Supreme God King

Chapter 1904: See off

Fight into the restricted area!

What courage is this, what courage is this!

Before that, the thirteen hall masters had already killed the Big Dipper Emperor, leaving a generation of God Kings completely blood-stained in the time and space of this restricted area, but now the old man in the mountain is not choosing to hide, nor to retreat. Instead, he chose to use his power to enter the restricted area and fight the thirteen hall masters again.

At the moment when this news fell, the world was sensational, and all domains were shaken!

No one thought of this at all, and he couldn't understand the loneliness of the old man.

That kind of anger, he fought with the Big Dipper Star Emperor several times in the past, and the two sides have always been opposed, but he did not expect that after the Big Dipper Star Emperor left the Middle Ages, this old man who had fought with him for a whole life chose to follow him. go with!


Just a moment later, you can see that everyone between the splitting gates is kneeling to the ground with shocked faces.

In the outside world, there are even more powerful beings, with vitality and blood showing, staring here, coming from all over the Middle Ages, just looking at it, it makes Meng Fan's heart move.

I understand that he has seen many legendary characters, among them there are a few strong **** kings, all of whom are famous today, and they are even more like myths in later generations.

People from the same age as Pishan ancestors, because of these two powerful men, the light is not so dazzling now.

There are also people who have not yet set foot in the status of a **** king, but have extremely potential. They are the supreme arrogant and invincible emperor of the later generations, and they have ruled the 10,000 realms for thousands of years and 10,000 years.

After the old man and the Big Dipper are gone in this world, this group of people have also risen strongly, showing their own light.

Even Meng Fan's thought swept through, and he actually saw a young man in a certain place in this ten thousand realm, with an immature expression, looking excitedly at this split mountain gate.

The vicissitudes of life are not like the king over the world at his peak, he is...the king of destruction!

Unexpectedly, at this kind of moment, they actually met, and saw each other through the endless void. Meng Fan understood that today’s move of the mountain-splitting old man is undoubtedly an example to countless people in future generations, that is, the destruction of the **** king, and it was also in the past. For the ten thousand domain **** battles several times, a top powerhouse who established the Primordial Covenant.

It is very possible that he was also influenced by today's old man in the mountain, this kind of heroic act, this kind of arrogance of a truly strong man.


There is no innate chaos, no blood of fierce beasts, no many precious methods, but their perseverance and arrogance have urged them to grow unyielding from generation to generation and reach today.

In just a moment, the voice of the old man Pishan made the whole world tremble following him.

"No need to say more, since the old man is gone, I hope to cherish!"

The old man Pishan smiled softly and said.

At the same time, his step was taken. After a while, the whole person was already ascending. Under countless gazes, he just killed toward the restricted area without any hesitation, no emotions, some , There is only that kind of calm and fighting spirit.

Under this kind of situation, it seemed that the entire Medieval domain had become quiet, because no one dared to say anything when the old man said.

Within Lingshan!

Meng Fan was silent. He and Zhantian Giant knew the end of the mountain-splitting old man's journey best, and they had already seen a generation of Supreme Emperor appear in this world for the last time. If it weren't for the mountain-splitting old man in the ten thousand realms, the Big Dipper star emperor, a kind of powerhouse, had been fighting against the thirteen hall masters since ancient times, and perhaps he had already been suppressed by the thirteen hall masters.

He was able to rise strongly in the eternal ages, but a large part of the reason is that he inherited the friendship of the ancient emperor, the old man in the mountain, the Big Dipper star emperor and other generations of outstanding people. No matter what their respective thoughts are, they are help in disguise Meng Fan.

Especially the old man Pishan and the Big Dipper Star Emperor, the behavior and methods of these two people made Meng Fan feel full of emotion.

Finally, Meng Fan sighed lightly, as if he had made a certain determination, stepped out, and walked out of Lingshan.

"Meng Fan, what are you doing!"

Seeing Meng Fan's actions, Zhantian Giant suddenly became anxious, grabbed Meng Fan's shoulder, and dissuaded him.

"You can't change all of this, don't move, this is what happened in the past, once you move, you can't change it, but you have to touch the power of time and space, and you will be crushed. !"

Hearing the words of the Zhantian Giant, Meng Fan nodded and said,

"I don't want to change everything, but...I want to give this old man a gift!"

Before the words fell, Meng Fan's body was already in the air, leaving the secret realm of Lingshan, and floating above the gate of Pishan.

