Supreme God King

Chapter 1868: Overturn


That's right, it is the drip of blood above the sky that is constantly falling, reminding everyone, including the character who is best at sneak attacks in this restricted area, now they are already being attacked!

And the technique of the sneak attack is still so nasty, shameless, plus... the extreme cruelty!

Not to mention the people in the restricted area, including the dark alliances, headed by Yun Feiyang, are completely stupid in place. Before they were determined to kill everyone in the restricted area, planning to harmonize with the many restricted areas in the field. The masters died together and perished together, but what I didn't expect was that a very strange scene happened suddenly.

A line of bird feathers suddenly appeared, crossing the sky and the earth.

Just as the seventy-two land ghosts attacked them, at this same moment, the bird feathers actually pierced the bottoms of the three major land ghosts, leaving them completely clean.

How terrible this blow is.

Unexpectedly what kind of terrifying speed and power someone in the world could control the bird's feathers, looking at the three big ghosts above the sky, even Yun Feiyang felt distressed for them.

This injury is terrible, it is terrible.


Between the sky, an earth ghost forcefully resisted the endless pain of his ass, and roared up to the sky, trying to find out who he attacked.

The wild geese made the geese pecked their eyes all the year round. I didn’t think that they had been attacked on this day. It was more than unbearable. It was almost dying. With this attack alone, it almost abolished the three big ghosts. .

A moment later, there was an extremely arrogant voice in the void.

"Hmm...Look at the world, but if you look at the tens of thousands of domains and add chaos, who can play bird feathers from such a background, there can be anyone besides your bird!"

Before the words fell, petals sprinkled by artificial hands appeared above the sky. The big bird that has always been so ugly and ugly. While sprinkling petals on himself, he tore it from the space. , Fell into the eyes of everyone.

Exactly... a bird!

Seeing the latter's appearance, Yun Feiyang's mouth couldn't help but show a faint smile of excitement. It seems that today... don't die!

He naturally knew the existence of a bird and a tortoise, thinking that they were protecting Meng Fan, but now they appear in this world. It seems that Meng Fan has already known it, so he has laid down the means. Maybe that person should be It's all right!

Thinking of this also made Yun Feiyang's heart arrogant. Since that one person already knew and was okay, how could he be unvictorious in today's battle, where there is a reason to be unvictorious, and who is in front of him? , Who is going to die!


With a sonorous and powerful word, Yun Feiyang spit out from his mouth, but now it is not the kind of tragic and majesty before, but a kind of... King's Landing!


Even in front of many powerful men in the restricted area, Yun Feiyang also burst out at this moment a breath of dominion, this breath belongs to his absolute trust in that person, and it is also the pride of his own high level in the dark alliance for many years. The dark alliance is not the days when the poor brothers are together, but the first emperor in the entire Middle Ancient Region, so this first emperor naturally has the means and courage of the first emperor!


Zhan Wuji and other dark alliance powerhouses roared, vigorous, wanting to break the long sky.

Suddenly, not only in this Northern Plains city, but also in this many dark alliances and forbidden zone battles, earth-shaking changes have suddenly taken place.


A supreme great cauldron descended from the sky, like a mountain, directly hitting the army of millions of true demons. Under this smash, the Eight Desolates trembled, and the sky was raining blood. I don’t know how many ancient true demons with extremely strong flesh bodies, but under the power of this tripod body, they turned into slices of fleshy buns and became real. powder.

Before Pingtianxia.

There is an extra strange token in the female emperor's hand. She herself is known as the female emperor, domineering and savvy, and the extra token in her hand is even more so, because she is all out of thin air. Commanding the atmosphere of the world, because this token itself is also the avenue of the emperor, and in the hands of the female emperor, it is naturally a combination of human cards and suppressing the Quartet. At this moment, the female emperor who was originally at a disadvantage suddenly turned back and suppressed everything!

On the other battlefield, a small tower fell from the sky, yelling.

Probably it was caused by some two guys. At the moment when this small tower emerged, there was an extremely arrogant voice circulating throughout the world.

"Wanyu, your pagoda is here, all kneel down to greet you!"

"Small juniors in the restricted area, they all eat your pagoda and hit them!"


Among the countless places, many people in the dark alliance had already reached a desperate situation, but when something was added, they did not move suddenly, and earth-shaking changes occurred.

This change is definitely a nightmare for the restricted area.

Even they could not have imagined that the dark alliance is so strong today. Meng Fan's casual blows have caused a shocking change in the entire chess game.

"There's more to come!"

