Supreme God King

Chapter 1856: Secret

Exterminate the God King!

The faint words fell, causing Meng Fan to lose consciousness in an instant, staring at the remains, and an inconceivable shock appeared above his face.

These words are definitely not just for fun. How much power do they need to come from?

If it was someone else, Meng Fan couldn't do it at all. Even if it was the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters, he was somewhat sure to dare to say this, but if it was related to the source of the heavens, then everything was different.

There is silence in the hall!

After a long time, Meng Fan asked,

"how do I say this?"

"For the younger generation, the old man will ask the old man if you count, so the old man left this paragraph in advance, you also need to listen carefully!"

Among the remains, the voice came out again. Each of these voices was the means left by the previous Xuanyuan ancestors inferring the future. If everything is true, then this means alone is a stunning world. Absolutely loud.

"As for what the source of the heavens is, I think you should be clear, then you should know the role of the **** king in this world. The source of the heavens in the past opened up the heavens and the earth, the birth of the law of vitality among the heavens, Controlling everything, being the mother of all things, in this world, even any existence cannot be compared with the source of the heavens. This is also the first rule of the world, but with the passage of time, it changes with one thing. The source of the heavens was born in the chaos.

In the source of the heavens, human beings were born again, this kind of vitality practitioners, so the ancient vitality practitioners are going against the long sky, controlling the countless laws in the source of the heavens, becoming stronger and stronger at that time Although the source of the heavens sensed something, it was unable to make an accurate judgment. Because the source of the heavens itself is only forged by countless laws, and does not have any sages, it just relies on its own laws to maintain this world. "

"Until one day, there appeared a human being between the heavens and the earth, called the ancient emperor. He was also the first **** king powerhouse in the world to set foot on the source of the heavens. From that moment on, the source of the heavens changed, because he I was surprised to find that there was someone who could kill his core place between the world and the earth, and someone could replace him, so for him, the King of Heaven was not just a child, but... let him An extremely vigilant existence, the more powerful God King is, the more likely it is to devour his power!"

"Especially afterwards, the Thirteenth Palace Lord once again set foot in the core space of the source of the heavens, but not only the ancient emperor, but reached as many as thirteen people, although the source of the heavens did not let the 13th hall master Completely swallowed, but it also reached the highest point of his vigilance, so many years ago, there was the birth of Tiandao in this world. Tiandao is the person who is looking for the potential between the world, once he is selected by them. , Then he is the true choice of heaven, he will practice rapidly, with constant opportunities, and he will be the real supreme arrogant among mankind!"

The rumbling voice fell, breaking the peace in this ancient hall, Meng Fan always stood still, quietly listening to the words spoken by the ancient remains.

Finally, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and slowly said,

"If you follow what you said, then the source of the heavens wants to lay out a huge plan in this world, using humans... to counterbalance humans?"

"The wisdom of your future generations should be guessed at this moment. Indeed, this is the plan of the source of the heavens. Such a method is not vicious. It is worthy of the birth of this heaven and earth. Once it is shot, it is grasping. I stayed at the most critical point of the problem, but unfortunately this was only the moment when my brother appeared, I only realized it!"

Sitting still in place, the ancient corpse sighed faintly.

"Back then I just thought that our two brothers were extremely lucky. They were chosen by God. By chance, we obtained a treasure of heaven, which we could use to realize, so that we can advance by leaps and bounds and sweep many opponents all the way, but I don’t know that it was actually before our brothers. , This source of the heavens is also the chooser who has laid down the heavenly treasures several times. In my age, countless famous powerhouses are the holders of the heavenly treasures. I didn’t know in those days. Set off a large array in how many places.

Now it seems that they are the only way for the choosers of the heavens. They can have the supreme power among the ten thousand realms, and they have only one purpose, which is to disrupt the **** king and powerhouse in this world, and fall apart in this world. There are many existences between, and countless strong people are caught in the battle between the gods and kings. Even though we can control the heavens and have supreme power, but in fact, they are slaves to the heavens, but the source of the heavens is used to bury them in the world. Chess pieces! "

Hearing these words, Meng Fan finally became truly moved, his eyes flickering, extremely deep, as if stars were exploding.

If everything is as this Xuanyuan ancestor said, then it is a good explanation for a question that Meng Fan has had for many years. Before the age of the gods he experienced, the gods of the world rarely took action, and even rarely appeared in them. The main reason between the world and the earth was that the wars in the ancient times were terrible. In addition to the forbidden area, the many emperors between the world and the earth were not harmonious. I don’t know how many times they have set off a huge battle. After hundreds of thousands of years of wind and rain, there has been no peace. In the end, it was the death and injury of many gods.

Even these ten thousand domains have become calm for many years, and there are very few powers from the gods. It was not until after a period of time that Meng Fan rose and caused riots in the world, which witnessed the many powers in this world. .

So now it seems that in the countless chaos of the past, there is actually an invisible giant behind it, to let many gods in the world fall into the conquest. There has never been a real alliance, and it is impossible to completely fight the restricted area. , Then explain it this way, it makes Meng Fan understand a little, and at the same time a layer of sweat appeared on his back, because the owner behind the giant hand seems to be... the source of the heavens!

"So how did the old man discover all this?"

Meng Fan pondered for a moment, then asked slowly.

Since the old man had counted all this, he obviously had something to say to himself, and he left this paragraph aimed at himself.

Meng Fan understood that the previous words were just the explanations of the old man, so he believed that the latter words were the core of today.

Sitting on the spot, the corpse slowly said,

"In those years, my brother and I rose strongly and were only one step away from the position of the King of Gods. If we follow the methods of the source of the heavens, and if we, as practitioners of the heavens, step into it, it is possible to control the heavens and become the gods of the world. King, this kind of opportunity is extremely rare, but it is also the murderous opportunity that the source of the heavens has given to some of us, because once we enter, our spiritual consciousness will be completely swallowed by him, and then we will truly become him. Although his slaves are kings of the world, they don't have their own self, only the consciousness of heaven.

But I didn’t think that the source of the heavens counts, but I didn’t think of one thing. In fact, both of us could enter the source of the heavens, but I was trapped in a mysterious realm because of an accident. Unable to get out, the younger brother was helpless and couldn't find me. At that time, Emperor Xuanyuan had just dominated the world, and his foundation was unstable.

He had no choice but to tell the insider that there was only one person who had entered the source of the heavens. I gave it to him and took control of the Emperor Xuanyuan clan. He set foot in the source of the heavens by himself, which resulted in a little bit that my brother was connected with his mind.

Although I have not entered the source of the heavens, we are twin brothers. The moment he became the king of the gods, he himself also made me realize the many mysteries of the heavens, and he was swallowed by all consciousness in the source of the heavens and became I am a slave to the source of the heavens, but because of his existence, I have really come into contact with the heaven itself! "

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