Supreme God King

Chapter 1882: martial arts

Old Man Pishan!

In the huge seventh floor, there is nothing else at all, there are no books as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, and there is no such taboo stele, and even the breath of the old man who smashed the mountain before.

There is only one stone tablet, on which is depicted a kind-looking old man, dressed in black, which looks like a picture, quietly in the attic.

Yep! ?

The more so, the more it made Meng Fan become more vigilant, staring at the stone monument in front of him. After a while, the powerful soul power in Meng Fan's sea of ​​consciousness was already working, carefully To explore this stone stele.

Inside the stele, there was a space of its own, including a group of golden things. After seeing it at first glance, Meng Fan hesitated for a moment, and finally exclaimed.

"This is... his martial arts!"

A few words fell, very surprised.

How Meng Fan couldn’t think of it. On the seventh floor of this hall, there is the martial art of the old man, but the things Meng Fan always wanted, but now it’s so fast. Feel the vibration.

But after thinking about it carefully, Meng Fan felt relieved, because he had spent a lot of effort to come into this ancient space.

In this era, the old man Pishan left these levels of levels to select disciples for the Pishan gate and to make his sect immortal. The previous six levels already contained classics of the world, especially The sixth level is completely sacred cultivation method.

That's why the two great Xuan Yuan elders in the outside world are extremely lamented, and they are extremely awed by this attic.

But it is a pity that Meng Fan, the future emperor, has just swept all the way. It took a month to reach the seventh level.

This can be said to be a place carefully arranged by the old man Pishan, ordinary people don’t want to go through one level in their life, and this last layer is destined to be the inheritance of the old man Pishan, and only his inheritance, the **** king’s method, It's just in this last layer.

Relieved in his heart, Meng Fan also smiled slightly, the power of the soul was integrated into the stone tablet, but for a moment, it made Meng Fan feel a strong and domineering martial arts aura, even if it was swallowed by Meng Fan. The martial arts also encountered a powerful suppression, even unable to swallow and merge.


After just a glance, it was able to make Meng Fan feel the martial arts of the old man. No wonder the latter was able to establish such a big dynasty. It is only inferred from the present that if he collides with the opponent, even if Meng Fan is in the peak state, he Can't fight the old man Pishan either.

The strength of the latter should be higher than him, even higher!

No wonder the thirteen hall masters can be suppressed in this era, and it is no wonder that the world can be divided equally and the many gods in the world can be suppressed, so what will happen to the Big Dipper emperor who is like him?

It was touched in Meng Fan's heart, but there was no slack in the whole person. Since there is nowhere to be found through the iron shoes, what you want is right in front of you, so there is nothing to hesitate.

As soon as the soul moved, the martial arts in Meng Fan's body exploded, and the whole person was like a greedy child. His own martial arts emerged and turned into an angry dragon, completely merging with the martial arts of the old man.

The two martial arts blended together, and at this moment, Meng Fan was about to explode. Every inch of skin on the whole body revealed a strong force, affecting the sun.

Thanks to no one here, I saw such an astonishing scene. Above this sky, there are two martial arts of angry dragons, each hideously in the air, absorbs each other, merges with each other, and takes Meng Fan as the main body to bring the old man into the mountain. The powerful martial arts power relies on Meng Fan's own means to integrate into it, just like how Meng Fan absorbed the heavens in the past.

Under this scene, it is enough to shock the eternal!

Because these two martial arts are really too powerful, to the point of making people ridicule, the confrontation between this aura alone gives the entire void a feeling of collapse.

Even in the world, any strong gods in ancient and modern times will be shocked.

And it can be seen that Meng Fan’s martial arts is the main one. After all, this is just the meaning of the martial arts of the old man. He deliberately stayed here and passed on to the younger generations. So in this moment, it is Meng Fan who swallows mountains and rivers. Absorb everything.

For the king of the gods, if you want to progress, you need to constantly improve yourself. The more powerful martial arts, the more difficult it is to improve.

Therefore, the king of the gods is progressing so slowly, and it is difficult to make progress in eternal time.

And it is even more difficult to pass on their own martial arts, because there are too few people who can follow in their footsteps, and no one can absorb this martial arts for so many years, including in this hacking gate.

Because no one can break through the sixth floor and cross to the seventh floor, only Meng Fan, a kind of **** king freak, can truly break through the limitations of this mountain-splitting old man.

