Supreme God King

Chapter 1852: crisis


The last few words were spit out from Xuanyuan Wuhen's mouth, causing Meng Fan to frown slightly.

With the current strength of the Xuanyuan Emperor Clan, backed by the dark alliance, the strong came out in large numbers, even if they did not return to the glory of the days when they dominated the world, they still have absolutely remarkable strength.

But now that there is a crisis, what happened... is definitely an event that shocked the world.

Sitting down slowly, Meng Fan said calmly.

"Talk carefully!"

"it is good!"

Xuanyuan Wuhen sat down with a tremor, and there was still excitement on the old face. After finishing his thoughts, he finally said,

"The leader should have known before that my Emperor Xuanyuan faced a great catastrophe. I fought against the restricted area in the ancient times. Later, due to the joint division of other emperors, our strength gradually weakened. But in fact, the most fundamental thing is our old man. The death of the ancestor was a devastating blow to our race.

The leader has already understood this, and the old will not repeat it again, but the leader should also know that the reason why we have been hiding in the hag forest for so many years is because we are afraid of one person. Refuse to go out! "

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded and said slowly,

"You and I also said before, but is this person related to the fall of your ancestor?"


Xuanyuan Wuhen nodded heavily and was silent for a long while before finally saying,

"I am the number one secret of my clan. In fact, even when many emperors divided up our power in ancient times, I didn’t know why our clan fell and why it completely disappeared between the world and the earth. The point is that the ancestor fought with the palace master, and then his strength was greatly damaged, and his body was injured. Just like the leader, he was attacked by that person again, which caused the real cause of the ancestor’s fall, and this person said it. The connection with my clan is extremely huge, because he himself is a member of my clan, and even from the ancestor of my clan...the younger brother!"


In an instant, Meng Fan squinted his eyes and looked at Xuanyuan Wuhen in surprise.

Unexpectedly, a person who suppressed the Emperor Xuanyuan for tens of thousands of years, and a person who attacked and suppressed the most important patriarch of the Emperor Xuanyuan, turned out to be the powerhouse of the Emperor Xuanyuan himself, and was still between... Kill.

"Speaking of it now, I'm not afraid of the lords' jokes. Back then, including the old man, they were all a child. My Xuanyuan clan has just risen in the heavens and the earth. In that ancient era, the saints were rampant, and the king of gods prevailed. Chaos, there were two people who died in the hands of the leader, one named Ji Feng and the other named Ji Tianshen, who were twins of the Ji family. I believe the leader will be very impressed!"

Xuanyuan Wuhen looked at Meng Fan.

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded, a double **** king, and the two of them were in the same spirit. He also suffered a big loss that year. If Meng Fan was not going against the sky, he was extremely fierce, I am afraid he would have already been planted in the Ji family. In the hands, how can I not remember this scene.

Looking across this world, which family can have this kind of event, a double god!

"And in the Xuanyuan family, in the ancient times, such a scene actually appeared. The ancestors of our clan and his relatives were all people with amazing talents!"

Xuanyuan said with emotion, there seemed to be a layer of glory above his face.

It is undeniable that in the old days, the Xuanyuan Emperor Clan was like the dark alliance of today, sitting in the core of the Middle Ages, suppressing the world, among which the strong came out in large numbers, and enjoyed the entire ten thousand domain and ten thousand clan for many years. glory.

Such a position is the cause of the emperor, and naturally no one will miss it.

Compared with the current Emperor Xuanyuan Clan, it was far from reaching the height of the year.

"The two great ancestors came out at the right time and practiced along the way, leading my Emperor Xuanyuan's clan to climb to a high peak. Later, everyone just knew that my Xuanyuan clan had an ancestor because it was too long. I don't remember the two great ancestors. When the ancestors started at the same time, that one was amazing and progressed very much. Although the cultivation speed was somewhat different from that of the leader, it was definitely not that big. The most important thing was the martial arts practiced by the two ancestors, and all the gods in the world. It is not the same. Even the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters are not necessarily stronger than the martial arts of our two ancestors!"

Xuanyuan said slowly.

When this sentence came out, Meng Fan's brows were raised, staring at the old man Xuanyuan Wuhen.

Noting the questioning expression in Meng Fan’s eyes, Xuanyuan Wuhen smiled and said softly.

"I know that the leader will definitely not believe it. Indeed, looking at the world, including the leader, dare not say that it can surpass the martial arts of the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters. The martial arts of these two guys are indeed the ultimate in the world. I have been invincible for so many years, but... the leader doesn’t know what kind of martial arts my ancestor of the Emperor Xuanyuan clan cultivated, but unfortunately no one can inherit it, because this kind of martial arts is called... "


Two words fell in his ears, Meng Fan was taken aback, and after a moment of indulging, two brilliant lights burst out of his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Their inheritance comes from... the source of the heavens?"

"Yes, you deserve to be the leader, but this sentence has been inferred!"

Xuanyuan Wuhen nodded and slowly said,

"In the old days, the two great ancestors started at the end of the day. They were originally ordinary cultivators between the heavens and the earth, but in a certain day they got the favor of the source of the heavens, and they sensed the changes in their laws, so they were about the two elders. The rise of the ancestors, the martial art practiced is also the most orthodox rule of the source of the heavens. It is for the heavens in this world. Therefore, the two great ancestors have the strength not to lose to the leader of the alliance. Even the martial art has the thirteen hall masters and the ancient emperor. Can't crack!"

Hearing Xuanyuan Wuhen’s affirmative answer, Meng Fan finally showed a shock that he could not hide on his face. I have to say that this is indeed a shocking news. I never thought that the two great ancestors of the Emperor Xuanyuan had possessed This kind of origin.


Indeed, if the martial arts of the two people come from the source of the heavens, then it is such a way. One thought together is the heaven and the earth itself, the core of this world, and the utterance of the law will shock the sky.

Many **** kings in the world choose different martial arts to prove themselves, and they are superior to each other, but compared with the heavens, this is the source of all the heavens, who dares to say that it can be surpassed, arrogant like the ancient emperor, it is estimated that this is said It also takes time to think twice. It seems that what Xuanyuan Wuhen said is not wrong.

"Does this have anything to do with the fight between the two?"

Meng Fan asked in surprise.


Xuanyuan Wuhen sighed, and then spit out a few words, but the whole hall became silent.

"There is only one reason, because the two great ancestors sensed the Dao of Heaven, they are the true choice of heaven, and they can even be counted as the sons of the source of the heavens, so when the two become the king of gods, they can have one time. A chance to enter the source of the heavens!"

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