Supreme God King

Chapter 1883: Hidden means

A touch of martial arts!

Although it was just a breath left by the old man who split the mountain, it was not enough to help Meng Fan improve too much, but it was enough, because under this martial art, it turned out to help Meng Fan see an unprecedented road of cultivation. This road is extremely amazing.

It was the fusion of the strength of the old man Pishan in his life. Even Meng Fan could not see clearly through a trace of martial arts. He could only make some speculations after his own fusion.


After speculating, Meng Fan also disregarded his injuries, only spit out these two words.

I have to admit that this old man is terrifying, because in this martial arts, Meng Fan is constantly deducing, changing, and even unable to see its end. With his eyesight and means, he can only explore the end of it. That's it, and the most important thing is to let Meng Fan see the ultimate change at the end of this martial art.

As if faintly, this martial art will form an extremely powerful thing at the end.

But regardless of any evolution, Meng Fan could not find a clue about him, and it also made Meng Fan extremely surprised. It seems that this kind of thing is what he wants. It is the ultimate martial art that the old man Pishan finally evolved. Can restrain the thirteen hall master things.

"Supernatural skill!"

Meng Fan said to himself.

"This thing should be the magical skill that Zhantian said before. Whether it is the Big Dipper Star Emperor or the Old Man of the Mountain Splitting, they are all in the continuous evolution of martial arts, and finally turned into a heaven-shaking magical skill that can deal with the thirteen hall masters, like My antagonistic finger is the same, it is the strongest blow of my own martial arts. It seems that if I want to find these two magic skills, I can only see these two supreme existences in person!"

The tone is calm, but it is full of anticipation and excitement!

He was nine dead for a lifetime and came to this ancient era because of these two magical skills. Now he finally saw a glimmer of eyebrows, and he couldn't help but not be excited.

According to the deduction, it is this kind of martial art of the old man Pishan, reaching the extreme, it is a means that can be used to shock the world.

If he could truly control these two major methods, then Meng Fan felt that he would have reached a new peak, with a qualitative change again, and perhaps he would be very close to the end of his martial arts.

Once he was truly able to step into the end of the martial arts, Meng Fan was confident that even if he was the Lord of the Thirteenth Palace, the ancient emperor, he also had confidence to fight.

Because his name is Meng Fan, this kind of self-confidence comes from his bones. When he reaches the extreme, he is the strongest in the world, there is no one!

Of course, this is only an inference of Meng Fan. He himself truly believes in himself very much. But looking at the past and present, any great emperor has this kind of confidence. Without this kind of confidence, he would have been When people are killed, there is no room for words.


After a while, Meng Fan's spirit was calm and returned to himself, and he immediately cultivated in this empty hall.

Without him, the sudden appearance of the source of the heavens before was too serious for him. Meng Fan's body of the **** king was almost not broken, and it was only because he stole a trace of martial arts from other people's homes. That's it.

This feeling really made Meng Fan mad. He had already cursed this source of the heavens a million times, but no matter what, he needed to develop his strength first.

So here, Meng Fan is sitting in meditation, the vitality in his body is like a tide, silently moving.

Thanks to his unparalleled physical body, even in this alien time and space, his recovery speed is extremely fast, the blood reconnects, and the bones regenerate, making Meng Fan sitting in the same place like a new spring. The body is constantly regenerating. Force appears.

In another full half month, Meng Fan's body of the King of God has improved greatly, most of his body is connected, even if it is slightly injured, it is fine.

However, just when Meng Fan wanted to strengthen himself more and go further, he suddenly changed his expression, probed his divine consciousness, and went to the outside world.

It's not that Meng Fan didn't want to completely repair himself, but in this moment, his divine consciousness actually felt the great turmoil in the city of Los Angeles.

Vaguely, the entire Pishan Gate seemed to be frightened, and countless figures appeared, including several old monsters guarding the Pishan Gate in Los Angeles.

what happened!

Raising his eyebrows, Meng Fan no longer hesitated, but stepped down and walked out of this space. This ancient temple was left by the old man of Pishan. After reaching the second floor, anyone can leave at any time. There is a space passage. Meng Fan also rubbed his foot on the space passage on the seventh floor, dropped from the sky, and left this area. space.

After all, he can't get anything here now, not to mention the shocking changes that have taken place outside, and Meng Fan is not curious.


After one step fell, Meng Fan also came to the sect of the Splitting Mountain Gate, but after a while, it was just to make Meng Fan stunned, because just when he came out, there was an old man standing opposite the Splitting Gate. One of the two old men in Tsing Yi who had come in before, watched Meng Fan come out with his own eyes.

You must know that the doors of each floor of this ancient temple are different. Now the look on the old man's face is about to be petrified, because he seemed to have seen Meng Fan before as if walking from the seventh floor of this ancient building. Came out, almost didn't scare him to death!

Since the construction of this ancient building, few people have been able to walk into the six-story building. Among the huge Pishan Gate, it is said that no one can walk into the seventh floor of this ancient building. In that scene, Meng Fan appeared to walk out of the seventh floor of this ancient building in such a calm manner. For the old man in Tsing Yi, it was more than thunder!

When he saw him, Meng Fan also gave a dry laugh, but after only a moment, he reacted and quickly said,

"The kid has seen the old man!"

Meng Fan’s respectful attitude gave a deep respect, the old man in Tsing Yi was a little dull, and said slowly,

"That...that.... Where did you come from before!"

"The second floor!"

Meng Fan smiled, and when he uttered these words, he didn't even blink his eyes!

"That's not right... I saw you coming out from the seventh floor... the door of space..."

The old man in Tsing Yi was also very dazed, and said weakly.

"how is this possible!"

On Meng Fan’s face there was a look even more surprised than him. He pointed his finger at himself and smiled.

