Supreme God King

Chapter 1860: Common people are like chess

Middle Ages!

There was turmoil, and the air of black death covered the world.

In the old days, ever since Meng Fan calmed down the mountains and rivers and aspired to the Middle Ages, there has been no such scene, but today is different. The news that Meng Fan had been abolished had already shaken the world.

And now it has set off an unprecedented dark turmoil, that kind of black death that once permeated the world, reappearing in the world!

Suddenly, the entire world was in great chaos, including this Middle Ancient Domain. The calm was completely broken, and instead it was full of wolves everywhere.

"Where is the King of God..."

"Damn it in the restricted area, the common people are troubled, my family..."

Voices of this kind continue to be heard in these ten thousand domains, but unfortunately under this kind of chaos, not many people can care about it.

Including many emperors, they are now too busy to take care of themselves, headed by the Zhongtian Dynasty, Yikei and other places, also encountered unprecedented challenges. Obviously, the thirteen hall masters came prepared and never fought unsure battles. Since this battle was set up by them personally, it was naturally extremely fierce, not just against the dark alliance master.

It turned out that it was during this breath that the entire world was plunged into chaos, and everywhere was overwhelmed.

Zhongtian Dynasty.

Many ancient people gathered in this hall, and the sweat on their foreheads was dripping continuously. Looking at the God King in the center, his expression was slightly trembling.

Because they faced the same dark alliance situation, there were riots everywhere, and they encountered countless blows at the same time. Most of the businesses and venues distributed outside were attacked by strong players in the restricted area. The wind and waves of Zhongtian are too old to react.

"Return to the King of God, the loss...a lot!"

Standing in front of the God King of Zhongtian, an ancient Zhongtian dynasty tremblingly said that the manpower between various places was arranged by him. Now that such a big problem has occurred, he naturally needs to pay a great price because of the chaos of war. For a moment, unlike the dark alliance, the Zhongtian Dynasty had a lot of mistakes in each, not only had some people defected, but even had a large number of internal responses, and the level of defeat was worse than the dark alliance.

Now, these few Zhongtian ancients naturally understood that their sins were absolutely serious, and if they were investigated in depth, they would be killed immediately.

There was silence in the hall.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the Zhongtian Divine King, but it was discovered that the Divine King who had gone through a long period of time now seemed to be old for a moment on his body. I don’t know how much, the Zhongtian Divine King sat quietly on it, silent. After a while, I finally spoke,

"Evacuate all the personnel outside, return to the Central Emperor Capital, and give up everything!"

The faint words were filled with an irresistible majesty, but anyone could feel that the Zhongtian God King at this moment seemed extremely exhausted, and his voice was full of helplessness.

Hearing that, the ancient faces of many Zhongtian dynasties changed suddenly, and one of them trembled and said,

"But Lord God King, once it is evacuated, there will be flames and flames between different places, and a lot of the old territories will be abandoned, especially the hearts of people. It will be a fatal blow to my Zhongtian Dynasty. And if they are allowed to continue to develop and all regions are encircled, even if we concentrate on the strong, but with the development speed of the restricted area, I am afraid that within two years, we will be in a state of extreme passiveness!"

This ancient saying was not wrong, and everyone else nodded their heads. Many powerful people in the dark alliance had this concern before, and the same was true for everyone in the Zhongtian Dynasty.

As far as he could see, sitting on the spot, the God King Zhongtian sighed and slowly said,

"Just do what I said. This time the crisis is not aimed at me, but... The thirteen hall masters are playing against Meng Fan, only against the killer of the dark alliance, rest assured, as long as we are waiting Heavenly Dynasty, the problem is that it will not be big!"

The sound rumbling, at the moment of falling, suddenly changed the many ancient looks of the Zhongtian Dynasty, and one of them was surprised.

"Then why would I encounter such a powerful attack?"

"This is just a means of containment by the thirteen hall masters. They are warning me not to move arbitrarily. Today's world is monolithic, which is difficult to break, but if there is chaos in various places and panic caused by everyone, then their actions against the dark alliance are It will be much easier!"

The gaze of the King Zhongtian is deep, and there is a subtle sparkle,

"I can feel the thirteen palace masters watching my imperial capital faintly, and I am afraid that once I leave here, they will come and slaughter everything in this imperial capital, forcing me to be unable to move, a good method. Now even if I want to help the dark alliance, it is difficult to contribute..."

In the voice, there is a kind of loneliness, which makes everyone change color.

Among the thirteen hall masters, six hall masters have recovered at their peak. The news of the temples in the restricted area has been spread all over the world, but these ancient people still can’t imagine that the latter will have such a great deterrent. Once they come out, they will want the world. The **** kings trembled three times, and each was horrified.

"If the gods under heaven can unite together, then maybe..."

One of the ancient statues spoke, but the words were only general, and they had already closed their mouths. The one who can be here is not an idler, and he has extraordinary control over the situation of the Ten Thousand Realms. It is natural to understand that although the sentient beings in the heavens and the earth feel extremely panic about this kind of catastrophe, for some people, they are happy to do so, after all. In this world, there are many who stand on Meng Fan's side, but there will be more who do not stand beside him. For the status of the dark alliance, the emperor, they have long been eyeing.

At this moment, everyone is in danger and wants to gather the gods of the world, then it is too difficult, and many people are expected to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, watching the complete fall of the dark alliance.

"So it's life or death. This time I can't help Meng Fan. I am worthy of being the lord of the thirteen halls. With these two moves alone, the game is too powerful!"

Zhongtian God King sighed quietly, as strong as him, there will be things that have more than enough energy, and only then feel the extra fatigue.

Such a scene happened not only in the Zhongtian Dynasty, but also among the various places in these ten thousand domains.

Including the first line, the Bai family, the sanctuary, etc., all encountered strong turmoil, and had to gather forces to defend. The usual words of the God King Zhongtian also echoed in these secret rooms.

Encountered such a big change, even the emperor clan is unbearable.

However, unlike many emperors, in this dark alliance, troops have already been sent to various places, including the female emperor, the burning sky, the cloud flying, the war Wuji, the thunder soul old man, etc., are all going to the middle ancient realm. In the middle of the earth.

Untouched by other emperors, the pressure on the dark alliance is more than ten times that of other emperors. There were many strong guards in various places before, and many of them were the first group of dark guards to follow Meng Fan in the past. They all encountered a great calamity, and resisted to the death, but it was difficult to deal with the extraordinary black death air.

They had to split their way and head towards the Middle Ancient Regions. Among them, not only the older generation of powerhouses in the dark alliance, but also the newly grown younger generation, even took the initiative to ask and join the battle.

In the middle of the road, most of them are powerful young generations, and the leader is a woman in white, it is... Meng Niuniu.

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