Supreme God King

Chapter 1900: Inheritance

The Big Dipper!

The aura contained in this golden box is so strong that both Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant are trembling, without imagination, but also understand that this might be related to the Big Dipper Star Emperor.

"There really is a treasure house!"

Zhantian Giant said dumbly, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"In all likelihood, this thing is the inheritance of the Big Dipper Star Emperor. It is only rumored in the past that no one took away the things here, but completely disappeared in the long river of history. You and I take it now. Will it arouse the power of time and space?"

Although the heavenly puppets have left, the power of time and space deployed by the source of the heavens is still there. If Meng Fan and the giants of the battle sky touch the great cause and effect, they will still be naturally excluded by the power of time and space. This thing is a shocking opportunity. Even the path to enlightenment of a supremely powerful man is naturally impossible to take away easily. If he is destined to be taken by later generations, if Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant touch each other today, they will encounter it. The powerful crush of the power of time and space.

With the two of them now, it is estimated that they are seeking a dead end.

However, standing still, Meng Fan pondered for a moment, but calmly shook his head and said slowly,

"will not!"

"Are you so sure?"

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan affirmed, pointing his palm, sitting on a trace on the golden box, and said,

"Didn't you notice? There is a mysterious mark on the box. If I didn't guess wrong, it was a powerful prohibition left by the Big Dipper Star Emperor. Do you think this box can be opened easily? Inheritance It's here, but if there is not enough strength, even this box can't be opened, and now that I saw this box with my own eyes, I can run Heaven's Dao, make speculation, and follow the inference.

The box left by the Big Dipper was to help him find future generations, but looking at countless years, along with the fall of the old man who split the mountain, many people in later generations got this box, including many strong people who split the mountain gate. , The fate of this word box is tossing and turning, but unfortunately no one has ever opened it.

Therefore, the martial arts of the Big Dipper emperor has just been lost. In the future world, this box is completely annihilated because of too long time. The Big Dipper emperor is very arrogant. He put down this box in order to find the inheritance. If he does not meet his requirements, he would rather his martial arts be completely annihilated than to hand him to the hands of useless people, arrogant, arrogant, and domineering are not enough to describe him! "

The voice fell, causing Zhan Tian Giant to move and hesitated,

"You mean that even if we get this box, it may not be able to open it easily? So what should we do now?"

"Of course... Take it away!"

Meng Fan gave the Zhantian giant a vicious look, and took a step down, with a powerful attraction in his palm, grabbing the sealed box in the ancient temple, and said at the same time,

"I'm just telling you that this box won't involve too much cause and effect, because no one has opened it, but I didn't tell you not to take it away, nonsense...the thief does not go empty, I want Meng Fan When did you not take away the things of mine!"

The tone was full of ridicule. [Please go to see the latest chapter of this book]

At the same time, the moment Meng Fan grabbed the golden box, he and Zhantian Giant also retreated quickly, tearing the space apart, and headed out.

After all, this place is a great place for Splitting the Mountain Gate, and the two of them have mixed in, but they have not yet received anyone's consent.

The lone wolf who had attracted the puppet of Heaven before, absolutely didn't want to see the giant tiger like the old man in the mountain again, so after he got the things, Meng Fan quickly wanted to escape.

What he didn't expect was that at the moment this box fell into his hands, the originally extremely quiet divine formation suddenly flickered, as if an ancient beast was awakened, bursting out with infinite power , The whole world is shaking.

Before that, Meng Fanke hadn't triggered a single trace between the world and the earth.

"Oops, this divine formation is only connected to this golden box. I just took this box away, and the divine formation naturally discovered it. Go!"

Meng Fan let out a low growl, oiled the soles of his feet, and went out desperately with the Zhantian Giant.

At a glance, Hong Zhong's voice spread throughout the entire Pishanmen. This is a warning sound for the natural spread of the divine formation and theft.

This Pishan Gate can be one of the two great emperors in this ancient era, and its background is naturally terrifying to the extreme.

That golden box and the entire divine formation complement each other. Once the golden box disappears, the divine formation will be forcibly activated anyway, which naturally made Meng Fan and the Zhan Tian giant unexpected.

Now the entire Pishanmen headquarters is shaking away, and the supreme ancient is awakening. I raised my head and looked over here, and the strong men responsible for guarding the Pishanmen all over, moved wildly, the big mountain gate, in an instant It is completely trapped in the seal.

The divine formation is on, and the figures roar!

I don't know how many strong people have come out in the whole world, just like locusts. It is conceivable that in the base camp of Splitting the Mountain Gate, there will be how many strong people and the treasury are stolen. These things are equivalent to giving everyone a big slap, how can they not be furious to find them.