Sitting cross-legged in meditation, Meng Fan was above the sky, with his palm gently supporting, a golden piano body emerged in his palm. This piano came from the Heavenly Devil King and also came from the same vein. The name is Phoenix Guqin. In the old days, it was a peerless artifact used by Yang Qing. It was later collected by Meng Fan, and after some refining, it was engraved with the word, Qing!

This is a kind of yearning for Meng Fan's old friends, a kind of memory of the past, even if it has no shocking power in itself, it is of great significance to Meng Fan, and he will not be taken out at all.

But now, Meng Fan gently placed this guqin in front of him, and his fingers slowly fell on it, plucking the strings.

After a moment, the sound of the piano in Meng Fan's hands also slowly spread, falling into the ears of the people in this smashing mountain gate, and gradually, it continued to diffuse, so that everyone in the entire mountain gate had heard it and continued to spread it. , Including countless people among the ten thousand domains, also heard the sound of Meng Fan's piano.

It is too difficult to want the sound of a piano to spread all over the world!

Only the kind of people who have studied the martial arts of Qin for many years have this qualification. Above this point, Meng Fan is naturally far inferior to the King of Heavenly Remnants. He relied on this one to start his career, but its The attainments of the martial art of Qin are absolutely extraordinary.

It was hand-passed by the Heavenly Remnant God King, so at the moment the sound of the piano rang through the world, it also shocked everyone's body, and was instinctively attracted by this personally.

There is a long, slow voice in this sound. The more you listen, the more you can feel the extraordinaryness of this tune, the tune is in your ears, and every note has a breath, as if conveying a kind of Sadness, parting, and many emotions.

And it’s not just these. Accompanied by Meng Fan’s playing, the tone has become more agitated. Although the sadness is still there, everyone can clearly feel that there is a sense of war in the voice, knowingly. Don't do it, you must fight for death in this battle!

Suddenly, Meng Fan crossed his knees and played the guqin. The sound of the piano also kept falling. This is a... war song.

After a moment, countless people changed their eyes, and they couldn't think that someone had chosen to play the piano at this moment. Their eyes were focused on Meng Fan, with a hint of doubt. Because no one has ever seen Meng Fan, including the people who split the mountain gate, but no one dared to bother, because the sound of this tune is so good, the more you go down, the longer the sound, the more transparent The fighting spirit that came out became clearer.

In the sky, the old man Pishan paused slightly before turning around and looking at Meng Fan.

At this moment, the two eyes met, and the old man Pishan smiled, extremely calm.

But Meng Fan's expression changed, and an unimaginable shock appeared in his eyes.

This old man...knows everything!

Who is Meng Fan? How terrible is his insight into everything in the world. At the moment when the two eyes met, Meng Fan had already sensed that this old man not only knew all his secrets, but also knew his business. , Sure to die.

He knew that the two of him came from the future, he knew the aura of heaven, and he even vaguely guessed the general trend of the future!

Meng Fan sighed lightly, he understood from the eyes of the old man Pishan, the moment they set foot on the gate of the mountain, the old man Pishan had actually discovered it. The latter is a strong man in the Divine King Realm, and has already reached the point of suppressing the past and the present, how can he escape under his nose.

The reason why the old man Pishan didn't make a move was because the old man Pishan was waiting, he was also curious, curious about the origins of the two Meng Fans, and was observing Meng Fan.

It's just that the Heavenly Dao puppets appeared, just the martial arts aura between the two showed, until the old man shot the mountain, he knew all this was a guess.

At this moment, the old man in the mountain already knew his end, but he still chose...this path!

The reason why Meng Fan didn't dare to alarm the old man Pishan before that was because he was afraid that the latter would change his attention because of what he knew, but the old man Pishan didn't, his footsteps still didn't stop, and his fighting spirit...still... Dominate the world.

This is a kind of death, this is a kind of indifferent!

The sound of the piano was floating, and his hands trembled slightly. Even Meng Fan could not restrain his emotions.

This was the true meaning of the great emperor. Even if it was him, he did not dare to say that in the situation of the old man, he could do better than the old man.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan couldn’t help but feel awe, stroking the piano with both hands, and the sound of the piano continued to rise. With the sound of the piano, Meng Fan also slowly spoke.

"Farewell today, I won't see you again, just before the departure of the king, I will give you a song called...Xing Zhan!"

On the way, the warriors are speechless!

A few words rumbling, at this moment, Meng Fan's voice is accompanied by the sound of his piano, and it resounds throughout the world, full of a kind of golden iron horse, the atmosphere of thousands of miles.

This song was played by Meng Fan himself. Looking at his life, Meng Fan is so arrogant, but now facing the old man in the mountain, he is a junior salute and a battle to see him off!

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