Supreme God King

Chapter 1881: Loft reading

The breath of the old man Pishan!

Suddenly, Meng Fan's body tensed, like a madman who might run away at any time.

In this era, his own cultivation has been abolished, and his strength has been restricted for the most part, so it is naturally impossible not to be very alert. After all, once it falls into the hands of a peerless powerhouse, Ke will be extremely passive.

We must know that he is not allowed to do any behavior in this era, but people in this era can kill Meng Fan wantonly without paying any responsibility. If he died here, he would be really dead, but he was not like someone from the past, protected by time.

However, only a moment later, Meng Fan's vigilance disappeared, triggering the discovery that the breath of the old man who smashed the mountain should be just one, and he didn't even have the sanity, just to take care of this place, fearing that someone would make trouble.

Breathing out a breath, Meng Fan moved forward helplessly, muttering softly.

"Is it easy for the little master? In order to deal with the thirteen guys, they have already reached this point, and they have to be forced to read books. Why don't I understand... Um!?"

After a while, just as Meng Fan spoke, the voice stopped abruptly, and one hand fell on a bookshelf, and placed it on a scroll in front.

In the entire first floor, there are many bookshelves, one step is forbidden, and each step of the bookshelf will have several scrolls, just when Meng Fan held this scroll, it made his mind shake.

Undoubtedly, the scrolls placed on this first level are all very common Yuanqi exercises, comprehension and so on. If they are ordinary, Meng Fan would not even take a look at it, but after getting it, with Meng Fan’s concentration Under the sweep, he was surprised.

"This scroll should be called Yunqi Chapter, I have seen it in the Samsara Palace in the past, but it seems that there is something different here!"

Frowning slightly, Meng Fan pondered for a moment, and then suddenly realized that an unprecedented light burst into his eyes.

In the past, Meng Fan fought all over the world and swept all enemies. He also read countless classics in many ancient places. There were various exercises, all merged by Meng Fan.

The classics in those ancient places are all from the ancient heritage and passed down continuously. In this process, due to man-made, time and other reasons, they must all pass, but now there is no such thing. A kind of argument, because Meng Fan himself was in this ancient era.

In this era, all the classics should be the most primitive versions, and they have not passed by. It is not like later, in this future world, there is another ancient place, which can be combined with the real ancient space. No matter how good it is, it is absolutely impossible!

"This is the original. What I saw before may have been recorded by later generations. There will be deviations in my own memory, and there will always be something less, but it is completely different here. Most of them are first-hand manuscripts!"

Meng Fan murmured, thinking of this, the blood in his body could not help but boil.

Undoubtedly, to be able to reach today, Meng Fan has never stopped the means of attracting hundreds of schools, especially given this opportunity, it gives him a sense of bright eyes, just a moment later, he Just laughed, stepped out, and flipped through the ancient bookshelf.

Among them, the first level is the basic classics, which can be used by the strong under the realm of broken yuan.

And after Meng Fan took a look, he found that, as he said, many things in it complemented the classics he had seen before. Among them, the non-killing passages were lost in later generations. In this ancient era, there was no general earth-shattering battle that started later generations, but everything was preserved extremely intact, which also made Meng Fan a lot to gain.

Only on the first floor, Meng Fan spent a full day watching everything here. He even found some rare books from it, and at this moment, it almost made Meng Fan’s eyes shine, and smiled.

"Master Bird, Master Turtle, the thief will not go empty, you guys will not be idle anymore, write down everything here, hum, say that the background of my dark alliance is not enough, I will see who can compare it in the future Antiquity!"

Between a few words, there was a hint of excitement, and at the same time Meng Fan strode into the second attic.

In each attic, there is a powerful prohibition, and the breath left by the old man in the mountain is to explore the surroundings to affect this space. If you can’t completely read the books in all the bookshelves, Will not go to the second level.

According to the truth, the fastest person needs to spend three months in this attic, even if it is sacred. Because just in the attic on the first floor, there are millions of books.

But all this is just a decoration for Meng Fan. He is more than just reading a thousand lines. After only a day, he strode to the second level, and at the same time the bird and the turtle in the small sky space Everything here will be recorded by big means. If you can return to the future space, you can directly restore it.

The first level was for Meng Fan to be interested, not to mention the second level. Among these two levels, it turned out that Meng Fan's generation of **** king was delayed for two days. Many of these rare books have been heard by Meng Fan before and have never seen them, because they have long been lost in that era, but in this space, Meng Fan can feast his eyes and see too much. More than what he wanted to see in the past.

The third floor is another three days!

The fourth floor, five days!

The fifth floor.... Ten days!

In this ancient attic, there are absolutely tens of thousands of disciples belonging to the Pishan Gate. After all, this is left by the old Man Pishan himself. Any disciple needs to pass the second floor before he can become an official disciple of the Pishan Gate. In order to improve oneself, I don't know how many people stay here, and they have not even set foot out in their entire lives. There are precious books all over it.

Although there are a large number of people, it is a pity that no one can discover Meng Fan, because his speed is so fast. Even if Meng Fan has not read an ordinary book, it is only a thought, his **** Knowledge and understanding will give him complete enlightenment, so in this attic, Meng Fan is moving forward at a speed invisible to the naked eye, reaching the extreme, just like a ghost here.

Therefore, other people can't see Meng Fan at all, and all their attention is on the enlightenment scroll. As time passes, Meng Fan keeps moving forward, and the number of people around him is decreasing. Even in the sixth floor, there are only a few people.

And by the time Meng Fan set foot on the seventh floor, it had already passed more than a month. Although Meng Fan's whole person still remained unchanged, his eyes seemed to be deeper than before.

He understands that he himself is a powerful **** king, otherwise, when a person walks from here to the seventh floor, he will probably reach the sacred realm directly.

Previously, Meng Fan had read more than hundreds of millions of books, and every insight was like a life, to let him open the door of his own power. For Meng Fan, it was a great help, and it was like reading all the strong people in the ancient times. By.

This attic left by the ancestor of the mountain is really extraordinary!

Shocked in his heart, Meng Fan was also standing on the seventh floor, but what made him startled was that the seventh floor was completely different from the previous six, and there was no such thing as a sea of ​​smoke. There are no people who have been practicing here before. The whole world is silent and there is no human population.

Only in the center of this hall is a small stone monument!

On the stone stele, an old man was depicted. With just a glance, Meng Fan understood that this should be...the old man in the mountain!

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