It just happened to see this martial art, so naturally it was impossible for him to have any politeness. When he inhaled, the sun and the moon changed color. Between several breaths, the whole hall was silent, only Meng Fan could be seen. His martial arts vacated, constantly turning this powerful method of the mountain-splitting old man into himself.

Finally, all the martial arts power belonging to the mountain-piercing old man merged into Meng Fan's body. After a few breaths, the aura that had risen before finally calmed down. After a while, Meng Fan's body was also in countless rays of light. He recovered from the middle, and let out a low growl. In this voice, it was difficult to suppress a trace of excitement.

Prior to this, Meng Fan had already absorbed the breath of the heavens, allowing his own martial arts to fuse, recreating his physical body, and raising it to a level.

But unexpectedly, in this ancient space, he encountered the martial arts left by the old man of the mountain splitting. It was simply a tonic for him.

Although it couldn't be compared with Heavenly Dao, it was just a trace of martial arts of the old man Pishan, but it was enough, and it opened up a new field for Meng Fan.

However, before the expression on Meng Fan's face disappeared, he suddenly froze, because the originally silent space turned out to be unpredictable at this moment.


A moment later, Meng Fan felt a monstrous big hand, ramming towards him, containing incomparable strength, the void fell, and the palm opened the sky.

This kind of power, like the emperor of ten thousand emperors, kills everything in the world, even at this moment Meng Fan has a very small feeling in his heart, as if in front of this kind of power, he cannot resist at all, instinctively There was a great fear.

what is this!

What kind of person is Meng Fan, how much he exists, not to mention him now, even if he was a little monk among the ten thousand domains, how many lives and deaths he had experienced, how many times he was afraid.

But in front of this kind of power, it seemed to give him a feeling that he couldn't help himself, causing Meng Fan's heart to tremble.

In a moment, Meng Fan roared, and the vitality in his body was like a tide, and the blood erupted, like the same ancient giant beast, it was already mad. Although his strength has been limited too much, his own body of the **** king is still there, so it also bursts with infinite power, directly colliding with the kind of terrifying force between Zhou and Tian.


The sky burst open, Zhou Tian changed color, and a figure flew out, it was Meng Fan. Under this collision, a mouthful of blood spurted out of him in an instant, and the bones in his body almost broke. As he retreated, he also stabilized himself by one step, and then a few mouthfuls of blood spurted out.

Even if it is the body of the King of Gods, it is difficult to resist this powerful force. In addition, Meng Fan no longer has that powerful strength. The single blow almost killed him, thanks to Meng Fan. He has a deep foundation, must die.

"The source of the heavens!"

Blood overflowed from Meng Fan’s teeth. After a few breaths, a word was slowly spit out from between Meng Fan’s teeth, knowing that this should be the first time the source of the heavens made a shot against him. A kind of supreme power, just so terrifying, made Meng Fan feel fearful in his heart.

Although between this heaven and earth, the source of the heavens will appear, forming a heavenly punishment.

But that kind of power is not the essence of the source of the heavens, but the source of the heavens naturally forms a rule of heaven and earth.

Although this kind of power is only a rule of the source of the heavens, but because Meng Fan’s influence is too great, it has caused the power that the source of the heavens to bounce back to become extremely terrifying. I have already learned from the ancestor Xuanyuan that the source of the heavens itself does not have any consciousness, everything just moves according to the rules of calculation. This kind of rule is the will of heaven in the dark, once anyone exceeds a certain limit If it is, then you will encounter the powerful divine punishment of the source of the heavens, and the immortality in the past is the supreme law of the source of the heavens. If anyone is touched, the source of the heavens will be the most terrifying shot.

Meng Fan understood that the kind of power he encountered before was precisely because he swallowed the martial arts of the Xuanyuan ancestor.

According to historical development, perhaps this martial arts will be left to a strong man in Pishanmen, but it is precisely because Meng Fan has returned to this piece of time and space with great power, that strong man will lose a chance. Therefore, before this, the source of the heavens had just lowered its divine power to kill Meng Fan, and just this blow almost did not destroy Meng Fan.

And Meng Fan understands that this is not a matter of changing the general trend of history. In the long river of time, it can only be regarded as a small matter, because he came into this piece of time and space, and the opportunity that belonged to him was given by Meng Fan. It's just possession.

But the Heavenly Punishment was so terrifying that he almost killed Meng Fan.

It seems that I still underestimate the source of the heavens!

He sighed softly in Meng Fan's heart, and now under this blow, he could truly see the power of this supreme existence.

Fortunately, although the injury is serious, the gain... is definitely not small!

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