Between the sky, there was a bird and a tortoise, Xiaotian Xiaodi and others participated in the war, but let this battlefield be completely motionless, the powerhouses in the restricted areas all over the place were extremely tight for war.

At this moment, one of the true demons roared, full of anger and expectation.

Only they know that the terrible thirteen hall masters, this time against the dark alliance, has three murderous intentions.

The first one is thirty-six true demons. They took the lead and attacked the four directions, causing chaos in the entire ten thousand realms. The second one was seventy-two ghosts. This group of killers hidden between the world and the earth took a sudden blow. Severely injured many masters of the dark alliance, and this final blow was their ambush buried between the world!

This ambush is a master who has joined the forbidden area for many years. There are hidden powerhouses in ten thousand domains, with ancient existences in the past, and some are ancient beasts, etc., this group of existence, which is shocking. The master, the powerful sacred who is proficient in the aura of black death, is now hidden in a gorge between this Middle Ancient Region.

It was also the last moment, when this hole card exploded, to oppose the dark alliance.

All the strong in the restricted area know this, so above the sky, even if the dark alliance is now more fierce, but they are struggling to support one by one, wanting to wait for an ambush to appear. , But what disappointed them was that with the passing of time, countless ancient true demons continued to die, and their injuries continued to increase, but the last ambush in the restricted area... did not appear at all!


An ancient true demon burst and died, and was crushed by the horrible vitality fluctuations of the dark alliance strong. Before he died, he still looked unbelievable.

What everyone in the restricted area didn’t know was that in the canyon they had prepared before, the divine formation that originally led to the world has been completely destroyed, and this world has turned into a hot battlefield. There are blood everywhere, and there are blood-stained worlds from strong people in the restricted area. They are too busy to take care of themselves, where are there any opportunities to deal with them.

Those who were killed between this week and the sky were also a group of ancient sacreds. They were... Emperor Xuanyuan!

In just a moment, the entire Ten Thousand Realm was shocked, because before that everyone had already felt that the terrible killing of the thirteen hall masters led the dark alliance step by step into the abyss of immortality, but they did not expect to be in Meng Fan. The few people around him came to resurrect the chess pieces that seemed to be a dead end.

Now with the continuous passing of time, their respective cards have fallen, and in the end it is the dark alliance that has the upper hand. Many strong players continue to kill, expanding the advantage of the field!

Feeling this, countless people have a big mouth and it is difficult to say a word.

No one would have thought that such a scene would appear, and it would turn around in an instant, and it was so beautiful!

There are killers between the two sides, taking common people as the chessboard and their respective forces as the chess pieces. A powerful game has been launched in these ten thousand domains. There are strong collisions between various places, and some people have seen Yun Feiyang and others. On the battlefield, some people saw the battlefield of Meng Niuniu and others, and some saw the battlefield of Lone Xinao and others, and only a few people saw the secret fight between the ancient Xuanyuan tribe and the hidden powerhouses in the restricted area.

Under this kind of situation, the whole world is shocked. Who is in the restricted area? The strong one is not a figure who has survived from the ancient times. However, after so many years, the dark alliance has grown to be in the world. Any powerhouse in, is to fight against the many gods and demons in the restricted area except the thirteen hall masters. What a horror!


Between the sky, Meng Niuniu and other young generations of dark alliances uttered a word. At this kind of moment, they were like tigers going down the mountain.

Aiming at the several masters in the restricted area who were already crippled by the mysterious turtle between Zhou and Tian, ​​the overwhelming vitality swept through and filled the sky. After this moment, it can be seen that the seventy-two ghosts headed by the ground were crushed, and they were injured Seriously, he burst directly into his body, and blood filled the world.


There is no doubt that the ghost itself is only good at hiding and attacking, but it is not very resistant to fights. At this moment, his physical body is completely shattered, and the origin has encountered the strongest crush.

At the same time, Lord Turtle gave a long roar and roared,

"Since I am here, I will die completely!"

A few words fell, the tortoise claws shot out, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger!

The seventy-two ghosts themselves are created by the thirteen hall masters. They are immortal and immortal, but it is also necessary to distinguish who makes the shot. One bird and one turtle has followed Meng Fan for so many years, and has a certain degree of involvement in its own martial arts. Wu, at this moment, the tortoise grabbed a trace of Meng Fan's martial arts, and descended in the air to kill everything and prevent the origin of the ghost from returning to the forbidden area.

Faced with such a murderous intent, the origin of the ghost could not help but roar up to the sky,

"Hall Master!"

Just two words, but with his only hope.

At the same time, the powerhouses in the restricted areas that were hit hard by the various places couldn't help but retreat one after another.

Where is... the Palace of the Forbidden Zone!

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