"Old sir, your eyes must have been blurred. I, coming out from the seventh floor, I am in a broken original state. The look in your old man's eyes is really not good!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the old man in Tsing Yi also reacted a little, nodded half-heartedly, and said in a condensed voice.

"Yes, my eyes must be blurred, old, old, I can't think of such a big thing happening in this fairy gate, it shocked me too much, my eyes are not working, really shouldn't, but I Previously, Mingming was..."

"Ah, there is a big event in the fairy gate?"

Seeing that if the old man in Tsing Yi returned to the previous topic, Meng Fan quickly questioned and interrupted him.

Hearing what Meng Fan said, the old man in Tsing Yi nodded and murmured,

"Yes, Xianmen hurriedly recruited all disciples from all over to the Xianmen headquarters. It is said that this was arranged by the ancestors. The old man also heard people say... The main reason is because the Big Dipper Star Emperor... has entered the restricted area!

A few simple words fell, but at the same time, Meng Fan's expression... also couldn't calm down in an instant.

This should happen, is it finally going to happen?

The moment he heard the voice of the old man, Meng Fan's heart was shocked.

According to the memory of this battle giant, this is probably the biggest thing in this era today. The Big Dipper and the old man in the mountain have entered the restricted area. The fall of these two lore powers also led to later The world is in chaos, and the heroes are fighting.

The pattern of later generations has also been opened since then, and this Middle Ancient Domain has been completely destroyed, divided into eight divine domains, and so on.

It can be said that this is definitely a big event that shocked the past and the present. Before Meng Fan only heard what the Zhantian Giant said, but now... he wants to see it with his own eyes!

In an instant, Meng Fan grasped his hands tightly and his face was expressionless, but there was a stormy sea in his heart.

According to the truth, he absolutely does not want this kind of thing to happen, even if he has not met with these two great kings, but according to this legend, these two people are enough to admire Meng Fan, especially the latter can dare The war restricted zone has great courage and great strength.

But what made Meng Fan helpless was that he did not have the power to change everything at all.

Not to mention the fact that his strength has now disappeared, even if he stands here at his peak, he can't stop anything. If you want to change this kind of history, it is estimated that the moment Meng Fan appears, he will be distracted. The source of heaven beats life to death!

So for Meng Fan, there is no chance at all, only to watch this happen!

It seems that I am about to enter the core place of this split mountain gate!

Meng Fan thought about it, and after a moment, he also grinned and said softly.

"Then old man, I won't bother me, I will leave now, your old man, well, well!"

While speaking, Meng Fan arched his hands and walked outside.

In a flash, Meng Fan's body disappeared from the sight of the old man in Tsing Yi, but the old man in Tsing Yi who stayed in the same place had a confused expression. A kind of confusion, but also slowly,

"Before it was an illusion, the eyes were blurred?"

"No, I really saw it with my own eyes!"

"No, it was an illusion before, and my eyes were blurred!"

"No, I really saw it with my own eyes!"

"Before it was an illusion..."

Obviously, under that scene, the old man can be said to be incomparably trapped, and even unable to make him distinguish the difference between himself and the outside world, falling into a short circuit of thinking.

And leaving the old man, Meng Fan is absolutely non-stop, and now he has already walked out of the gate of splitting the mountain.

Now that such a big thing has happened between the world and the earth, the old man Pishan summoned the many powerhouses from the various places, but there must be a big arrangement.

And Meng Fan knew that in the near future, the biggest opponent of the Big Dipper Star Emperor would also set foot in the restricted area.

Although the world was stained with blood, it was enough to shock all generations and be admired by future generations.

And Meng Fan wanted to take a look at the old man before the mountain-splitting man ascends to the sky, especially to be able to see the battle. Through the martial arts of the mountain-splitting man, Meng Fan has already obtained too much information. , Wanting him to find the ultimate changes in these two martial arts, he can only find the inheritance of these two peerless powerhouses.

Now that the Big Dipper Star Emperor has already entered the restricted area, then the old man who split the mountain is what is left, so Meng Fan naturally cannot have any stay.

Otherwise, once the old man of Pishan left, I'm afraid that kind of inheritance would disappear again, and it would be nothing to come to this ancient space by then.

Even if he gets a trace of martial arts, it is only a trace. There is no such a mountain-splitting old man, and the inheritance of the Big Dipper star emperor truly reaching the top, but it is also useless, unable to run the world-shaking, overbearing god. Skills!

Therefore, Meng Fan had to go to the true gate of the splitting gate, and the sooner the better.

With one step down, Meng Fan also came directly into the teleportation formation of Pishanmen in Los Angeles, because he is now regarded as a disciple of Pishanmen, his status is definitely not low, but under the elders, the number is huge. There are definitely not many among them, so they have this privilege, which can be used in the teleportation array in this mountain-splitting gate.

If it was normal, Meng Fan would never use this, relying on the powerful means of the **** king to move the world with one thought, and where he wanted to go, it was only a moment of his thinking.

But now he is definitely a downturned phoenix and not as good as a chicken. Now that the Middle Ages is huge, if he is to walk by himself now, it is estimated that when Meng Fan arrives, he will not even be able to find the old man's body, so he I had to borrow this teleportation array!

And because of the call of the old man in the mountain, there are definitely a lot of people used by this teleportation formation. At first glance, they are densely packed. They are the strong people in the mountain-splitting gate, or the disciples of the mountain-splitting gate in various places. All are here waiting quietly.

With one step down, Meng Fan didn't hesitate to mix directly into the crowd. Although it took a while, there was no other way.

After all, the current Meng Fan, but no one dared to provoke. Once it was provoked, it was not his opponent that angered him, but the power of the source of heaven.

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