Supreme God King

Chapter 1858: Inheritance of Heaven

Heavenly breath!

The void is still, golden light.

Each path was an angry dragon bursting from the body of the Xuanyuan ancestor, unexpectedly surging towards Meng Fan's body and rushing in quickly.

Any of them is a great help to Meng Fan, just like a hungry fish encountering water. You must know that Meng Fan today does not have a physical body, and this spread in the body of the ancestor Xuanyuan The power of fragments is extremely pure power of the **** king, and it contains the aura of heaven.

The moment he merged into Meng Fan's body, it caused his entire body to explode, as if he had been forcibly poured into supreme power, and opened an unprecedented gate of power. This gate is... the way of heaven!

"The younger generations, in the past, I have blinded you to the secrets, only for today, waiting for you, because you are the biggest variable I have seen in the 500,000 years of time, and I have said everything So, as for the future path, it's up to you!"

The voice of the ancestor Xuanyuan diffused in this ancient hall, containing a trace of loneliness, a trace of expectation, and a trace of sigh.

He was also for the great emperor who ruled the world between heaven and earth. In the past, he founded the Xuanyuan clan and astounded the world, but what he didn't expect was that at his peak moment, he had insight into the biggest problem of his own martial arts, even Caused brothers to mutilate, the emperor fell.

It has to be said that although the Xuanyuan ancestor brothers were chosen by heaven and their luck was against the sky, they were actually a pair of sad figures.

However, the ancestor Xuanyuan did not accept his fate. He used the power of heaven to calculate the secrets of his life in the time of his last life, surveyed his fate, and finally saw Meng Fan, who was 500,000 years later, so he set up such a game. , Just to wait for Meng Fan here.

How powerful this bureau is.

It turned out to be more than half a million years, and I have to say that even the ancient emperor, the thirteen hall masters are probably going to feel shocked by such a big game.

Including Meng Fan, he never expected that in the ancient land of the Xuanyuan Emperor Clan, he would encounter such a great opportunity. Perhaps when he chose this chaotic valley as the birthplace of the Dark Alliance, Mingmingzhi Zhong has a pair of hands, retreating him here.

But in any case, Meng Fan was Meng Fan. Even though his heart was shocked at this moment, he was calm again after only a moment.

The whole body was motionless, the soul was in it, and the martial arts in Meng Fan's body burst into a distorted sky swallowing in an instant.

Since it is such a great opportunity, then Meng Fan is not polite. The power of the heavens can be said to be a great help to him, and through its breath, he can better understand the source of the heavens and realize the ancestor Xuanyuan Ability, Meng Fan is extremely eager for this.

Above the sky, his body is located in it, and that kind of terrifying engulfing meaning keeps coming out, fusing the power of the heavens into himself. This kind of power is flooded, and Meng Fan can't bear it. Zhu made a roar.

The help he is now is too great. There is no doubt that he is now almost half-worn, with less than one-tenth of the normal combat power, and even the body of the **** king is gone. This blow was the deadliest, leaving him in a very vulnerable time.

But with the power left over from the ancestor Xuanyuan, it was a tonic medicine for a strong man of Meng Fan's level.

In an instant, the entire hall became extremely silent, and only Meng Fan was suspended in the air, like a star, spreading with unprecedented light.

That kind of rolling heavenly power was integrated into Meng Fan’s body, helping him to forge himself and blend his breath. This kind of promotion also put Meng Fan in a completely ethereal state, with no joy or sadness. There is no self and nothing, only the full service of the mind is used to re-understand this heavenly way.

Outside the main hall, Xuanyuan Wuhen and other ancient Emperor Xuanyuan clan are all watching here. They have guarded this forbidden area for many years. It is passed on from generation to generation. Only the high-level officials understand that the remains of The meaning of Emperor Xuanyuan's clan, but now and now, they have a feeling in their hearts, that is, that one of them... seems to have completely left!

Yi Xuanyuan Wuhen and many other powerful experts in the Xuanyuan clan were bursting into tears, kneeling to the ground, roaring up to the sky,

"Send the ancestors to heaven!"

"Send the ancestors to heaven!"


The voice fell and spread all over the nine heavens and ten earths, including all the people of the Emperor Xuanyuan clan felt a sad emotion that could not be restrained. After this moment, there was a sudden tremor in the sky and earth, and it came An old voice,

"My younger generation, this is also the last word left by the ancestors. Following Meng Fan, no matter what his choice is, my Emperor Xuanyuan will always follow his will and live forever, don’t betray, don’t Give up and don't leave. Only then can you find a way out in the future!"

