Supreme God King

Chapter 1899: mysterious

Stop it all!

This scene in the field is not weird!

Meng Fan and Zhan Tian Giant were a little dumbfounded at this moment.

Who is the old man in black, but he is a puppet of the heavens, the substitute of the source of the heavens, even if it is not the true source of the heavens, it has already proved his power.

Even Meng Fan and the Zhantian giant were suppressed by the black-clothed old man, and the old man was in control of everything. There was no trace of power leaking in the surrounding space, and the whole world was broken and destroyed. The land was destroyed, but there was no trace of power to leave the world of the old man, leaving the outside world unaware of it.

This is the power of the heavenly puppet, the power of the source of the heavens!

But the dark shadow that suddenly appeared in the field was able to fight against the power of the old man in black, so there is no doubt that the latter is at least a powerhouse of the **** king level, and also extremely powerful, before he can in this way.

These people, looking at the vast river of time, are probably rare and pitiful.


In an instant, the old man in black was also shocked, and at the moment when he was about to slay the Zhantian Giant, such a change happened, which really caught him off guard.

And in this calm void, there was no response, but one could see that the distorted space burst again, and three of the knots crashed down, one by one swiftly and violently, towards the old man in black.

The power of the king!

In the face of this kind of power, the old man in black dared not have any care at all. With a long whistle, a palm fell and collided with it abruptly.

Bang, bang!

Between the void, there was an astonishing bursting sound. The strength of the two was opposite, and their strength impacted, which caused a great destruction. The old man in black even vomited blood again and again. After abruptly resisting the third seal, the whole The person flew out even more, his body almost not broken.

He had resisted Meng Fan’s four fingers against the gods before, and he had reached the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted. Even if he was able to support the use of power, he was actually only the end of the crossbow. Now facing such a powerful God King’s power, just three palms, almost He didn't kill him.

So after his body retreated, the old man in black steadily controlled the fresh blood pressure in his body, changed his hands, and the runes flashed, a strange breath surged from his body, and in the eyes of everyone, black The old man in clothing turned into countless spots of light, scattered in this world, and the method of dodge is extremely strange. At the same time, in this world, or even in the entire time and space, there is no longer the breath of the old man in black, only its gloomy The sound falls,

"Heaven calculates everything, no matter who makes the shot today, old man... I wrote it down!"

Between a few words, there was endless murder and resentment.

He set up such a big game against Meng Fan and the Battle of the Sky Giants, but he did not expect to be broken by this mysterious power at the moment of success, and had to fail. It is conceivable how much the old man in black is. Anger.

That kind of voice kept reverberating, and even made this piece of heaven and earth feel its residual coldness.

And the distorted space before, after the old man in black left, actually gradually calmed down, no more waves appeared, or even as if it did not appear, the dark shadow that was shot before... has completely disappeared!

Who is it!

Meng Fan and Zhan Tian giant looked at each other, each of them saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

In this past time and space, who can do something with the old man in black, and after persecuting the old man in black, this person also disappeared afterwards, really doing good deeds without leaving a name.

Looking around, Meng Fan found that the divine formation between Zhou and the sky was still so peaceful, without any waves, everything was controlled by the heavens before, so Meng Fan and the old man in black did not leave this small world and fell into The absolute field.

And now in this piece of time and space, without the power of the heavens, the surroundings are calm again, and it is still the treasure house of the mountain splitting gate before, and everything is as usual.

"This is a little.... supernatural!"

The giant Zhan Tian vomited blood and murmured.

Before that, the powerful king of the gods made a move, but it was mysteriously broken, and the person who made the move has not appeared yet, which really made him unable to grasp his mind. According to the truth, even if someone can help them, they need to come and let these two gods lead a favor, especially in this past time and space, who can help them, who is qualified to help them!

While standing still, Meng Fan was silent for a moment, quietly glanced at the time and space around him, and finally said,

"Don't worry about so much. In any case, that old guy was startled away. It's a good thing. How is your injury!"

"Fuck, don't ask about the injury, it hurts even more if you ask!"

The battle giant was almost crying. He was beaten up by the old man in black before. In addition to preserving his origin, his body was completely shredded. Now, waves of pain like tides hit him, making him look at Meng. Fan is angry, and can't wait to beat him once.

Shaking his head, Meng Fan flicked his finger and gave a large amount of healing heaven and earth treasures to the Zhantian Giant, and he stabilized himself.

Without the old man in black, naturally there is no such strong pressure, and there is no need to use the fifth finger against God!

Although he was puzzled, Meng Fan understood that now he could only consolidate himself. In the next moment, his Divine King Realm also fell down and recovered to the point of Breaking Yuan Realm. His body was so terrible that Meng Fan could only run his vitality. Forced to suppress, at the same time his eyes are also looking at the ancient temple not far away.

I was disturbed by the black-clothed old man before and almost died. Naturally, Meng Fan was not in the mood to notice it. Now his eyes fell on the ancient temple again, letting Meng Fan, who had survived the disaster, understood that the treasures in it were still there. Before this, Meng Fan had already sensed a mysterious aura. The inheritance of the Big Dipper Star Emperor was almost always there.

"You still want to try, stay here for a long time!"

The Zhan Tian giant almost cried. Before that, he had attracted an old man in black. If he alarmed the old man in the mountain or other powerful existences, it would be too late to cry.

"Don't worry, without the old man in black, I am in charge of the Dao of Heaven. If in a crisis, I still have the power to take you away from this time and space. If it is really dangerous, then I can only temporarily lose the martial art of the old man in the mountain. Up!

Meng Fan said calmly, and at the same time stretched out his palm, and the seal appeared. Regardless of his own injury, his powerful soul power ran directly, containing the breath of the old man in the mountain, slowly opening every defensive talisman between the palaces. Text.

His actions are not greedy.

It's like taking chestnuts from the fire, but for Meng Fan, there is such a big crisis hanging above his head, and he can't help but not be greedy, and his spiritual power is surging, constantly opening the hall.

Finally, this completely sealed ancient temple was completely opened, and the scene in it also fell into Meng Fan’s eyes. Above the futon, there was a golden box, which could vaguely make Meng Fan and the Giant Zhan Tian feel the same. An unprecedented breath.

Such power is extremely powerful, rare in the ages, and it is definitely something left by the power of the **** king realm, but it is completely different from the breath of the old man in the mountain, then there is only... the Big Dipper!

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