Supreme God King

Chapter 1857: future

Heaven itself!

The four words fell, and in front of Meng Fan's eyes, the corpse that remained motionless turned out to be...moved!

The latter had been sitting there for tens of thousands of years, and he had already died between this world and earth, but now his breath broke out, his own golden light shone, and a vast and vicissitudes of life turned around.

Before, Meng Fan had felt that there was a world in the body of the ancestor Xuanyuan, but now it is his own power showing up, the golden light is flooding the sky, and the power in the body has naturally turned into a world and appeared before Meng Fan's eyes.

In this world, it turned out to be like a movie, showing scenes for Meng Fan.

Standing in place, Meng Fan’s gaze looked at it. With the concentration he has cultivated over the years, I’m afraid that the collapse of Mount Tai will not change Meng Fan’s color, but the golden world in front of him is just The first picture made him unable to sit still.

Because the picture itself is a crippled world, the whole world is withered, and there is a breath of silence everywhere, and at a glance, it seems that the world is completely at its end.

There is even no darkness, no light, and there is only that kind of endless incompleteness. What shocked Meng Fan in particular is that he is no stranger to this world, and this place is...the Middle Ages!

"In the old days, my brother and I were chosen by the source of the heavens to be the masters of the heavens, but before I waited for my incarnation to become the slave of the source of the heavens, I encountered the obstacle of the mysterious space. I am afraid the heavens. The source of the matter has not been calculated, that piece of space comes from chaos, which makes me fall into the unknown, and the heaven is out of control.

And my brother entered into the source of the heavens and became the king of gods and his puppet. What I didn’t expect was that my brothers were all one and the same. Under this situation , I also naturally became the King of Gods in that side of heaven and earth, and I have a pair of eyes that can match the way of heaven. This is also the last picture I have seen in the Middle Ages in the way of heaven. The younger generation, you You should understand what this means! "

Among the remains, the voice of the old man fell again.

Standing in place, Meng Fan swallowed slightly. He was not a person who could easily be shaken, but now in this Xuanyuan Ancient Land, he felt a shock that he had never felt before. Because the scene in front of me is indeed too surprising. The Middle Ages in the picture is completely different from the lush world today. It is a ruin and complete silence.

The entire Middle Ages realm turned into a dead silence, close to chaos. There are no billions of creatures, no more prosperous scene today, no more buildings like a sea of ​​smoke.

And Meng Fan's gaze followed this ancient picture, and after a while, he saw the second picture in the world shown to him by the ancestor Xuanyuan.

Where is it for... Wanyu World.

In this vast world today, there are more than tens of millions of creatures. I don’t know how many races, how many beasts, and how many humans are distributed in these countless large domains, passed on from generation to generation, but in this picture, Meng Fan’s eyes can see, Where is the so-called human being, and it is worse than the Middle Ages.

The Middle Ancient Domain is the heart of the ten thousand domains. The heaven and the earth are the ultimate. It is the most powerful large domain cast since the birth of the source of the heavens. Unlike other large domains, there are countless laws of the heavens entwined in this middle ancient domain, but it is still the same Vice appearance.

And in this other big realm, it is more than withered, but nothingness. It can be said that the entire world except the Middle Ancient realm, then the other ten thousand realms, including the eight gods realms, have been transformed into this world nothingness. It is said that human beings, warcrafts, many ancient buildings, even the world has been destroyed, so what else!

With these two pictures alone, it is impossible for Meng Fan to remain calm, because he seems to have seen a corner of the future from this world, the fate between the whole world, and the people around him, including I no longer exist.

According to Meng Fan’s previous plan, even if he fails to contend with the source of the heavens, there are still many big areas between the heavens and the earth, allowing Meng Niuniu and other young juniors among the dark alliances to go forward, hide, and give the dark The League left fire.

But in this picture, the whole world, everything is extinguished, not a single place, but everything, all turned into extinguishment.

So this is really terrible, not just him, including all the efforts of Meng Fan these years, including all his methods, including the people around him, which means that all will be reduced to death, and Meng Fan can I feel that the time in that piece of picture seems to be...very close now.


Meng Fan stood on the spot and roared up to the sky. After this moment, the aura of nine heavens and ten earth exploded, causing the entire hall to tremble with the fall of Meng Fan's voice.