"The treasury is stolen, hurry, seal all the way!"

"Who dares to make trouble in my mountain gate, die!"

Sounds comparable to the tide resounded all around, coming from the powerhouses everywhere in this mountain gate. Today's split mountain gate looks almost like a bucket, enclosed by the wind.

In this treasure house, Meng Fan and Zhantian Giants are even more miserable. When they encounter constant suppression between the sun and the sky, the **** formation will naturally activate. Anyone here will be killed by a powerful force. There are countless swords and rains. The traps are all activated quickly.

Thanks to Meng Fan and Zhan Tian Giant as the two great **** kings, they crushed everything and tore the space. Only after this kind of stormy attack found a ray of life, they were killed from this **** formation.

However, the two of them are absolutely uncomfortable, because after the moment they left this sacred formation, they found that there were strong people in the Pishanmen who were surging like tides between the days of the week, and they had already taken them away from the roads of the Pishanmen. It is completely sealed, and at a glance, it is all kinds of strong.

If they were to see it, it would be bad, because Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant were not the people of this mountain gate.

"Meng Fan, you goddamn, I was killed by you, and my generation of **** kings, how can I follow you like a rat crossing the street!"

Zhan Tian giant said angrily.

But after a while, he didn't even dare to say the muttering voice, and there was no need for Meng Fan to answer him, because he didn't even have the opportunity to speak. Behind him, there were hundreds of powerful experts in the Profound Origin Realm, the ant. You can kill an elephant if you have too much, let alone them now.


The two of Meng Fan, turned into two shadows, quickly scurried back and forth in the cracks between the major forces, trying to find a way out.

But what surprised the two of them was that there were fewer and fewer roads to walk around, because this is the headquarters of Pishanmen, the treasure house world, how could many powerful people not be angry, naturally it caused a big earthquake, and the world of Shanmen is already there. It is completely sealed, and every place is being checked. If it cannot be transmitted immediately, it will be discovered sooner or later.

"Damn it, do you have to leave this time and space immediately!?"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, but in the next moment, a shocked voice fell into their ears.

"Junior Brother Meng Fan, you have been looking for you for a long time!"

When the voice fell, Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant turned their heads in amazement, and they saw a beautiful figure coming from a distance, with revealing clothes and a hot body. It was the princess of God's Grace that they had encountered before.

And after her, followed by a large group of powerhouses who split the gates, and in one breath, the water that had been besieged by Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant could not leak.


Meng Fan screamed inwardly. If he and the Zhantian Giant hadn't healed seriously and had no chance of breathing, they would have torn the world and fled. Unexpectedly, the moment he stayed, he would be hit by the princess.

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past in his heart, but Meng Fan was still extremely calm on the surface, squeezing out a smile, helplessly said,

"Sister Shenen!"

The battle giant on the side has a heart hanging up, staring at Princess Divine Grace, for fear that with a wave of his hand, the people behind him will besiege Meng Fan and the battle giant and chop them directly!

However, what went beyond the expectations of Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant was that when they looked at them, Princess Divine Grace hummed and said calmly.

"You two, what are you still doing here? I don't know that the master has already given his will, and specially opened Lingshan for your little apprentice, to cultivate for you?"

A few simple words fell, except for gentleness, there was no murder, but it fell into Meng Fanhe’s ears, but it was more shocked than the sudden opening of the divine formation before, and looked at the princess of Divine Grace, Meng Fan’s face in amazement. It's just as exciting as it is.

If he heard the words correctly, what the princess said before is the master, and he is the apprentice in his mouth. And this group of people came not to besiege themselves, but to benefit themselves, which is the so-called...Lingshan!

"The ancestor Pishan has no place to practice before enlightenment!"

Zhantian Giant's eyeballs are about to come out, muttering.

I have never heard of Meng Fan of Lingshan, but the Giants of War of the Sky also have a vague impression. It is said that before the old man of Pishan went rampant in the world, he started his home in a place called Lingshan, where he enlightened the Tao several times, and later even more. Move Lingshan by large means and seal it in this Pishanmen headquarters.

Among them, the spiritual energy is abundant, and the energy of heaven and earth is gathered. Even in this ancient era, when the Middle Ages are not eight points, it is also a rare place for cultivation.

In the entire world, one is Lingshan, and the other is the Big Dipper Tower!

And now this Lingshan actually wants Meng Fan to enter for his cultivation, and the reason given is... Meng Fan is the disciple of the old man, and he is personally ordered by the old man.

Are you sure you are not dreaming?

Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant glanced at each other, and there was an idea in their hearts, which was to give each other a big mouth, to see if the hand hurts, to distinguish whether it is a reality or a dream...


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