Supreme God King

Chapter 1869: recovery

Forbidden area hall!

Suddenly, all the people in the forbidden area are looking at the mysterious space above the nine heavens. Now all the chess pieces laid in the forbidden area are defeated, which also allows everyone to put their last hope on the temple of the forbidden area. .

Only that kind of existence can save everything!

After sensing this, at the same time, all the **** kings among the ten thousand domains raised their heads, their eyes were sharp, and their bodies were slender, and stood up.

The reason why Zhongtian God King, Heavenly Remnant God King, etc. did not take action before was waiting for the response of the thirteen hall masters. After all, the latter is already recovering, and has not moved in the past, as if hanging on all the heads between ten thousand domains. A sharp sword can be chopped off at any time. Under such circumstances, who dares to move easily.

But now it is different. The dark alliance between the Middle Ages relied on its own to suppress many masters in the restricted area, even if the latter had already dispatched seventy-two ghosts and thirty-six true demons.

But there is still no way to help the dark alliance, so only the thirteen hall masters can save all this!

After all, if all these thirty-six true demons and seventy-two land ghosts were allowed to die here, then the strong ones in the restricted area would suffer most of the damage.

Not to mention that their origins are likely to be destroyed in the Ten Thousand Realms, even if the origins return, it is extremely lethal for the thirteen hall masters.

After all, it is definitely not an easy task to resurrect them, reconsolidate their bodies, etc., even for the thirteen hall masters.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to recover the world after so many years!

Today’s battle is too much!

Therefore, at this moment, all the gods among these ten thousand realms have already understood that the thirteen hall masters must make a move, including the **** king of the sky, the **** of remnants of the sky, the white line clothes, the human male They all stood up, their auras exploded, but in their respective places, there was a powerful aura that made the Middle Ancient Region tremble.

Several great **** kings, all have done their combat methods!

And not unexpectedly, hiding in the void of this endless chaos, finally had a reaction.

In the first battle that day, the six masters attacked Meng Fan!

It is already an announcement to everyone, this horror-like figure that has shocked the world for many years is finally looking to return.

For tens of thousands of years, after that terrifying battle, despite repeated dark catastrophes, the thirteen giants who were always in the void did not appear in the world.

I don't know how many years have passed, as if it has made this world forget about their horror.

However, the age of the King of Gods has arrived, and these thirteen people have finally recovered!

Although only six of the thirteen hall masters appeared, it was enough to make everyone tremble, and the ancient mysterious space seemed to slowly open.

Only the strong **** king can feel that there is a kind of earth-shaking power in this forbidden area temple, which will be... penetrated and suppress everything!

The ancient space seemed to be opening a door, and it was possible at any time to get out of the figure who suppressed the **** king of the world for many years.

However, just between the electric light and flint, before that portal had any reaction, a powerful qi and blood burst out suddenly in a place in the ten thousand realm.

It's not the **** king of the sky, nor the **** king of the sky, but from the chaotic valley, the ghost forest!

Creak, creak!

The sound of the joints impacted, and every sound was like a thunder in the sky, and at the same time, all the strong people in this Middle Ancient Region felt a kind of extremely surging Qi and blood emerging, affecting the entire void.


The Middle Ancient Territory, in an ancient land.

The Zhantian Giant was hidden in the depths of an ancient land, but now he opened his eyes in shock, looking in that direction, his reaction was extremely slow, and he didn't care about anything between the ten thousand domains. , Even including the previous great turmoil in the Middle Ages, could not affect him, he was such a temperament for tens of thousands of years.

If he didn't feel that he owed Meng Fan a favor, and it was too hateful for the Lord of the Thirteenth Palace, Zhantian Giant would not even help Meng Fan on that day.

But now, I can't help but concentrate all my energy and look where.

Because the qi and blood that rushed out were too strong, he felt a great horror and horror at the distance he was one step away from the end of the martial arts.

In the ten thousand domains, there is an endless abyss.

Where did Fudo Mingwang's body stand, he also looked away, the unpredictable light in his eyes, and finally said slowly,

"That didn't kill you, Meng Fan, then you have to live well, the world in the future... Haha, there really is a more interesting opponent!"

Suddenly, the whole world was shocked!

Just at the moment when this group of middle-aged **** kings was preparing to take action against the thirteen hall masters, an astonishing qi and blood erupted in these ten thousand realms. One breath had already swept through the eight wilderness and Liuhe. Everyone felt a sense of one. This kind of powerful meaning rushes to the face, this kind of idea simply makes the oppression hard to breathe.

Even if everyone does not know how far away from the hag forest, they can still feel the horror of that person.

Within the taboo space of Emperor Xuanyuan's clan, golden light flickered and the sky trembled.

It can be seen that there is a man without any clothes. His whole body is so exposed in the air. Behind him, the black hair is flying and dancing all over the sky. Every inch is like an angry dragon. This kind of unparalleled powerful power, in this body, the muscles are sharp and angular, the skin is dark, and the face is like a scholar, just standing between the world and the earth again, as if to gather all the domineering in the whole world, open a pair of eyes, It is to be overshadowed by the world.

He... is Meng Fan!

Silence was in the forbidden space of the Xuanyuan Emperor Clan for a long time. It was used to fuse the power of the heavens of the Xuanyuan ancestors, but now Meng Fan has completely controlled it.

Under this general integration, Meng Fan at this moment is like a new life.

You can clearly see his body, it is already...recovered!

That's right, it is Meng Fan's body of the **** king, who has already been reborn, and every inch of skin is reborn with a kind of life force.

Standing in the sky, the joints tremble, and the thunder surges, Meng Fan is like a reborn.

After a while, he finally stepped out with just a breath, and he could see that his body had left the forbidden land of the ancient ancestor Xuanyuan.

Arriving in the sky above this dark alliance, Meng Fan's gaze was also staring at the faint void forbidden portal. After a while, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said softly.

"You want to come down?"

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