This kind of voice hadn't been heard in the Xuanyuan Emperor Clan for tens of thousands of years. When the thunder fell, Xuanyuan Wuhen and the others immediately trembled and couldn't say a word.

I don’t know how long it will be before Xuanyuan Wuhen stabilized his emotions and said in unison.

"Follow the decree of the ancestors!"

Dark alliance, in the base camp.

The ancient hall was extremely peaceful for many years because of Meng Fan's calming the world, but now it is filled with a murderous atmosphere. Among them, Ling Daiyou is the head, including Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, the old man of Thunder Soul, and the snake. The old man, the female emperor, the white fat man and many other strong men in the dark alliances are already all there.

This situation can only explain one thing, that is, the Middle Ancient Territory, something big happened!

Standing in place, Ling Daiyou looked like a knife, sweeping over many scrolls and maps, and finally Yinya slowly squeezed out a few words.

"Unexpectedly, Meng Fan has slaughtered so many people in the restricted area over the years, and put down so many chaos, but they haven't dealt with it completely. They still have so many tentacles between this world...!"

Under Ling Daiyou's gaze, on the map belonging to the Middle Ages, there are clearly marked with several red circles. Only those who are familiar with the secrets of the dark alliance know where each circle is. It is definitely not unusual for wars to occur and to attract such attention from the Dark Alliance.

In between the scenes, all the dark alliance high-level powerhouses were gloomy and silent, and the cold in their eyes was about to freeze the entire hall.

Because all of them had already received the news before that, just yesterday, the Dark Alliance had been severely attacked at many strongholds in this Middle Ancient Region and suffered heavy losses.

We must know that today's dark alliance can be described as a big family. Its powerful forces spread throughout the Middle Ages. Some are businesses in various places, some are guarded fortresses, some are established auction houses and other important strongholds, all of which are like dark alliances. Like the blood vessels in this Middle Ancient Region, they are extremely important, and it is a sign of the dark alliance's growth, and the driving force of the entire force.

But during this breath, the possessions established by this dark alliance over the years were smashed by others. According to the information sent back, the person who appeared was the top power in charge of the black death. Those who are in the restricted area can be seen at a glance.

In any fortress, there are top masters of the dark alliance, but they can be destroyed by them overnight, and they can be destroyed. Looking at the world, there are only a handful of such methods. Of course, the restricted area is definitely one.

Even though Meng Fan had already smashed several voids into pieces, the seven restricted areas have not been completely cut off after all, and there is still a more terrifying forbidden area behind it, which also prevents the strong in the restricted area from dying, but at this moment. Between appearing in this world, coming for the dark alliance.

"What do you want to do in the restricted area? Although this will make us uncomfortable, it can't hurt Meng Fan!"

Bai Shui'er's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she did not understand the behavior in the restricted area.

"What he wants is our uncomfortable!"

Ling Daiyou's slender hands clenched tightly and creaked, and Qingcheng's face was full of suffocation at this moment, and she could not help but not be angry. For Meng Fan, this business might be nothing. His old man didn't care at all. People will make him feel crazy, but Ling Daiyou is different. For many years, it was not Meng Fan who was running a dark alliance, but it was Ling Daiyou. Now Ling Daiyou is like a tigress with a child injured. Desire to kill!

"Before that, they shot against Meng Fan, but they didn't succeed. I didn't expect that the old guys in the restricted area had come up with new ways. Since it is now impossible to besiege Meng Fan, then they changed their strategy to target us. We take more shots. Now, if we want to deal with them, we can only disperse our forces. If we defeat them individually, our forces will be extremely dispersed. They wait for work. We are afraid it is not easy to catch them, and it will not be easy to deal with them. !"

"What if you ignore the dark alliance base camp?"

The Thunder Soul old man hesitated.

"Then take them seriously!"

Ling Daiyou shook her head and said coldly.

"How many means have we spent in these years? The forces have spread throughout the dark alliance. If we can't even guard these forces, then what kind of emperor do we have? How will the whole world see us, the weak and the strong, the survival of the fittest? In those days, when we rose strongly, we depended on power.

Now if our power is weak, then this is not only the first position that is not guaranteed, but it is also likely to cause other forces to take advantage of the fire. I don’t know how many powers are so weak in the past. My dark alliance has become the target of public criticism. Everyone has to get a share, so we not only have to solve it, but also quickly! "

With a word, the entire hall was silent, everyone understood what Ling Daiyou's words meant. In the past, I didn’t know how many emperors had fallen, not even from his enemies, but just like the same head. The sick tiger was attacked by a group of hungry wolves!

Today's dark alliance faces this kind of danger!

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