Supreme God King

Chapter 1859: Unrest everywhere


In the hall, everyone felt a dangerous aura.

Many people couldn't react before, but under Ling Daiyou's words, everyone was already horrified, understanding that this was definitely a big conspiracy in the restricted area against the dark alliance.

Worthy of being the lord of the thirteen halls, worthy of being the hall of the restricted area.

If you don’t make a move, it will kill you.

During this period of time, he made two consecutive shots. The first time he severely injured Meng Fan and killed the **** monkey. The second time, he set off a violent storm among the various places, waiting for the dark alliance to accept the move. .

Now the dark alliance can be said to be caught in a dilemma. If it makes a move, it will be faced with a strong man hiding in various places. The latter can sweep the forces of the dark alliance with the momentum of thunder, naturally it is extraordinary.

I don’t know how many powerhouses are hidden. If you don’t take action and concentrate your hands on guarding the base camp, then it will obviously leave the dark alliance in a very passive state, especially how the great emperors and countless forces will see now standing first in the world. At that time, the dark alliance is very likely to trigger revenge from people in various places with unpredictable people. Once there is no peerless force to suppress, then how many powers in the hands will be targeted by many people, and then it is very likely to face more than just Only the dark alliance, but the many forces between heaven and earth!

People in the arena involuntarily!

This sentence can be said to have been deeply understood by all the dark alliance people, and each of them looked at each other, and they could not come up with an idea.

"Neither is it going in, nor is it retreating, Dai You, you should come up with an idea!"

The Thunder Soul old man gritted his teeth and said slowly.

Suddenly, the eyes of everyone in the entire hall were also on Ling Daiyou. Meng Fan was not there. The latter was naturally a well-deserved female military division of the Dark Alliance. This has been the case for many years. Although there is no power to shake the sky, Ling Dai You has always been strategic and calm.

Surrounded by everyone’s eyes, Ling Daiyou gently stroked her hair, and finally said,

"The main thing depends on you. If you retreat, there will be no vitality. Only the forbidden area and many forces continue to divide. Finally, the soldiers will face the chaotic sea. At that time, we will be more passive, and we need to move forward. There is a **** road between all places!"

When the voice fell, it was already sharp and sharp, completely different from the gentleness of Ling Daiyou before.

And in the entire dark alliance hall, it also became silent.

I don't know how long it has passed, and finally one of the words was spit out, resounding through the hall.


There is only one word, since the order of burning the sky, the latter has been gray for many years. Although it is a tool, but after a long time, it will leave some marks on his body, but at this moment it seems The gentle middle-aged man stood up suddenly, making no secret of his evil spirit, just a word, but it was fierce.


"Kill, kill!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

At the same time, all the high-levels of the dark alliance stood up, spit out their voices, sonorously, and burst out in this piece of world.

Able to follow Meng Fan to today, the man who is not **** Fang Gang, although he knows that this battle is absolutely extraordinary, but for everyone in the dark alliance, for many years, he is still the same, even if he has been hiding the knife for a long time. , But the light of the sword... can still stain the sky with blood.


With an order, the base camp of this dark alliance also moved one after another, with the Burning Heaven Order, the Empress, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Fatty White, the Thunder Soul Old Man, the Serpent Old Man, and many others in this dark alliance. The strong are all starting to move towards the Middle Ages.

This time, it was completely different from before. Because the war took place between the various places, every place was hit by unprecedented blows, so it was natural to separate everyone, so in this dark alliance, there is only the female emperor. , Yun Feiyang, Fen Tianling and others each led a team, divided into several teams, and headed to various places.

Fight separately, either solve the battle between these places, broken by each, blood staining the territory!

Among the ten thousand domains, not only in this dark alliance, but also among the many emperors such as the Zhongtian Dynasty, the First Line, the Temple, the Bai Family, the Eastern Demon Ancestor, etc., it happened at the same time in their control range riot. So many imperial lands were attacked at the same time, it can be said that the huge Middle Ancient Realm was chaotic for a while, including the male hero, the white clothes, etc., had to go back to their respective places to check. , After all, it is the restricted area.

Dark turmoil!

For many years, it hasn't happened in Ten Thousand Realms, especially after Meng Fan has even leveled several restricted areas, in this world, the people in charge of the black and death spirit, and even everyone, have been screamed and beaten, almost extinct. What everyone did not expect was that it is now breaking out again, and it is more menacing, even surpassing any one in the past. During this movement, the huge Middle Ancient Realm is plunged into a murderous intent. I don’t know how many innocents. The people were taken their lives and died one by one.

Many powerhouses between heaven and earth also understand that among the thirteen hall masters, six major hall masters have recovered their strength. Under this situation, they are already unable to bear loneliness.

Naturally, countless tentacles hidden between the heavens and the earth were activated.

And the most important thing is that that person... has been half-waste, and now in this world, it can be said that everyone is hearing this news. In the past, the great emperor who did not stand tall in the Middle Ancient Territory and ruled the world has already disappeared from the flesh, and its origin is severely damaged. It can be said that a generation of kings will now disappear between the world and the earth. Under this kind of situation, it will naturally cause countless People start to become active in their hearts.

The Great Emperor!

Who doesn't want to replace these four words? In the past, it was the Zhongtian Dynasty, one line, and later the dark alliance. That one did not enjoy the envy of countless ways in the world, but also controlled the territory of thousands of miles. For many vitality monks and countless forces, this kind of temptation is too big!

So at the same time, there was an undercurrent surging in various places, and riots occurred in many places, but it seemed that they did not come from...the people in the restricted area!

Forbidden area hall, endless void!

The thirteen pillars of the forbidden area hidden in the depths of this place have been standing like this for many years, the billowing black death is like ocean tide, and their eyes are staring into the ten thousand realms. After a while, a hoarse voice is also Falling slowly,

"Meng Fan, since I didn’t kill you last time, let’s play a simple game with you this time. That’s good, we will let you see with your own eyes.... You will be taken by us one by one. Kill, this time we will personally play against you. On top of Wanyu's chess game, it seems that it is now... the killing intent has suddenly risen!"

PS. It wasn’t that I didn’t update, but that the update failed to come out. I had to cooperate with the website because of what the website was doing. I’m sorry, everyone.

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