were bright, and the faintly shining light made Xuanyuan Wuhen feel that he was going to be penetrated.

At this moment, Meng Fan was really terrifying. Even though it was seriously injured, even though it was no longer at its peak, it was still the invincible aura that dominated the nine heavens and ten places. The king's intention did not weaken, but it was stronger.

"What you said is indeed tempting to me, but Mr. Xuanyuan has had so many dealings with me before. It should be understood that I have never been intimidated by Meng Fan in my life. Mr. Xuanyuan's remarks meant to Do you want to help me, or do you feel that I am now abolished and can come to threaten me?"

Meng Fan said calmly, but every word fell into Xuanyuan Wuhen's ears, like a magic sound, causing an infinite chill in the soles of his feet.


Facing Meng Fan’s powerful aura, Xuanyuan Wuhen immediately took a step back, feeling that the tea cup in his hand was about to solidify, and said quickly,

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

"It doesn't matter whether you dare or not, I said, this is the first and the last time!"

Meng Fan said calmly,

"Niu Niu has always been in charge of her own affairs, and I will not have any interference. As for the method of physical body repair, I will find it myself. Since the elder of your clan can do it, I, Meng Fan... Can do it!"

A few simple words reveal an infinite belief.

Anyone who hears this sentence will tremble. To know how difficult it is to repair after the body is broken, it is undoubtedly to walk one's own path again, especially to reach the realm of God King, it is extremely difficult, otherwise, Before Zhongtian God King, Tian Can and others would not feel sorry for him.

But in Meng Fan's mouth, there was a sense of imperative, as if he must be able to do it, and this kind of self-confidence alone made people's hearts trembling.

If someone else said this, they would have already been scorned, but it came from Meng Fan, but it was shocking enough.

After all, Meng Fan didn't hesitate and walked straight out.

"Leader stay, stay!"

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, Xuanyuan Wuhen hurriedly said loudly, stepped forward and knelt directly in front of Meng Fan.

Looking back, Meng Fan glanced, coldly said,

"What are you doing?"

"It's the old silly, it's the old silly. I wanted to threaten the leader. It's really old silly!"

Xuanyuan Wuhen knelt on the ground, sweat was left on his forehead, like a waterfall, his clothes were also wet.

"This time, the old man actually asked for the leader of the alliance, but he thought that the leader was injured in his body, so... I wanted to make some benefits for my clan. This is also to be able to completely stand in the same boat with the dark alliance. Once there is a marriage, then the leader of the Emperor Xuanyuan clan will help me, but the old man shouldn't, and shouldn't just want to threaten the leader!"

When the voice fell, Xuanyuan Wuhen was already tearing his nose and tears.

"Talk about it!"

Glancing at him, Meng Fan let out a cold snort. After all, Yu Xin couldn't bear to keep Xuanyuan Wuhen still here.

Being supported by Meng Fan, Xuanyuan Wuhen hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed.

"The leader of the alliance doesn't know anything. The reason why the old man wants to contact the leader like this is because... the crisis of completely destroying my Xuanyuan clan family is here!!"

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