Supreme God King

Chapter 1902: Feeling

The voice was faint, so subtle that Zhantian Giant didn't notice it.

Meng Fan's gaze seemed to penetrate this Lingshan space, and the direction he gathered was the highest point of Pishanmen, where the ancestors of Pishan were located.

He was rescued mysteriously before, but now he is here again. If Meng Fan no longer understands who is secretly helping him, his reaction is too slow, and it is not Meng Fan.

There is no doubt that this person is almost always the old man.

The latter had already discovered himself, and secretly helped. The black shadow who repelled the Heavenly Dao puppet should be the old man, and he was the only one who had this qualification.

It seems that every move I made into this mountain splitting gate has already fallen into the eyes of this peerless powerhouse, but how much does the latter know, and can he understand their origins?

Meng Fan looked at the void and sighed softly. In any case, it seems that the old man who split the mountain has great kindness towards them, otherwise he would never help.

But in three more days, the old man from the mountain splitting will leave the world and head to the restricted area, without a doubt.

This is already engraved in the past and cannot be changed.

If it is possible, Meng Fan really wants to have a swig with this class of characters. This peerless arrogant and supreme emperor is hard to see in ages. Although Meng Fan has never valued strength when making friends, his loneliness is of such a strong man. , And only the Old Man Pishan, the Big Dipper Star Emperor, can understand.

Even if the battle power swept the world, there were still things that were difficult to equalize. Even if one person reversed everything, too much effort was paid.

Standing at the top of this kind of crowded loneliness, only the top crowded people can taste and understand each other.

It's just that he can't change anything in the past time and space, nor can he tell the old man Pishan, otherwise, he will be touched by the power of time and space, crushing him. Regarding all this in front of him, Meng Fan can only watch it quietly, only a wry smile.

It seems that he has already recognized himself, otherwise he would definitely not bring me to this spiritual mountain, so can he know his fate?

Meng Fan gritted his teeth, pondered for a moment, and finally turned into a light sigh.

Since everything he had in this Pishan Gate was exposed in the eyes of the old man, there was nothing to hide.

Since the latter allowed him to refer to his own martial arts, whether he knew it or not, it was a good thing. Since everything can only be done according to the rules of heaven, then Meng Fan can't do more and can only give up.

"Go ahead, Zhan Tian, ​​this is a rare opportunity, after this time, I am afraid there will be no such place!"

Meng Fan looked complicated and said.

Hearing that, Zhan Tian giant nodded. For him, the complete martial art of the old man in the mountain is naturally very attractive.

The mutual confirmation between the gods and kings is in itself a means by which the strong who reached their realm can progress, especially the two great emperors from this ancient era.

After a while, the two of them no longer cared about the others, but each sat cross-legged, quietly in this golden space, comprehending the stones in the spirit mountain.

On the stone stele, the life process of the old man Pishan is portrayed. At the moment when Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant’s divine mind enters, it is also as if they have seen an immature boy born, grown, practiced, and murdered in the ancient space.. .. In the end, until he became the overlord of the world.

Each of these processes is recorded extremely clearly, and it was carved by the old man Pishan himself. In this period of experience, the old man Pishan's martial arts Nirvana again and again.

Unlike the box left by the Big Dipper Star Emperor, there are big restrictions in it, even if it falls into Meng Fan's hands, he cannot open it temporarily.

And the stone tablet in front of him is the inheritance that the old man Pishan left here, and only people he trusted can enter here.

Before, several of his proud disciples came to have some insights, but how could they compare with Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant?

At most, their cultivation base is that after seeing a few stone tablets, they are no longer able to support themselves. This kind of martial arts of the **** king is not just talking.

It contained the most elusive change in the world. It was just that kind of powerful aura, which was enough to survive and crush a strong person in the Profound Essence Realm, not as good as the Divine Essence, and even not qualified to enlighten.

However, Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant are standing at the same place as the Old Man Splitting Mountain, just like a volcano and an iceberg. Although they are in two different systems, their shoulders are still the same. Naturally, they can see through everything at a glance and realize their experience. .

In a trance, four figures were seen in Meng Fan's eyes. One was a young and frivolous and very domineering boy at the time of birth, and the other was a young man who was introverted and cultivated after enlightenment.

The third path is after Nirvana, the middle-aged who reshapes himself, and finally is an old man standing among these ten thousand domains, hitting the world, it is difficult to find any opponent, even more difficult to find any friend.

That kind of invincible loneliness, that kind of invincible overbearing, are vividly displayed in this stone tablet.

Four figures, from beginning to end!

In a moment, the qi and blood in Meng Fan's body were all surging. He was seriously injured in the previous battle with the old man in black, and he has not been repaired at all.

But before facing the stone stele of the old man Pishan, it made him almost like a fish seeing the water, the whole person was crazy, and he even forgot his own injuries.

As a result of his surging vitality, his injuries were almost exacerbated and his body collapsed, but now Meng Fan has ignored it. The shadow of the old man's martial art and his own martial art are complementary.

Mutual confirmation, even if their respective martial arts roads are different, but their understanding and methods of various laws seem to be the same.

It's just that the two sides have walked out of their own paths. Now that they see the road of the old man who split the mountain, it reminds Meng Fan of his own path. Although his whole person is sitting in place, there is a long scream in his throat. The sound made the entire Lingshan shake in an instant.

I am the only one who is undefeated.

In Meng Fan’s voice, there is a kind of endless domineering and fierceness, as if a tiger in the woods sees the alert and excitement of the other side, and at the same time, there is a faint light like the burst of stars in his eyes. In just a moment, the countless changes portrayed on this stele fell into Meng Fan's eyes.

Such martial arts, integrated with his own martial arts, is like a fish in the water and proves extraordinary.

On the side, the Zhantian Giant was also extremely excited, and also fell into silence. There is no doubt that the two have now obtained the complete martial arts of this old man, but they can’t take into account the other, and a heart is completely integrated into it. Falling into absolute retreat.

Between the whole Lingshan, no one can imagine that the two great **** king-level powerhouses are sitting still here for a long time, as if they have been completely integrated with the entire world.

Beyond Lingshan.

On the top of the mountain gate, an old man sat quietly on it. The latter was extremely thin, dressed in a sackcloth, and had not opened his eyes for many years, but was here quietly cross-legged. , But now a strong curiosity appeared on the dry face, staring into the distance, after a long time, he sighed slightly.

"It turns out... so..."

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