With blood red eyes, Meng Fan rarely had a time of gaffe, but today is different, leaving him in a state of rampage, staring at the ancestor Xuanyuan, word by word,

"It is absolutely impossible. The picture you present is the dying of heaven and earth, and everything belongs to the realm of chaos. Between the world, so many powerful people, these multi-races, the picture means that they will kill everything, you Can you kill them? Now that many **** kings are resurrected, whoever has the power to kill all **** kings in the world will not work for the ancient emperor, nor the thirteen hall masters, no one can penetrate the ten thousand realms!"

Between the last few words, it was already filled with monstrous anger.

Meng Fan could not help being angry. After all, this is where Ni Lin touched him. The peace of the people around him will always be what Meng Fan wants to protect, but this ancestor Xuanyuan told Meng Fan that in the near future, all of this will be destroyed. He does not run away!

"I don’t believe that all of this is true, but I understand the way of heaven and become the king of gods. In fact, I am a part of the source of the heavens. My pair of eyes is no longer my own, but of the heavens. Source!"

The ancestor Xuanyuan slowly said, as if he had expected Meng Fan's reaction a long time ago. He didn't feel very surprised about it, but he had already left a word.

"In the old days, after the old man became the king of gods, he saw the murderous intent of the future generations in the dark, and at the same time he understood himself, and sensed all this. The accident of the old man naturally attracted the attention of the source of the heavens, so The day the old man’s brother broke through, he was ordered to come and kill the old man.

Because of the help of heaven, I was able to predict some of the future at the time, and I was able to sense the arrival of my own crisis. So I made countless preparations in advance, but I also underestimated the power of the source of the heavens. My brother has many things. With the help of the source of heaven, the means to become a **** king is much more powerful than I thought. I fought with his brother. In the end, I desperately wounded him badly and fleeing away, while I stayed. In our clan, but the origin does not exist! "

"But I have to thank the power of the heavens. This power from the source of the heavens is too powerful. Although I don't have my origin, I can use the power of the heavens to make myself in a kind of fusion of heaven and earth. My status.

This is the method of the source of the heavens. It also allows me to save my life during a period of incompleteness, and it will become incomparably powerful, so I use my incomplete time to operate the source of the heavens. The power of the human race has calculated a ray of life for my human race. After a long time of calculation, I finally discovered that although the ray of life may seem vague, it is not without it. My prediction is that it will be 500,000 years later. Will fall on you! "


Meng Fan raised his brows and hesitated.

Even if he is invincible, he has killed many powerful enemies, Tianjiao, and cast himself with blood all the way, but he definitely has self-knowledge. Although he is powerful, all the means are exchanged for himself with blood, not a fate. Return.

"Yes, maybe you don't know that although the source of the heavens is unmatched in strength, no one in the world can match him, but it has a fatal weakness, that is, he cannot show his power in this world. In time, shoot against people in the world!"

Ancestor Xuanyuan slowly said,

"Because he himself is composed of countless laws, even if he can punish the gods, it is not enough to kill the **** kings. Therefore, he wants to target the **** kings under the sky and can only use the internal conflicts, fights, and **** killings among the ten thousand realms Let the strong among ten thousand domains kill each other.

According to what I see in the future, there will be a big event that brings together many gods in this world, and an unprecedented chaos occurs, which leads to the decline of the gods in the world, and I want to avoid this. One point, only the **** king among the world can be preserved.

Or maybe someone can suppress the world and put an end to this world, so I see you in the variable, with your means, although you have a small background, you have the perseverance and perseverance that ordinary people can’t match. You are my future world. Because of the variables seen in the process, I set up this game specially, and helped you to blind the heavenly calculations half a million years ago, cover the eyes of the source of the heavens, and let you come here! "

Hearing what the ancestor Xuanyuan said, Meng Fan smiled helplessly, and said in a concentrated voice.

"If everything is true, then the ancestor would have looked at me too high, if it is really going to happen, then it would be too difficult to stop all of this. I really can't bear this variable! "

"You don't need to put too much pressure. In fact, many people can call the word "variable" in the past half a million years, because human beings are unknown and cannot be measured. Even if it is the calculation of heaven, it cannot be counted into everyone. His fate, including the source of the heavens, anyone who can’t count him to the end can be called a variable, but I have never seen one of so many variables in ancient times, like you, can be like this Perseverance, so you are the person that the old man values, just because you.... Emphasize love and righteousness, and hold on to these eight words for love. Therefore, the old man is waiting for you for 500,000 years, just to give you a good luck... !"

While the ancestor Xuanyuan spoke, the body that had always been sitting still in the same place suddenly burst open. At the same time, the infinite power in his body was surging towards Meng Fan. The sky was golden, with rays of light, it was absolutely... .The breath of heaven!

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