Supreme God King

Chapter 1901: Lingshan

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and follow me to leave!"

Facing the two of Meng Fan, the princess of Divine Grace gave a cold snort with a look of dissatisfaction. [For the latest chapters in this book, please go to 520 Novel Network]

It was a waste of time for the two of them to be so stunned. On the other hand, Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant finally reacted from the shock, each took a sip of water, nodded, followed behind the Princess Shenen, and walked all the way.

The treasure house is stolen.

These major events simply caused the Split Mountain Gate to be overturned, and countless powerful men were dispatched. The entire mountain gate space was sealed, and there were people looking for thieves everywhere.

But all this has nothing to do with Meng Fan and the Battle of the Sky Giants, because with the golden sign of Divine Grace Princess, it is simply the best pass. Leaving them two unimpeded all the way, no one stopped them at all, just passing through the layers of the past.

"Does the old man Pishan really have a mysterious little apprentice?"

"I seriously suspect that you are his little apprentice. Otherwise, why would you be so good to you? Lingshan. It is said that even the core powerhouse of Pishanmen needs to nod himself in person, and there will be a place in a hundred years. That's not bad, just give it to you?"

While walking, the two Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant were in shock.

Silent all the way, following behind the princess Shenen, Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant smoothly arrived at one of the core secrets of the Splitting Gate, Lingshan.

Looking from a distance, one can perceive a huge mountain, located in the hinterland of the Pishan Gate, with golden light, straight through the sky, as if it were the top of a mountain. Just at a glance, it can make people feel endless longing. The pressure this mountain puts on people is not ordinary.

The place of enlightenment of the ancestors of Pishan!

It is rumored that the old man Pishan was born here and cultivated here many years ago. At that time, the ten thousand domains were just formed and the world was in chaos. (Good-looking novel cotton candy

For this world law, the most powerful moment, and the old man Pishan felt here, enlightened, and until later became famous, he still retreats countless times and chose this place.

Later, many powerful people who split the mountain gate have also set foot here one after another, but which opportunity is not extremely rare and rare, but what is unexpected is that it is now hit on Meng Fan for no reason.

Before coming to this Lingshan, there was also a hint of envy on the pretty face of Princess Divine Grace. As soon as the palm was lifted, a decree appeared in the palm. After taking it out, it suddenly turned into a stream of light and blended into the world. in.

It can be seen that after a short while, this Lingshan trembles, and a golden space crack is also opened, which becomes a world of its own.

"Go in, this Lingshan can only be opened if you obey the ancestor's decrees. Only the names of the two of you are written on it, so only you two will enter it, and the others will not have this qualification. Cherish it. , The time here is different from the outside world, one day inside, ten years outside!"

Princess Divine Grace spoke, full of reminders.

Absolute field!

Hearing this, Meng Fan's expression trembled, and he couldn't think that Lingshan was such a **** from heaven and earth, and even the most terrifying law of time in the ten thousand realms was cut off. Looking at the past and present, only the top experts continue to forge with their hard work. , Combined with one's own powerful divine power, and finally condensed without knowing how many tens of thousands of years, only then can it be done.

One day, ten years inside!

Even now Meng Fan is unable to refine this kind of divine object, in his impression, it seems that only the imperial palace can do this, and the imperial palace is the born divine item in the chaos. There is a spirit mountain in this split mountain gate.

"There can't be an ambush inside. After entering, we will be cut off!"

The Zhan Tian giant muttered, although full of hesitation, the two of them are bold, and Meng Fan and Meng Fan carefully walked toward the golden crack.

After one step fell, stepping into this space, the crack slowly closed.

However, there is no crisis imagined by the two of them at all, and there is only that kind of predominant power that has reached the extreme.

As far as I can see, this golden world is completely independent, like a paradise. With such a great concentration of power, it will even enter the Poyuan realm after the next three days of people enter, because it is too abundant. Because of this, a lot of heaven and earth energy comes in from one's own skin.

Even Meng Fan felt that the help from this place was enormous. The old man who had been splitting the mountain was completely refined. It was an excellent place for cultivation, retreat, and healing. It turned out to be sent to them.

"This old boy is so kind?"

The Zhantian Giant's gaze is full of hesitation and constant observation, but what's in the sky is just full of endless heaven and earth energy.

While standing still, Meng Fan's complexion became solemn, pointing to the center of this golden world, and said softly.


A word was spit out, and Zhantian Giant's gaze followed, and it was suddenly struck by lightning.

Because in this golden world, there are rows of ancient stones lying on the spot, and you can’t find them if you don’t look carefully. There are runes painted on them, each of which is extremely complicated and contains countless numbers. The vitality has changed, and in the old buildings, Meng Fan has already understood that the breath of this rune comes from the old man Pishan.

"This is the martial arts practice method of the old man Pishan's life!"

Zhan Tian giant finally reacted, shocked.

Looking at this spirit mountain, you can find that starting from the first stone, it is the cultivation experience, exercises, etc. of the old man who Pishan was young, as well as some of his later conclusions.

And next is a series of times, each of which records the cultivation methods and exercises of the old man in different periods. In summary, he can see the methods of the old man in his life and the exercises he is now dominating the world. It was placed in front of Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant.

God King Martial Arts!

At this moment, Meng Fan's eyes became extremely hot. He came here for this purpose. What he had obtained in the ancient building was just a trace of the martial arts of the old man in the mountain, not at all. comprehensive.

If the martial arts of the old man Pishan is a book, then what he gets is only a page of the book.

However, what is recorded on the stone in front of him is equivalent to the most complete martial art of the old man. All the things he saw and heard in his life are engraved on it. Who is Meng Fan, can pass this stone. Some of the above, to evolve all the martial arts of the old man Pishan.

This time he ran the way of heaven, looked back, and finally accomplished all he wanted. All the martial arts methods of the old man and the Big Dipper have been found by Meng Fan!

There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes!

At this moment, a smile of excitement appeared on Meng Fan's face.

This time he reversed the way of heaven and looked back. Only Meng Fan himself knew how much effort he had taken and how much risk he had taken. Even not long ago, he almost died in the hands of the heavenly puppet, but fortunately everything went wrong. It's been supported, after all, the hard work pays off!

Looking at the stone tablet in front of him and the golden box of Emperor Big Dipper in his hands, Meng Fan was silent for a moment, and sighed faintly.

"I'm finally sure that the dark shadow shot is you"


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